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Proof of l'Hôpital's rule


The following proof is due to (Taylor 1952), where a unified proof for the 0/0 and ±∞/±∞ indeterminate forms is given. Taylor notes that different proofs may be found in (Lettenmeyer 1936) and (Wazewski 1949).

Let f and g be functions satisfying the hypotheses in the General form section. Let be the open interval in the hypothesis with endpoint c. Considering that on this interval and g is continuous, can be chosen smaller so that g is nonzero on [1].

For each x in the interval, define and as ranges over all values between x and c. (The symbols inf and sup denote the infimum and supremum.)

From the differentiability of f and g on , Cauchy's mean value theorem ensures that for any two distinct points x and y in there exists a between x and y such that . Consequently for all choices of distinct x and y in the interval. The value g(x)-g(y) is always nonzero for distinct x and y in the interval, for if it was not, the mean value theorem would imply the existence of a p between x and y such that g' (p)=0.

The definition of m(x) and M(x) will result in an extended real number, and so it is possible for them to take on the values ±∞. In the following two cases, m(x) and M(x) will establish bounds on the ratio f/g.

Case 1:

For any x in the interval , and point y between x and c,

and therefore as y approaches c, and become zero, and so


Case 2:

For any x in the interval , and point y between x and c,


As y approaches c, both and become zero, and therefore

(For readers skeptical about the x 's under the limit superior and limit inferior, remember that y is always between x and c, and so as x approaches c, so will y. The limsup and liminf are necessary: we may not yet write "lim" since the existence of that limit has not yet been established.)

In both cases,


By the Squeeze theorem, the limit exists and . This is the result that was to be proven.


  1. ^ Since g' is nonzero and g is continuous on the interval, it is impossible for g to be zero more than once on the interval. If it had two zeros, the mean value theorem would assert the existence of a point p in the interval between the zeros such that g' (p)=0. So either g is already nonzero on the interval, or else the interval can be reduced in size so as not to contain the single zero of g.
  2. ^ Spivak, Michael (1994). Calculus. Houston, Texas: Publish or Perish. pp. 201–202, 210–211. ISBN 0-914098-89-6.