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User:Nerdseeksblonde/Out of context

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This is a collection of isolated quotes from scientific or other reliable sources that are grossly out of context. You see this sometimes on wikipedia or in popular press or even sometimes in scientific papers- either because it seemed right at the time or was an intellectual exercise. Just because something is stated in a reliable source doesn't mean you have captured the thought by saying "foo says blah[]."

What is this poison?


Those or you who have looked at global warming or plant physiology may be familiar with this great poison, "[it] is [a] testicular and reproductive toxic, embryolethal, developmentally neurotoxic and teratogenic in experimental animals."

But, guess what, it is something your body makes,

Reprod Toxicol. 2009 Sep 13; [Epub ahead of print]

Reproductive and developmental toxicity of degradation products of refrigerants in experimental animals.

Ema M, Naya M, Yoshida K, Nagaosa R.

Research Institute of Science for Safety and Sustainability, National Institute of Advanced Science and Technology (AIST), 16-1 Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8569, Japan.

The present paper summarizes the results of animal studies on the reproductive and developmental toxicity of the degradation products of refrigerants, including trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), carbon dioxide (CO(2)), carbon monoxide (CO), carbonyl fluoride (CF), hydrogen fluoride (HF) and formic acid (FA). Excessive CO(2) in the atmosphere is testicular and reproductive toxic, embryolethal, developmentally neurotoxic and teratogenic in experimental animals. As for CO, maternal exposure causes prenatal and postnatal lethality and growth retardation, skeletal variations, cardiomegaly, blood biochemical, immunological and postnatal behavioral changes, and neurological impairment in offspring of several species. Very early studies of CO in rats and guinea pigs reported fetal malformations in exposed dams. The results of toxicological studies on sodium fluoride (NaF) were used to obtain insight into the toxicity of CF and HF, because CF is rapidly hydrolyzed in contact with water yielding CO(2) and HF, and NaF is similar in kinetics and dynamics to HF. Increased fetal skeletal variation, but not malformation, was noted after the maternal administration of NaF. Rat multiple-generation studies revealed that NaF caused retarded ossification and degenerative changes in the lung and kidney in offspring. There is a lack of information about the toxicity of TFA and FA.

PMID 19755147 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]