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The Hospital lighting Climate change is a major threat to the public health. Hospitals have a distinct leadership opportunity for operationalizing climate solutions. However, hospital buildings are energy-intensive due to their fully equipped operations. It is important for hospitals to engage further in climate actions by implementing the low-carbon approaches. This study performed a Rhino model simulation to investigate efficiency of external shading devices to improve energy performance in the in-patient building of the public hospital in Thailand, while its sensory effects on daylighting; [sDA, DGP, PMV, energy(kWh)] XXXXX, and thermal comfort; Predicted Mean Vote (PMV), were also considered to provide well-beings in buildings. The results indicated that the shading devices can reduced XX% energy consumption, with achieving thermal comfort and daylight utilizations in the occupied areas. Thus, the element of shading devices can be improved towards energy efficiency potential to implement as a climate change mitigation plan in public hospital buildings within the regional context of Thailand and other tropical countries.

Literature reviews


2.3 Daylighting and Thermal Comfort in a Hospital


Daylighting indicators ในโรงบาล เช่น Daylight factor/ Illuminance/ Luminance/ Glare


Basic terms

  • utilized area/ occupied space
  • Light allows us to see visual tasks and their surrounding area effectively and efficiently in comfort, safety and security, in all conditions. Furthermore light affects our circadian rhythms, mood, improves our performance and well-being. A good lighting design will deliver light where and when it is required at the right level, direction and quality over the required time.
  • Illumination can be provided by daylight, electric light or by a combination of these two sources through a well-designed, installed and operated lighting system.[1]
  • Daylight is visible part of global solar radiation capable of causing a visual sensation
  • Illuminance (unit: lux)
  • Luminance (unit: cd)
  • Glazing transmittance/ Visible light transmittance

Daylight provision

  • Calculation grid : to determine target values of illuminances and daylight factors, it is necessary to perform calculations over the entire reference plane, located 0,85 m above the floor of the area to which they apply. The points at which calculations should be carried out are defined in Formula (B.1).

Grid cells approximating to a square are preferred, the ratio of length to width 0.5 to 2.

      • Calculation grids

To determine target values of illuminances and daylight factors, it is necessary to perform calculations over the entire reference plane, located 0,85 m above the floor of the area to which they apply. The points at which calculations should be carried out are defined in Formula (B.1). Grid cells approximating to a square are preferred, the ratio of length to width of a grid cell shall be kept between 0,5 and 2. The maximum grid size shall be: log d = × 10 p (B.1) 0 5 5 , ( ) where — P ≤ 10 m, — d is the longer dimension of the calculation area (m), however if the ratio of the longer to the shorter side is 2 or more then d becomes the shorter dimension of the area, and — p is the maximum grid cell size (m). The number of points in the relevant dimension is given by the nearest whole number that is equal to or greater than d/p. The resulting spacing between the grid points is used to calculate the nearest whole number of grid points in the other dimension. This will give a ratio of length to width of a grid cell close to 1.

The area of the grid points, within a space, should exclude a band of 0,5 m from the walls, unless

    • Target illuminance
    • sDA IES LM-83-23
    • CEN 17037:2018
  • Daylight calculation method
    • rule:
      • VLT lower due to dirt composition
      • always approximations and uncertainties
      • reflection of indoor surfaces: recommended ceiling 0.7-0.9; interior walls 0.5-0.8; floor 0.2-0.4
      • exterior surface: ground 0.2; wall 0.6
    • method
      • Method 1: Daylight factor
        • Daylight factor: ratio of the illuminance at a point on a given plane due to the light received directly or indirectly from a sky of assumed or known luminance distribution, to the illuminance on a horizontal plane due to an unobstructed hemisphere of this sky, excluding the contribution of direct sunlight to both illuminances, glazing, dirt effects are included normally calculate considering an overcast sky (sky type 1 or 16 in ISO 15469)
        • DT : Target daylight factor
        • DTM : Minimum target daylight factor
      • Method 2: Illuminance level
          • Daylight provision : level of illuminance achieved across a fraction of a reference plane for a fraction of daylight hours within a space


  • View opening/Daylight opening /Envelope glazing/ window
    • Daylight opening/ Envelope glazing to the regularly occupied floor area ratio/ window-to-floor area ratio (WFR)
  • Dw : Distance from daylight opening (meter)

Exposure to sunlight

  • Area of the facade
  • Area of the glazing
  • Daylight availability (skylight)
    • Lv : Sky luminance

Glare protection

  • Glare condition of vision in which there is discomfort or a reduction in the ability to see details or objects, caused by an unsuitable distribution or range of luminance, or by extreme contrasts
  • Daylight Discomfort Glare glare by daylight that causes discomfort without necessarily impairing the vision of objects
    • Ev : Vertical illuminance at eye level (lux)
    • Ls: luminance of glare source
    • Daylight Glare Probability (DGP) [2]
    • DGPe<5% : DGP-value, that is not exceeded in more than 5% of the occupation time
    • DGPs : simplified DGP value
    • DGPt : threshold DGP value for a critical glare situation

Daylight harvesting controls


เกณฑ์มาตรฐาน Daylighting


CIBSE Lighting Guide 2: Hospitals and health care buildings 2008

  • The window plays many roles within a hospital including transmitting daylight, providing patients and staff with a view of the outside world, and as a source of ventilation.
  • Windows and daylight give a building the variety and interest that can rarely be achieved in any other way. People respond positively to daylight and it is well understood that daylight has a beneficial role to play in the recovery and wellbeing of the patients and staff. Daylight is particularly important in hospitals as it has excellent colour rendering properties making clinical tasks easier to perform. It offers the potential for significant energy savings and because it is dynamic in nature it can help patients maintain their body clocks and provide stimulation and visual interest.
  • Daylight illumination recommended
    • bedded areas
  • View recommended
    • bedded areas
  • Daylight not recommended
    • Audiology test room
    • Hydrotherapy pools
  • The recommendation for daylight in hospitals, especially the ward areas, is to achieve an average daylight factor between 2% and 5%. Most hospital areas should aim to achieve at least 3%. However, the daylight factor cannot be taken in isolation as a high daylight factor with a low uniformity value will make the spaces adjacent to large windows look gloomy and supplementary lighting may be required to instill a visual balance. Uniformity levels of between 30% and 50% should be achieved. In this way an area with a 2% daylight factor and a uniformity of 40% will look more attractive than a space with a daylight factor of 5% and a uniformity level of 10%(2).

IES Lighting for Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities 2016

  • Increasingly, facilities recognize the need for 24-hour circadian rhythm-supportive lighting schemes. Lighting systems should be able to deliver higher levels of illumination during the day, with a key component being daylight.
  • Daylight recommendation
    • Post-surgical care areas (after surgery) to help orient awakening patients. It is important to consider patient privacy while maintaining clear views for caregivers to each patient. If daylight is not available, the lighting designer should consider creative ways to mimic diurnal cycles to help reorient patients with the current time of day.
    • Chemotherapy and Infusion Therapy to connect with nature, therapeutic environment with views of nature or with art scenes is strongly encouraged./ be careful for heat gain--> need lower VLT
    • Dialysis Treatment because of low vision/ often elderly
    • Prosthetics Laboratory for high CRI
    • Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy as a connection to the outdoors,
    • Occupational Therapy
    • Speech Pathology
    • Dental Exam for high CRI
    • Clinical Laboratories for high CRI
  • suggest daylight harvesting controls
    • Chemotherapy and Infusion Therapy
    • Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy
    • Occupational Therapy
    • Speech Pathology

WELL 2024

  • Visible light transmittance (VLT) (WELL > 40%)
  • Envelope glazing to the regularly occupied floor area ratio. (WELL > 15%-25%)
  • Manual shading/ automate shading มีหรือไม่มีเพื่อกัน glare
  • Total floor area daylight standard
    • IES LM-83-23 --> sDA 200,40% > 30%
    • CEN 17037:2018 --> Target illuminance 200 lux is achieved for >30% of floor area throughout 50% of daylit hours of the year
  • Occupied space daylight standard (working area, living area)=====
    • IES LM-83-12 --> sDA 300,50% > 55%/ 300,50% > 75%
    • CEN 17037:2018 --> Target illuminance of 300 lux is achieved for >50% of regularly occupied areas throughout 50% of daylit hours of the year/ Target illuminance of 300 lux is achieved for >50% of total area and average illuminance 100 lux is achieved for >95% of total area throughout 50% of daylit hours of the year

LEED 2024

  • Provide glare control devices to avoid high-contrast situations
  • 4 options
    • achieve daylight illuminance levels of a minimum of 10 footcandles (fc) (108 lux) and a maximum of 500 fc (5,400 lux) in a clear sky condition on September 21 at 9 a.m. and 3 p.m
    • Achieve a value, calculated as the product of the visible light transmittance (VLT) and window-to-floor area ratio (WFR) between 0.150 and 0.180. 0.150<VLTx WFR<0.180 The window area included in the calculation must be at least 30 inches (0.8 meters) above the floor. In section, the ceiling must not obstruct a line that extends from the window-head to a point on the floor that is located twice the height of the window-head from the exterior wall as measured perpendicular to the glass.
    • Demonstrate through records of indoor light measurements that a minimum daylight illumination level of 10 fc (108 lux) and a maximum of 500 fc (5,400 lux) has been achieved in the applicable spaces.
    • Any of the above calculation methods may be combined to document the minimum daylight illumination in the applicable spaces.

CEN Daylight in buildings 2018

  • Recommendations for daylight provision in a space, also in WELL standard: Target illuminance 200 lux is achieved for >30% of floor area throughout 50% of daylit hours of the year (Daylight Factor for 500lx task around 3% - 5%)
  • Recommendations for view: View opening(s) should provide a sufficient view. If there are several openings with little distance between them, the sum of openings may be regarded as one opening. Number of layers to be seen from at least 75 % of utilized area: sky, landscape (urban and/or nature), ground
  • Recommendations for exposure to sunlight 1.5 h to 4 h, The recommendation is that a space should receive possible sunlight for a duration according to Table A.6 (supposed to be cloudless) on a selected date between February 1st and March 21st. Table A.6 proposes three levels for sunlight exposure. See Annex D for further details.
  • Recommendations for glare protection: The Daylight Glare Probability (DGP) should not exceed a maximum value for more than the fraction FDGP,exceed = 5 % of the usage time of the space. In Table A.7, DGPe < 5 % -threshold values for differ 0.45 - 0.35.

สรุปบทความอื่นที่ศึกษาเรื่อง Daylighting ในโรงบาล



Evidence-Based Research
  • Cycled Light in Pediatric Units.
    • Cycled light in the intensive care unit for pre- term and low birth weight infants (Iris Morag and Ohlsson).56 A review of all research on this subject to date favors the use of cycled light rather than near darkness, and cycled rather than continuous bright light, but precludes a clear recommendation.
    • Reduced incidental light exposure: Effect on the development of retinopathy in low birth weight, infants (Ackerman, Sherwonit and Fisk).57 This study failed to show a link between reduction of ambient light and retinopathy in premature infants.
    • Effect of night and day on preterm infants in a newborn nursery: randomized trial (Mann, Haddow, Stokes, Goodley and Rutter).58 Cycled light improved weight gain and sleep proficiency in infants.
    • Effects of cycled light on preterm infants

(Blackburn and Patteson).59 Cycled light improved infant outcomes.

    • The effects of cycled versus non-cycled lighting on growth and development in pre-term infants (Miller, White, Whitman, O’Callagham and Maxwell).60 Cycled light improved infant outcomes better than constant light.
    • A controlled clinical trial of light and retinopathy of prematurity (Seiberth, Linderkamp, Knorz and Liesenhoff).61 This study failed to show a link between reduction of ambient light and retinopathy in premature infants.
    • Lack of efficacy of light reduction in preventing retinopathy of prematurity. Light Reduction in Retinopathy of Prematurity (LIGHT-ROP) Cooperative Group (Reynolds, Hardy, Kennedy and Spencer).62 This study failed to show a link between reduction of ambient light and retinopathy in premature infants.
    • Effect of illumination in prevention of hyperbilirubinemia of prematurity (Giunta and Rath).63 Infants exposed to 900 lux (90 fc) had lower serum bilirubin than those exposed to 100 lux (10 fc).
  • Daylight Exposure and Healing Rates.
    • Sunshine, gender, and outcomes in myocardial infarction (Beauchemin and Hayes).64 Women in east-facing rooms recovered faster than women in west-facing rooms.
    • The effect of sunlight on postoperative analgesic medication usage: a prospective study of patients undergoing spinal surgery (Walch, Rabin, Day, Williams, Choi and Kang).65 Patients in brighter rooms used 22 percent less pain medication, and reduced medication costs by 21 percent.
    • Ischemic stroke destabilizes circadian rhythms (Meng, Lui, Borjigin, Wang).66 Stroke changes melatonin secretion immediately and creates circadian instability for several days.
    • Lighting and psychological comfort (Heerwagen and Heerwagen).67 People prefer rooms with daylight.
    • Relationship between climate and psychiatric patient length of stay (Federman, Drebing, Boisvert and Penk).68 Lengths of stay were shorter for patients in hospitals located in warmer, drier climates.
    • Sunny hospital rooms expedite recovery from severe and refractory depressions (Beauchemin, Hayes).69 Depressed patients in sunny rooms had stays that were 2.6 days shorter.
    • Morning sunlight reduces stays in patients with bipolar depression (Denedetti, Colombo, Barbini, Campori, Smeraldi).70 Direct sunlight in the morning reduced stays by 3.67 days.
    • Bright light treatment decreases depression in institutionalized elderly (Sumaya, Rienzi, Deegan and Moss).71 After one week, 50 percent of participants exposed to 10,000 lux (1,000 fc) in the morning no longer scored in the depressed range. Placebo (300 lux [30 fc]) and control groups showed no change.
    • Morning vs. evening light treatment of patients with winter depression (Lewy, Bauer, Cutler, Sack, Ahmed, Thomas, et al).72 Exposure to bright light is more effective in the morning.
  • Daylight and Job Satisfaction.
    • Daylight exposure and burnout among nurses (Alimoglu and Donmez). Exposure to 3 hours of daylight per day lowered stress and increased job satisfaction responses.
    • Windows in the Workplace, Sunlight, View and Occupational Stress (Leather, Pyrgas, Beale and Lawrence).76 Daylight penetration and views decreased job stress; illumination levels had no impact.
  • Circadian Adaptation for Night Shift Workers.
    • Circadian adaptation to nightshift work (Boivin and James).77 Circadian phase shifts were stronger in nurses who were not exposed to 3,243 lux (324 fc) for 6 hours during their shifts and given tinted goggles at the end of their shifts.
    • Complete or partial circadian re-entrainment improves performance, alertness, and mood during nightshift work (Crowley, Lee, Tseng, Fogg and Eastman).78 Recommends intermittent bright-light exposure during the nightshift and dark sunglasses during the commute home, with a routine early-daytime sleep period in a dark room.
  • Medication Error Reduction.
    • Illumination and errors in dispensing

(Buchanan, Barker, Gibson, Jiang and Pearson).79 Error rates with 1,460 lux (146 fc) and 1,020 lux (102 fc) were significantly lower than error rates with 45 fc.

    • Seasonal pattern of hospital medication errors in Alaska (Booker, Roseman).80 Showed a link to increases in medication errors 2 months after seasonal darkness onset.
  • Alzheimer’s Disease.
    • Lighting effects on Alzheimer’s patient behavior (LaGrace).81 In applying ambient colored light at sundown, researchers found that blue light was very calming, white light improved alertness and functioning, and yellow and red exacerbated agitation.
    • Bright light treatment of behavioral and sleep disturbances in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (Satlin, Volicer, Ross, Herz, Campbell).82 Bright light between 7 PM and 9 PM reduced sleep-wake disturbances in 8 out of 10 patients.

WELL standard references


the Effects of Natural Light on Building Occupants[3]

Important of daylight exposure: basic concept for biological effect.[4] It is called human-centric method.[5]

Psychological healing from daylighting. Rooms with large windows also reduce recovery time for patients suffering from severe depression and those recuperating after heart attacks, compared to similarly afflicted patients in rooms with windows facing buildings or other obstructions.[6] [7][8]

Indoor spaces with daylight exposure have been shown to have fewer bacteria, compared to spaces without any light exposure.[9]

Hospital facade design articles. Blinds with flat or gently curved slat shapes scored better daylighting and view exposure results. Intermediate slat point horizontal position has a marginal effect on performance. The sDA on the room area was the limiting factor in determining acceptable slat shapes. Bed surface area sDA produced larger number of acceptable slats than that of room area. [10]

Independent and integrated lighting and daylight control strategies were proposed. Energy and visual comfort performances of seven control strategies were compared. Integrated controls are linked to HVAC and occupancy state information. Integrated controls generally perform better than independent controls. [11]

Sun breakers’ cutoff angle is more influential than its tilt angle in provision of daylighting. The number of accepted sun-breaker cases increased with higher window to wall ratios for both patient rooms. A wider range of accepted tilt angles was identified for patient rooms having inboard bathrooms. Efficient daylighting was achieved in all WWRs for cut off angles between 50° and 54°. Horizontal sun-breakers achieved successful results in all tested WWRs for the two patient room layouts.[12]



Light and sleep within hospital settings [13]

Analysis of circadian stimulus allowed by daylighting in hospital rooms[14]

Hospital lighting and patient ’ s health The influence of daylight and artificial light on the circadian rhythm , length of stay and pain levels of hospital patients [15]



3.2 Simulation Tool


แนะนำ Rhino model


แนะนำปลั๊กอิน/ฟีเจอร์เสริม เช่น Grasshopper


อธิบายกลไกการทำงานของซอฟต์แวร์ features and applications ต่างๆ


3.3 Simulation Inputs, Modelling, and Settings


บอกว่าเราจะเปรียบเทียบ BEFORE/AFTERหลังติดระแนง เพื่อดูว่าระแนงช่วยประหยัดไฟมั้ย/ช่วยลดแสงจ้ามั้ย/ช่วยลดความร้อนที่จะเข้ามามั้ย

model & environment

  • บอกว่าเราจะมีอาคารbaselineตั้งเอาไว้เปรียบเทียบ
  • ระแนงเป็นยังไง
  • Inputของอาคาร บอกว่าเราจะจำลองอาคารอะไร/ตั้งอยู่ที่ไหน/ทิศไหน/ อาคารกี่ชั้นกี่โซน/วัสดุ
  • ตอนsimulateจะเปิดไฟ+เปิดแอร์มั้ย
  • ตอนsimulateมีคนในโมเดลมั้ย/ มี-ไม่มีส่งผลยังไง
  • Weather data มาจากไหน


  • Simulateวันไหน/ กี่วัน/ คาบการเก็บข้อมูลสั้น-ยาวแค่ไหน


  • ค่า Energy จะsimulateยังไง/ขั้นตอนคร่าวๆ/ พอเสร็จแล้วจะเอามาวิเคราะห์ยังไง
  • ค่า Daylighting จะsimulateยังไง/ขั้นตอนคร่าวๆ/ พอเสร็จแล้วจะเอามาวิเคราะห์ยังไง
  • ค่า Thermal comfort จะsimulateยังไง/ขั้นตอนคร่าวๆ/ พอเสร็จแล้วจะเอามาวิเคราะห์ยังไง

3.4 Simulation Validation


ขั้นตอนนี้สำคัญมาก เป็นหัวใจของงานเลยว่าจะถูกตีพิมพ์มั้ย กรรมการจะถามว่าเราจะเชื่อถือข้อมูล Simulationได้ยังไง/ เราต้องตอบว่าเราเอาข้อมูลSimulationมาเทียบกับค่าจริง แล้วมันต่างกันแค่15%หรือทำlinear regressionแล้วจึงน่าเชื่อถือ งานนี้มี Energyของจริงจากใบเสร็จ มาเปรียบเทียบกับEnergy จากSimulationมั้ย? งานนี้มี Daylightของจริงจากเครื่องวัดในโรงบาล มาเปรียบเทียบกับDaylightจากSimulationมั้ย? งานนี้มีการวัดค่าอุณหภูมิของจริงจากโรงบาล มาเปรียบเทียบกับอุณหภูมิจากSimulationมั้ย?



4.1 Energy results

  • อาคารbaselineมีพลังงานเป็นไง/ หลังติดระแนงพลังงานลดลงกี่เปอร์เซ็นต์
  • แสดงกราฟ/แผนภูมิข้อมูล

4.2 Daylighting results

  • อาคารbaselineมีDaylightเป็นไง/ หลังติดระแนงผลลัพธ์แตกต่างยังไง
  • แสดงกราฟ/แผนภูมิข้อมูล

4.3 Thermal comfort results

  • อาคารbaselineมี Thermal comfort เป็นไง/ หลังติดระแนงผลลัพธ์แตกต่างยังไง
  • แสดงกราฟ/แผนภูมิข้อมูล

4.4 Suggestion


บาลานซ์ระหว่างenergy/Daylight/ Thermal comfortยังไง

See also



  2. ^ Giovannini, Luigi; Favoino, Fabio; Lo Verso, Valerio R.M.; Pellegrino, Anna; Serra, Valentina (24 June 2019). "ANNUAL EVALUATION OF DAYLIGHT DISCOMFORT GLARE: STATE OF THE ART AND DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SIMPLIFIED APPROACH": 306–316. doi:10.25039/x46.2019.OP42. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  3. ^ Edwards, L.; Torcellini, P. (1 July 2002). "Literature Review of the Effects of Natural Light on Building Occupants". OSTI.GOV. doi:10.2172/15000841.
  4. ^ Boubekri, Mohamed; Cheung, Ivy N.; Reid, Kathryn J.; Wang, Chia-Hui; Zee, Phyllis C. (15 June 2014). "Impact of Windows and Daylight Exposure on Overall Health and Sleep Quality of Office Workers: A Case-Control Pilot Study". Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. 10 (06): 603–611. doi:10.5664/jcsm.3780.
  5. ^ Amundadottir, Maria L.; Rockcastle, Siobhan; Sarey Khanie, Mandana; Andersen, Marilyne (February 2017). "A human-centric approach to assess daylight in buildings for non-visual health potential, visual interest and gaze behavior". Building and Environment. 113: 5–21. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2016.09.033.
  6. ^ Beauchemin, Kathleen M; Hays, Peter (September 1996). "Sunny hospital rooms expedite recovery from severe and refractory depressions". Journal of Affective Disorders. 40 (1–2): 49–51. doi:10.1016/0165-0327(96)00040-7.
  7. ^ Joarder, Ar; Price, Adf (August 2013). "Impact of daylight illumination on reducing patient length of stay in hospital after coronary artery bypass graft surgery". Lighting Research & Technology. 45 (4): 435–449. doi:10.1177/1477153512455940.
  8. ^ Beauchemin, Kathleen M; Hays, Peter (September 1996). "Sunny hospital rooms expedite recovery from severe and refractory depressions". Journal of Affective Disorders. 40 (1–2): 49–51. doi:10.1016/0165-0327(96)00040-7.
  9. ^ Fahimipour, Ashkaan K.; Hartmann, Erica M.; Siemens, Andrew; Kline, Jeff; Levin, David A.; Wilson, Hannah; Betancourt-Román, Clarisse M.; Brown, Gz; Fretz, Mark; Northcutt, Dale; Siemens, Kyla N.; Huttenhower, Curtis; Green, Jessica L.; Van Den Wymelenberg, Kevin (December 2018). "Daylight exposure modulates bacterial communities associated with household dust". Microbiome. 6 (1). doi:10.1186/s40168-018-0559-4.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: unflagged free DOI (link)
  10. ^ Sherif, Ahmed; Sabry, Hanan; Wagdy, Ayman; Mashaly, Islam; Arafa, Rasha (August 2016). "Shaping the slats of hospital patient room window blinds for daylighting and external view under desert clear skies". Solar Energy. 133: 1–13. doi:10.1016/j.solener.2016.03.053.
  11. ^ Shen, Eric; Hu, Jia; Patel, Maulin (August 2014). "Energy and visual comfort analysis of lighting and daylight control strategies". Building and Environment. 78: 155–170. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2014.04.028.
  12. ^ Wagdy, Ayman; Sherif, Ahmed; Sabry, Hanan; Arafa, Rasha; Mashaly, Islam (June 2017). "Daylighting simulation for the configuration of external sun-breakers on south oriented windows of hospital patient rooms under a clear desert sky". Solar Energy. 149: 164–175. doi:10.1016/j.solener.2017.04.009.
  13. ^ Giménez, M; Geerdinck, L; Versteylen, M; Leffers, P; Meekes, GJBM; Herremans, H; de Ruyter, B; Schlangen, L (2011). "Light and sleep within hospital settings". Sleep-wake research in the Netherlands, annual proceedings of the Dutch Society for Sleep-Wake Research. NSWO. 22: 56–9.
  14. ^ Acosta, I; Leslie, Rp; Figueiro, Mg (February 2017). "Analysis of circadian stimulus allowed by daylighting in hospital rooms". Lighting Research & Technology. 49 (1): 49–61. doi:10.1177/1477153515592948. ISSN 1477-1535.
  15. ^ Pennings, Emmely (2018). "Hospital lighting and patient ' s health The influence of daylight and artificial light on the circadian rhythm , length of stay and pain levels of hospital patients". {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)