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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 "...too lively." - medical school primary advisor in regards to my dissertation
 "The palpable excitement of your paper was distracting." - thesis supervisor, same room, same meeting
 "The humor did not help." - associate dean and secondary supervisor, two seconds later

Recruiting residents and visitors of Lewis and Thurston counties


God, I hope this doesn't violate WP:CANVASS...here we go anyways! If you're a resident of Lewis or Thurston counties, or a tourist, visitor, or someone interested in the area...for the love all that is holy and pure in this world...sign up an become an editor! Share photos of this glorious region of Washington on Wikimedia Commons - [1]. Share your knowledge and insight! Without enough people to participate, history and knowledge becomes lost and you can be someone who saves it.

A bit over-the-top? Was it the "glorious" part? Well, I still mean it. Wikipedia needs editors of all talents and experiences. I don't know jack-squat about coding and yet here I am. Great editors already existing here will help out with whatever you feel you lack. Sign up, help out, and the reward is thankless until you realize that there are Wikipedia readers reading your words and work, providing them with information they never knew before.

And if you're not from this region, nor are you interested in it at all, sign up anyways and edit/add to whatever does float your gray matter!

Trust in local news...and WP:LOCAL!


Trust that local news sources can report from a more nuanced, detailed perspective and recognizing that value so that smaller cities, towns, and areas (especially in suburban, semi-rural, rural fringe, and rural communities!) maintain the ability, if not the right, for the expansion of their own Wiki articles.

Life of constant fear and it seems like it'll never end


Oh, yeah, this'll help women feel safer online -

The average man gets the short shrift but women do feel unsafe an ungodly amount of time -

Husband is an editor, too


Ah, the communication between wife and husband! My betrothed of who-knows-how-long decided to briefly mention to me, in between him scowling at the flatscreen as if the tv is at fault for the latest Mariner's blunder and telling me about how he's going to paint the garage this weekend completely-out-of-the-blue, that he created a Wikipedia account for the first time after being an anonymous editor for over a decade. So, per WP:FAMILY, just wanted to make sure I put that out there. He's promised not to edit any pages I am involved in, and despite my annoyance towards him for a great many things, seeing as how he leaves my Ben & Jerry's alone, I know he'll do as he says.

Since he knows my stalked history (personal life and incidents here) and my want to stay an un-doxxed, anonymous editor, I won't be listing his username. I hope that's acceptable.

Article works


Drafts I'm working on (feel free to help out!)


Articles that I'm proud to have worked on


Articles that I helped to build






Groups, Organizations, or Programs










Articles that didn't make it

  • Ruth, Washington, waylaid by WP:GNIS, deleted due to it being only a rail station and not a community, but fret not, it may rise again (in a combo article, but still!)

Honors and stuff

Goofy achievements but proud anyways!
This editor is a Signator and is entitled to display this Scroll of Signatures.
This editor is a Burba and is entitled to display this First Book of Wikipedia.
This editor is a Novato and is entitled to display this Wikipedia Picture Story Book.
This editor is a Grognard and is entitled to display this Wikipedia Little Red Book.

No way I'm getting to Ephoros of the Encyclopedia unless I copyedit my own work.

This user has been on Wikipedia for 5 years, 1 month and 16 days.

Brief times that I've been away, explained!


In case it might matter at some time, me and the hubs took a long...and I mean looooonnngggg...and well deserved vacation at the end of 2023 into early 2024. Thanks to an enormous PTO bank we both saved up during Covid-19, we splurged. First day, we ran off the airplane, ran to the hotel, and ran into my now sworn enemy, a 9 year-old boy, who slammed a door into my hand, shattering a number of phalanges. So, wasn't able to edit because typing one-handed is depressingly slow and I'm already slow enough with two working hands. Healing well and its easier to type now. Glad to be back so let's get to it!

An addendum - surgery on the hand in early March kept me out of the loop!

Message to announce my return in 2023

On the drive back from a well-earned vacation, gaining the ability to rest after three years of Covid, anti-vaxxers, I'm-not-a-doctor/scientist-know-it-alls, rude and threatening family members of patients, and far too many patients in denial (IT"S ALL A HOAX! DOWN WITH FAUCI!!!), led to a realization that I was able to stand up to them all, professionally and with compassion. I was able to stand my ground stoically and factually with all my patients, even worn out nurses and doctors and admins. Many were men who outweigh me (assuming I'm not full up on a Taco Time burrito) between one hundred and two hundred pounds. Many out-heighting me by a 12, 14, 16 inches and plenty more...and yet I still held firm.

And if I could do that during the worst health crisis in my lifetime outside HIV/AIDS, why did I quit here because I could not find the same stoicism when my joy of editing was slowly sucked out of my experience?

So, I'm back. Haven't told the husband yet, but as long as I keep him distracted with ringing doorbells due to delivery after delivery of purchase after purchase of clothes and shoes and handbags that I "forget" to tell him about, I might be able to go quite a long time before he catches on and begins to ask me to edit yet another baseball player's page.

Plans are to tighten up my scope...concentrating exclusively on Thurston and Lewis counties here in Washington state...and expanding those area's presence and importance in the world here at Wikipedia. Maybe a slight jaunt to some of my favorite spots in Washington state!

Oh, and still plan to stand up for small communities throughout Washington state but to do so respectfully as I agreed to near the end of my masonry wall of text at the AfD desk. However, I still know that the easily misinterpreted and misapplied not-really-so-gray areas that exist in many WP's don't give permission for other editors (ahem, Wikipedia guardians...) to run roughshod over that respect.

Glad to be back, now let's get to work!
My temporary retirement in 2022-2023

Openly, I originally left because I felt hounded by one editor. Decided it wasn't worth it during Covid and gave in. Then I noticed a November 29, 2022 edit run on articles I created so...I'm geared up and ready to get back to work.

Well, looks like I'm gonna walk away. Maybe when I become a more crotchety old woman in my retirement 30 years from now, I'll come back because all the cats have died and the husband has finally learned to leave me be...and with some peace and quiet all I'll have left to do is come on here again and go to town on some editing and screw up some coding.

A big, true thanks to a great many editors here, whether they interacted with me or even knew me, for all the lessons that I've learned (and borrowed!) that helped me become a good-ish editor on my own. Keep up the awesome work - I truly believe that providing knowledge to the world is one of the most important duties we have. Now, after that brief interlude of pretention, get back to work!