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Wikipedia Book - Extinction
[edit]IUCN Red List of extinct species
[edit]- Extinction
- Extinction event
- Lazarus taxon
- IUCN Red List of extinct species
- Acalypha rubrinervis
- Acanthobrama hulensis
- Acanthometropus pecatonica
- Achatinella abbreviata
- Achatinella elegans
- Achatinella buddii
- Achatinella caesia
- Achatinella casta
- Achatinella decora
- Achatinella dimorpha
- Achatinella juddii
- Achatinella juncea
- Achatinella lehuiensis
- Achatinella livida
- Achatinella papyracea
- Achatinella spaldingi
- Achatinella thaanumi
- Achatinella valida
- Achyranthes atollensis
- Acorn pearly mussel
- Acorn ramshorn
- Acrophoca
- Adenomus kandianus
- Adiantum lianxianense
- Advena campbelli
- Aepyornis
- Afrocyclops pauliani
- Agate rocksnail
- Agrotis cremata
- Agrotis melanoneura
- Agrotis microreas
- Agrotis panoplias
- Agrotis photophila
- Agrotis tephrias
- Ainsworth's Salamander
- Alabama clubshell
- Alabama pigtoe
- Alaotra Grebe
- Aldabra Brush-warbler
- Aldabra banded snail
- Alloperla roberti
- Amastra albolabris
- Amastra cornea
- Amastra crassilabrum
- Amastra elongata
- Amastra forbesi
- Amastra pellucida
- Amastra porcus
- Amastra reticulata
- Amastra subrostrata
- Amastra subsoror
- Amastra tenuispira
- Amastra umbilicata
- ʻĀmaui
- Ameca shiner
- American Chestnut Moth
- Amistad gambusia
- Amphicyclotulus guadeloupensis
- Amsterdam Island Duck
- Angled riffleshell
- Angrobia dulvertonensis
- Anonidium usambarense
- Anthony's Woodrat
- Aplocheilichthys sp. nov. 'Naivasha'
- Arabian Ostrich
- Arc-form pearly mussel
- Arcuate pearly mussel
- Argyroxiphium virescens
- Ascension Flightless Crake
- Ash Meadows killifish
- Asian Ostrich
- Atalaye Nesophontes
- Atelopus longirostris
- Atelopus ignescens
- Atelopus vogli
- Atitlán Grebe
- Atlas Bear
- Atlas Wild Ass
- Auckland Islands Merganser
- Auriculella expansa
- Auriculella uniplicata
- Aurochs
- Austrogammarus australis
- Balearic Shrew
- Bali Tiger
- Banff longnose dace
- Bar-winged Rail
- Barbados raccoon
- Barbus microbarbis
- Beddomeia tumida
- Begonia eiromischa
- Belgrandiella intermedia
- Bezoule
- Big-eared Hopping Mouse
- Bigmouth rocksnail
- Black Mamo
- Black-fronted Parakeet
- Blackfin cisco
- Blue-Gray Mouse
- Bluebuck
- Bluff Downs Giant Python
- Blunt-toothed Giant Hutia
- Blutaparon rigidum
- Bonin Grosbeak
- Bonin Nankeen Night Heron
- Bonin Thrush
- Bonin wood pigeon
- Bos primigenius mauretanicus
- Bos primigenius namadicus
- Boulder snail
- Bourbon Crested Starling
- Brace's Emerald
- Broad-billed Parrot
- Broad-faced Potoroo
- Brown pigtoe
- Bubal Hartebeest
- Buhler's Coryphomys
- Bulldog Rat
- Bunker's Woodrat
- Bushwren
- Bythinella intermedia
- Byttneria ivorensis
- Cachorrito de la Trinidad
- Caldwellia philyrina
- Campolaemus perexilis
- Campomanesia lundiana
- Canarian Black Oystercatcher
- Candango Mouse
- Cape Lion
- Cape Warthog
- Guadalupe Caracara
- Terrestrial Caracara
- Carelia anceophila
- Carelia bicolor
- Carelia cochlea
- Carelia cumingiana
- Carelia dolei
- Carelia evelynae
- Carelia glossema
- Carelia hyattiana
- Carelia kalalauensis
- Carelia knudseni
- Carelia lirata
- Carelia lymani
- Carelia mirabilis
- Carelia necra
- Carelia olivacea
- Carelia paradoxa
- Carelia periscelis
- Carelia pilsbryi
- Carelia sinclairi
- Carelia tenebrosa
- Carelia turricula
- Caribbean Monk Seal
- Carolina elktoe
- Casearia quinduensis
- Casearia tinifolia
- Caspian Tiger
- Catostomus catostomus cristatus
- Cebu Warty Pig
- Channeled pebblesnail
- Chatham Island Bellbird
- Chatham Islands Fernbird
- Chatham Rail
- Chestnut Clearwing Moth
- Chestnut Ermine Moth
- Chilonopsis blofeldi
- Chilonopsis exulatus
- Chilonopsis helena
- Chilonopsis melanoides
- Chilonopsis nonpareil
- Chilonopsis subplicatus
- Chilonopsis subtruncatus
- Chilonopsis turtoni
- Chinese elephant
- Choiseul Crested Pigeon
- Chondrostoma scodrense
- Clavicoccus erinaceus
- Clear Lake splittail
- Closed elimia
- Cnidoscolus fragrans
- Cobble elimia
- Coffea lemblinii
- Coleophora leucochrysella
- Collisella edmitchelli
- Colombian Grebe
- Colparion madgei
- Columbia Basin Pygmy Rabbit
- Confused Moth
- Conozoa hyalina
- Constricted elimia
- Puerto Rican Conure
- Coosa elktoe
- Coosa pigtoe
- Coosa rocksnail
- Corded purg
- Coregonus fera
- Craugastor chrysozetetes
- Craugastor escoces
- Craugastor milesi
- Crescent Nail-tail Wallaby
- Crested Moa
- Crudia zeylanica
- Cryptoprocta spelea
- Ctenochromis pectoralis
- Ctenoglypta newtoni
- Cuban Coney
- Cuban Ivory-billed Woodpecker
- Cumberland leafshell
- Cuscomys oblativus
- Cyanea dolichopoda
- Cyclophorus horridulum
- Cyclosurus mariei
- Cyclura cornuta onchiopsis
- Cynometra beddomei
- Villa Lopez Pupfish
- Perrito de Parras
- Perrito de Sandia
- Cyprinus yilongensis
- Darling Downs Hopping Mouse
- Deepwater cisco
- Delalande's Coua
- Deloneura immaculata
- Desert Bandicoot
- Desert Rat-kangaroo
- Desmodus draculae
- Dieffenbach's Rail
- Dinornis
- Dinornis struthoides
- Dodo
- Domed Mauritius giant tortoise
- Domed Rodrigues giant tortoise
- Dominican Green-and-yellow Macaw
- Double-banded Argus
- Drosophila lanaiensis
- Dryophthorus distinguendus
- Dryotribus mimeticus
- Dupontia proletaria
- Durango Shiner
- Dusky Flying Fox
- Dusky Seaside Sparrow
- Eastern Hare-wallaby
- Eastern Moa
- Eastwood's Long-tailed Seps
- Eelgrass limpet
- Eiao Monarch
- Elephant bird
- Elimia gibbera
- Elimia lachryma
- Elimia macglameriana
- Emperoptera mirabilis
- Emperor Rat
- Eoconodon
- Eoconodon copanus
- Eoconodon coryphaeus
- Eoconodon ginibitohia
- Eoconodon nidhoggi
- Erepta nevilli
- Erythrina schliebenii
- Evarra bustamantei
- Evarra eigenmanni
- Evarra tlahuacensis
- Excised slitshell
- Eyles' Harrier
- Falkland Islands Wolf
- Fine-rayed pearly mussel
- Fish Lake physa
- Fitchia mangarevensis
- Flabellidium spinosum
- Flores Cave Rat
- Forkshell
- Formosan Clouded Leopard
- Fusiform elimia
- Galipea ossana
- Gastric-brooding frog
- Gastrocopta chichijimana
- Gastrocopta ogasawarana
- Genophantis leahi
- Georgia pigtoe
- Giant Hoopoe
- Gibbus lyonetianus
- Gökçe Balığı
- Golden Greenbul
- Golden toad
- Gomidesia cambessedeana
- Goniacodon
- Gonidomus newtoni
- Gonospira nevilli
- Gould's Emerald
- Gould's Mouse
- Graceful Priapella
- Graecoanatolica macedonica
- Grand Cayman Thrush
- Great Auk
- Great Maui Crake
- Greater Cuban Nesophontes
- Greater Koa Finch
- Greater ʻAmakihi
- Guadalcanal Rat
- Guadeloupe Amazon
- Guadeloupe Ameiva
- Guadeloupe Parakeet
- Guam Flycatcher
- Guam flying fox
- Guettarda retusa
- Gulella mayottensis
- Haast's Eagle
- Hagerman Horse
- Haitian Nesophontes
- Haplochromis arcanus
- Haplochromis artaxerxes
- Haplochromis bartoni
- Haplochromis boops
- Haplochromis cassius
- Haplochromis decticostoma
- Haplochromis dentex
- Haplochromis estor
- Haplochromis flavipinnis
- Haplochromis gilberti
- Haplochromis gowersii
- Haplochromis longirostris
- Haplochromis macrognathus
- Haplochromis mandibularis
- Haplochromis martini
- Haplochromis michaeli
- Haplochromis mylergates
- Haplochromis nanoserranus
- Haplochromis nigrescens
- Haplochromis nyanzae
- Haplochromis obtusidens
- Haplochromis pachycephalus
- Haplochromis paraguiarti
- Haplochromis paraplagiostoma
- Haplochromis percoides
- Haplochromis pharyngomylus
- Haplochromis prognathus
- Haplochromis pseudopellegrini
- Haplochromis teegelaari
- Haplochromis thuragnathus
- Haplochromis xenostoma
- Harelip Sucker
- Harmogenanina linophora
- Harmogenanina subdetecta
- Harrington's Mountain Goat
- Hawai'i Mamo
- Hawaiʻi ʻŌʻō
- Hawaiian Rail
- Hawaiʻi ʻAkialoa
- Hawkins' Rail
- Hazel pigtoe
- Hearty elimia
- Heath Hen
- Heavy pigtoe
- Heavy-footed Moa
- Helenoconcha leptalea
- Helenoconcha minutissima
- Helenoconcha polyodon
- Helenoconcha pseustes
- Helenoconcha sexdentata
- Helenodiscus bilamellata
- Helenodiscus vernoni
- Heliotropium pannifolium
- Hernandia drakeana
- Hibiscadelphus bombycinus
- Hibiscadelphus crucibracteatus
- Hibiscadelphus wilderianus
- High-billed Crow
- High-spired elimia
- Highnut
- Hilo Noctuid Moth
- Hirasea planulata
- Hispaniolan Edible Rat
- Holdridge's Toad
- Hopea shingkeng
- Hoplotilapia retrodens
- Houting
- Huia
- Hygrotus artus
- Ilex gardneriana
- Ilex ternatiflora
- Imposter Hutia
- Incerticyclus cinereus
- Incerticyclus martinicensis
- Insular Cave Rat
- Interrupted rocksnail
- Jamaica Giant Galliwasp
- Jamaican Green-and-yellow Macaw
- Jamaican Monkey
- Jamaican Red Macaw
- Japanese Sea Lion
- Javan Tiger
- Kaholuamano Noctuid Moth
- Kāmaʻo
- Kanaka Pigeon
- Kangaroo Island Emu
- Karocolens tuberculatus
- Kauaʻi ʻŌʻō
- Kawekaweau
- Kenya oribi
- Kerr's Noctuid Moth
- King Island Emu
- Kioea
- Kokia lanceolata
- Kona Giant Looper Moth
- Kona Grosbeak
- Kosrae Island Crake
- Kosrae Island Starling
- Labrador Duck
- Lagostomus crassus
- Lake Mackay Hare-wallaby
- Lake Ontario kiyi
- Lake Pedder earthworm
- Lake Pedder planarian
- Lamellidea monodonta
- Lamellidea nakadai
- Lanaʻi Hookbill
- Large Palau Flying Fox
- Large Saint Helena Petrel
- Las Vegas Dace
- Laughing Owl
- Laysan Dropseed Noctuid Moth
- Laysan Noctuid Moth
- Laysan Rail
- Laysan ʻApapane
- Leiolopisma mauritiana
- Leiostyla lamellosa
- Lepidochrysops hypopolia
- Leptoxis torrefacta
- Lesser Antillean Macaw
- Lesser Bilby
- Lesser Koa Finch
- Leucocharis loyaltiensis
- Leucocharis porphyrocheila
- Levuana Moth
- Libera subcavernula
- Libera tumuloides
- Libythea cinyras
- Licania caldasiana
- Lined pocketbook
- Liocypris grandis
- Little Swan Island Hutia
- Littoraria flammea
- Littoridina gaudichaudii
- Liverpool Pigeon
- Long-tailed Hopping Mouse
- Longjaw cisco
- Longnut
- Lord Howe Gerygone
- Lord Howe Pigeon
- Lord Howe Swamphen
- Lovegrass Noctuid Moth
- Loxodonta adaurora
- Lyrate rocksnail
- Lyropupa perlonga
- Cuban Red Macaw
- Maclear's Rat
- Macrancylus linearis
- Macroscincus
- Madhuca insignis
- Maiden rocksnail
- Malagasy Hippopotamus
- Mamo
- Marcano's Solenodon
- Martinique Amazon
- Martinique Curly-tailed Lizard
- Martinique Giant Ameiva
- Maryland darter
- Mascarene Coot
- Mascarene Parrot
- Maui ʻAkepa
- Maupiti Monarch
- Mauritian Duck
- Mauritian Shelduck
- Mauritius Blue Pigeon
- Mauritius Night Heron
- Mauritius Owl
- Mautodontha acuticosta
- Mautodontha consimilis
- Mautodontha consobrina
- Mautodontha maupiensis
- Mautodontha parvidens
- Mautodontha punctiperforata
- Mautodontha saintjohni
- Mautodontha subtilis
- Mautodontha unilamellata
- Mautodontha zebrina
- Maximucinus muirheadae
- Mecodema punctellum
- Megadytes ducalis
- Megalagrion jugorum
- Megalobulimus cardosoi
- Megalomys desmarestii
- Megalomys luciae
- Megaoryzomys
- Melicope cruciata
- Melicope haleakalae