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The full extent of the Empire by Alexander the Great as he strove to conquer the lands of Asia and the Mediterranean.

The picture for the Expansion page:
it worked.

Neocolonial Racism


Neocolonial Racism is a subgroup of racism that is inspired by the power dynamics left by the power and wealth disparages left by a colonial landscape.

Theory's behind

This elite is a hegemony that depends on mainstream America’s imposed, whitewashed, willfully accepted false memory about individuals like Bob Marley who are perceived to threaten Jamaica’s neocolonial relationship with the United States. This false memory also demonizes those at the bottom of a chain of command.



The effect of the ideology of Manifest Destiny on the people in the US Southern Plains. Mexican War that occurred during 1846-1848. The Bent, St. Vrain and Company stated to be the most influential Indian Trading company prior to the Mexican War, underwent a decline between the years and the loss of trading Partner Charles Bent on January 19, 1847, due to the issues caused by American Expansion. The tribes: Cheyennes, Comanches, Kiowas, and Pawnees died from Small pox in 1839-1840, measles and whooping cough in 1845, and cholera in 1849 brought by white settlers after the war. The buffalo herds, sparse grasses, and rare waters were also depleted following the war as increased traffic by Settlers moving to California during the gold rush. [1]

In American politics after the war of 1812, Manifest Destiny was the ideological movement during America's expansion West. The movement incorporated expansionist nationalism with Continentalism, with the Mexican War in 1846-1848 being attributed to it. Despite championing American settlers and traders as the people whom the Government's military would be aiding, the Bent, St. Vrain and Company stated to be the most influential Indian Trading company prior to the Mexican War, underwent a decline due to War and traffic from American settlers by Beyreis. The company also lost Partner Charles Bent on January 19, 1847, to a riot caused by the Mexican War. The tribes: Cheyennes, Comanches, Kiowas, and Pawnees died from Small pox in 1839-1840, measles and whooping cough in 1845, and cholera in 1849 brought by white settlers. The buffalo herds, sparse grasses, and rare waters were also depleted following the war as increased traffic by Settlers moving to California during the gold rush. [2] This is what I went with. One paragraph in the article.

For the Expansionism of Israel, Israel was made from the reacquired lands held by Palestine under the manifesto of original ownership [3]... Israel was made from the reacquired lands held by Palestine under the manifesto of original ownership in May 14, 1948, following the end of World War II and the Holocaust. Its government has tried to expand its territory and power through the occupation of the Golan Heights in 1967 and effectively ending in 2018.[4][5] NEEED TO ADD A PICTURE!!

  1. ^ Beyreis, David (Summer 2018). "The Chaos of Conquest: The Bents and the Problem of American Expansion". Kansas History. 41, Issue 2: 72–89 – via History Reference Center.
  2. ^ Beyreis, David (Summer 2018). "The Chaos of Conquest: The Bents and the Problem of American Expansion". Kansas History. 41, Issue 2: 72–89 – via History Reference Center.
  3. ^ Masalha, Nur (2000). Imperial Israel and the Palestinians: politics of expansion. Sterling, VA: Pluto Press.
  4. ^ Masalha, Nur (2000). Imperial Israel and the Palestinians: politics of expansion. Sterling, VA: Pluto Press.
  5. ^ https://theintercept.com/2018/01/23/israel-syria-safe-buffer-zone-golan-heights/