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User:PinkPanda272/List of parliamentary responses to the COVID-19 pandemic

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During the current COVID-19 pandemic, legislatures across the world have had to make changes to the way they operate. Many have reduced the number of people inside buildings to accommodate social distancing, while some have opted to move proceedings partially or fully online. These restrictions pose significant challenges for the operation of law-making bodies, especially with the need to pass emergency legislation relating to the pandemic.




Parliamentary responses in Europe
Country Parliament Measures taken
Albania Parliament of Albania (Kuvendi) Meetings taking place remotely.
Andorra General Council of Andorra (Consell General d'Andorra) Only essential business with limited number of MPs, virtual meetings between parliament and government.
Austria Austrian Parliament (Österreichisches Parlament) Remote meetings are not allowed, so at first Parliament met with smaller numbers proportional to party representation. With the easing of restrictions, seating arrangements have been altered to ensure distancing, and votes are taken orally at the end of each day. Most parliamentary staff are working from home, having already been issued with laptops due to renovations taking place in their usual office spaces.
Belgium Belgian Federal Parliament (Federaal Parlement van België/Parlement fédéral belge) Rules were amended in the Chamber of Representatives to allow members to participate and vote remotely, with committee meetings took place using Zoom. The Senate adopted similar working arrangements.
Bulgaria National Assembly (Narodno sabranie) Plenary sessions were suspended during the state of emergency.