In reality, Onikage Wolf is a mild-mannered teenager who spends far too much time on the Internet. And as such, this page is devoted more to his internet personae.
The Inquisitor is a descended violent mass-murderer. He tends to only kill stronger players, however, as they are the only ones that offer a challenge. Currently, he is aligned with the Knights of Lovecraft, though this may change soon.
In start contrast to The Inquisitor, War Martyr is a simple ascended healer. He heals everyone he sees, caring not for the low experience gain. Currently, he is aligned with the DWB (No relation to the real-life organization).
A neutral psuedo-cop, he does work for the Dunell Hills Police Department. As such, he is aligned with them, and currently resides in their stronghold in the Ragged Fortress.
He started his adventures in Malton as a mere scout for the Canadian military, sent in by the UN. However, he soon defected and went about his own business. He was a founding member of The Pixelanties, though that group has fragmented, and their sister group, True Grave, is the only remnant of them. He now works for the Dunell Hills Police Department in Chudleyton, and is the precinct chief of Rodwel Row Police Department.
Outsider, originally from York, now living in exile due to his crimes. Mainly vandalism. He's now a nomad, running from area to area, hoping not to be killed.