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hi am brian from manchester . Iv bin recording for over 4half years useing the new evp that can now record dead people from the other side .iv not just got dead people recorded far from iv got many voices recordings as well . I do have some mind blowing stuff . Iv watched all the ghost shows on tv . But nothing comes close 2 what i can now do . Am not gona say how i got this new mind blowing tool from .theres a lot of privet things that i wont be talken about .am now takeing a break from all whats in my home .any there are things that just beyoned berleaf in my home but iv got the recordings .i have bin involed in some mind blowing stuff . Witch i cant or wont talk about . Am deciding weather 2 have my picks published of the dead people iv got .hoping some1 will no these dead people . Remember this is new no ghost shows have this yet . So if any body knows and realy under stands evp please get in touch .i do now class my self as 1 of the best evp around if ud like 2 see what iv got please get in touch brianasp1@live.co.uk thank u