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User:Myk Streja/Scraps

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Cite templates

Cite Templates
<ref>{{cite web or news
 |date=   or    |year=
 |website=   or   |work=
 |format=    pdf doc xls default:html

Levels of access:

<ref>{{cite book
 |date= or |year=
 |page= or |pages=
<ref>{{cite journal or magazine
 |date=  or  |year=
 |journal= or |magazine=
 |page= or |pages=


  1. {{TOC hidden}}
  2. {{[[Template:#rel2abs:./Babana peels|#rel2abs:./Babana peels]]}}User:Myk Streja/Scraps/Babana peels
  3. {{userpage}} "|logo=yes" "|logo=right" "no border"
  4. This is the number of reported edits: 3379
  5. [[User_Talk:{{[[Template:#titleparts: Myk Streja/Scraps|#titleparts: Myk Streja/Scraps]]|1}}]]   User_Talk:Myk Streja
  6. {{tqqi}}
  7. {{talk page header}}
  8. Special:Diff/oldidnumber
  9. My Pages
  10. To use this template, leave {{subst:User:Nahnah4/Happy New Year}} on someone else's talk page.
  11. ~~~=  — Myk Streja (what?) | ~~~~=  — Myk Streja (what?) 20:38, 2 July 2017 (UTC) | ~~~~~= 20:38, 2 July 2017 (UTC)
  12. Four dashes produces a horizontal rule:

I ScrollBlue Scroll


Smiley Code Smiley Code Smiley Code
1 smile 11 lightbulb 21 ttth
2 frown 12 wink2 22 awesome
3 wink 13 wink3 23 vsmile
4 blush 14 big-grin [[File:|18px|link=]] 24 dontpanic
5 grin 15 devil-grin 25 teeth
6 surprise 16 kiss 26 angry
7 tongue 17 smirk 27 raspberry
8 confused 18 big-cry 28 very-confused
9 shades 19 glasses Usage:
10 crying 20 angel {{smiley|# or word}}

Color chart

Color Chart
HTML name R   G   B
Hex Decimal
Pink colors
Pink FF C0 CB 255 192 203
LightPink FF B6 C1 255 182 193
HotPink FF 69 B4 255 105 180
DeepPink FF 14 93 255  20 147
PaleVioletRed DB 70 93 219 112 147
MediumVioletRed C7 15 85 199  21 133
Red colors
LightSalmon FF A0 7A 255 160 122
Salmon FA 80 72 250 128 114
DarkSalmon E9 96 7A 233 150 122
LightCoral F0 80 80 240 128 128
IndianRed CD 5C 5C 205  92  92
Crimson DC 14 3C 220  20  60
FireBrick B2 22 22 178  34  34
DarkRed 8B 00 00 139   0   0
Red FF 00 00 255   0   0
Orange colors
OrangeRed FF 45 00 255  69   0
Tomato FF 63 47 255  99  71
Coral FF 7F 50 255 127  80
DarkOrange FF 8C 00 255 140   0
Orange FF A5 00 255 165   0
Yellow colors
Yellow FF FF 00 255 255   0
LightYellow FF FF E0 255 255 224
LemonChiffon FF FA CD 255 250 205
LightGoldenrodYellow FA FA D2 250 250 210
PapayaWhip FF EF D5 255 239 213
Moccasin FF E4 B5 255 228 181
PeachPuff FF DA B9 255 218 185
PaleGoldenrod EE E8 AA 238 232 170
Khaki F0 E6 8C 240 230 140
DarkKhaki BD B7 6B 189 183 107
Gold FF D7 00 255 215   0
Brown colors
Cornsilk FF F8 DC 255 248 220
BlanchedAlmond FF EB CD 255 235 205
Bisque FF E4 C4 255 228 196
NavajoWhite FF DE AD 255 222 173
Wheat F5 DE B3 245 222 179
BurlyWood DE B8 87 222 184 135
Tan D2 B4 8C 210 180 140
RosyBrown BC 8F 8F 188 143 143
SandyBrown F4 A4 60 244 164  96
Goldenrod DA A5 20 218 165  32
DarkGoldenrod B8 86 0B 184 134  11
Peru CD 85 3F 205 133  63
Chocolate D2 69 1E 210 105  30
SaddleBrown 8B 45 13 139  69  19
Sienna A0 52 2D 160  82  45
Brown A5 2A 2A 165  42  42
Maroon 80 00 00 128   0   0
HTML name R   G   B
Hex Decimal
Green colors
DarkOliveGreen 55 6B 2F  85 107  47
Olive 80 80 00 128 128   0
OliveDrab 6B 8E 23 107 142  35
YellowGreen 9A CD 32 154 205  50
LimeGreen 32 CD 32  50 205  50
Lime 00 FF 00   0 255   0
LawnGreen 7C FC 00 124 252   0
Chartreuse 7F FF 00 127 255   0
GreenYellow AD FF 2F 173 255  47
SpringGreen 00 FF 7F   0 255 127
MediumSpringGreen 00 FA 9A   0 250 154
LightGreen 90 EE 90 144 238 144
PaleGreen 98 FB 98 152 251 152
DarkSeaGreen 8F BC 8F 143 188 143
MediumAquamarine 66 CD AA 102 205 170
MediumSeaGreen 3C B3 71  60 179 113
SeaGreen 2E 8B 57  46 139  87
ForestGreen 22 8B 22  34 139  34
Green 00 80 00   0 128   0
DarkGreen 00 64 00   0 100   0
Cyan colors
Aqua 00 FF FF   0 255 255
Cyan 00 FF FF   0 255 255
LightCyan E0 FF FF 224 255 255
PaleTurquoise AF EE EE 175 238 238
Aquamarine 7F FF D4 127 255 212
Turquoise 40 E0 D0  64 224 208
MediumTurquoise 48 D1 CC  72 209 204
DarkTurquoise 00 CE D1   0 206 209
LightSeaGreen 20 B2 AA  32 178 170
CadetBlue 5F 9E A0  95 158 160
DarkCyan 00 8B 8B   0 139 139
Teal 00 80 80   0 128 128
Blue colors
LightSteelBlue B0 C4 DE 176 196 222
PowderBlue B0 E0 E6 176 224 230
LightBlue AD D8 E6 173 216 230
SkyBlue 87 CE EB 135 206 235
LightSkyBlue 87 CE FA 135 206 250
DeepSkyBlue 00 BF FF   0 191 255
DodgerBlue 1E 90 FF  30 144 255
CornflowerBlue 64 95 ED 100 149 237
SteelBlue 46 82 B4  70 130 180
RoyalBlue 41 69 E1  65 105 225
Blue 00 00 FF   0   0 255
MediumBlue 00 00 CD   0   0 205
DarkBlue 00 00 8B   0   0 139
Navy 00 00 80   0   0 128
MidnightBlue 19 19 70  25  25 112
HTML name R   G   B
Hex Decimal
Purple, violet, and magenta colors
Lavender E6 E6 FA 230 230 250
Thistle D8 BF D8 216 191 216
Plum DD A0 DD 221 160 221
Violet EE 82 EE 238 130 238
Orchid DA 70 D6 218 112 214
Fuchsia FF 00 FF 255   0 255
Magenta FF 00 FF 255   0 255
MediumOrchid BA 55 D3 186  85 211
MediumPurple 93 70 DB 147 112 219
BlueViolet 8A 2B E2 138  43 226
DarkViolet 94 00 D3 148   0 211
DarkOrchid 99 32 CC 153  50 204
DarkMagenta 8B 00 8B 139   0 139
Purple 80 00 80 128   0 128
Indigo 4B 00 82  75   0 130
DarkSlateBlue 48 3D 8B  72  61 139
SlateBlue 6A 5A CD 106  90 205
MediumSlateBlue 7B 68 EE 123 104 238
White colors
White FF FF FF 255 255 255
Snow FF FA FA 255 250 250
Honeydew F0 FF F0 240 255 240
MintCream F5 FF FA 245 255 250
Azure F0 FF FF 240 255 255
AliceBlue F0 F8 FF 240 248 255
GhostWhite F8 F8 FF 248 248 255
WhiteSmoke F5 F5 F5 245 245 245
Seashell FF F5 EE 255 245 238
Beige F5 F5 DC 245 245 220
OldLace FD F5 E6 253 245 230
FloralWhite FF FA F0 255 250 240
Ivory FF FF F0 255 255 240
AntiqueWhite FA EB D7 250 235 215
Linen FA F0 E6 250 240 230
LavenderBlush FF F0 F5 255 240 245
MistyRose FF E4 E1 255 228 225
Gray and black colors
Gainsboro DC DC DC 220 220 220
LightGray D3 D3 D3 211 211 211
Silver C0 C0 C0 192 192 192
DarkGray A9 A9 A9 169 169 169
Gray 80 80 80 128 128 128
DimGray 69 69 69 105 105 105
LightSlateGray 77 88 99 119 136 153
SlateGray 70 80 90 112 128 144
DarkSlateGray 2F 4F 4F  47  79  79
Black 00 00 00   0   0   0

Column creation

Column creation

{{div col}}
{{div col end}}
{{col-2}} up to 5 or {{col-break}}for each column

Status Indicator

Status Indicator


User:Myk Streja/Status
This is the contents of Myk Streja/Status with online selected:
<span style="color: green; font:bold;">'''Online'''</span> [[File:Ledgreen.svg|20px]]
<!--- --->
<!--- <span style="color: orange; font:bold;">'''Busy'''</span> [[File:Ledorange.svg|20px]]
<!--- <span style="color: orange; font:bold;">'''Away'''</span> [[File:Ledorange.svg|20px]]
<!--- <span style="color: blue; font:bold;">'''Around'''</span> [[File:Ledblue.svg|20px]]
<!--- <span style= "color:red; font:bold;">'''Offline'''</span> [[File:Nuvola apps krec.svg|20px]]
<!--- <span style= "color:red; font:bold;">'''Sleeping'''</span> [[File:Nuvola apps krec.svg|20px]]


 | name =
 | subst=<includeonly>{{subst:substcheck}}</includeonly>
 | small={{{small|}}}
 | type =
 | image=
 | sect ={{{1|}}}
 | issue=
 | talk ={{{talk|}}}
 | fix  =
 | date ={{{date|}}}
 | cat  =
 | all  =
{{Ambox: Designates the beginning of the ambox
name =
type =
sect =
talk =
fix =
date =
cat =
all =
}}: Designates the end of the ambox

Ambox for referral to Talk Page:
{{Ambox|nocat=true|small=center|text=See the Talk Page for the topic "[[Talk:Article_Name#Talk_section_header|Talk_section_header]]".}}

Imitation Ambox

Imitation Ambox
There seems to be the need for a discussion about place discussion reason here.
See Topic Name

Input Box

Input Box


Code Result Parameters Notes:
buttonlabel=Drop me a note

type= Notes go here ======>>
buttonlabel=Post a new message

buttonlabel=Post a new message
Coloring Wikilinks

[[Wikipedia:Welcoming committee/Welcome to Wikipedia|<span style="color:orange">Welcome to Wikipedia!</span>]]
Welcome to Wikipedia!

<span style="color:black">black text override</span>
black text override

Font styling tables

Font Styling
Font size templates & font template
Template Size Semantics Sample Parameter Usage
{{small}} 85% <small> HHHHH {{font}} font/size/text/color/bgcolor
{{smaller}} 90% none HHHHH font select from installed fonts
{{midsize}} 92% none HHHHH size em/en/pt/%
none 100% none HHHHH text (optional) user text input
{{larger}} 110% none HHHHH color hex color coding
{{big}} 120% none HHHHH bgcolor hex color coding
{{large}} large none HHHHH Usage: {{font|parameter=user input}}
{{huge}} 180% none HHHHH Omitting a parameter sets the parameter to system default
{{resize}} 90% default none HHHHH


Most commonly used attributes
Property Meaning Example Command Purpose

<hr/> horizontal rule
background background fill background:color name or # <br> or <br/> or <br /> forced line break
color text color color:color name or # <span></span> inline content formatting
width cell width width:##px/em/en/% <div></div> block content formatting
border-width border width border-width:##px/em/en/% <a></a> anchor point
text-align text alignment within cell text-align:center <b></b> bold text
content text within the element >text here< <i></i> italics text
padding padding of the element padding:##px/em/en/% <--- when used with div & span
border border of the element border:#px/em/en <--- when used with div & span
margin margin of the element margin:#px/em/en <--- when used with div & span

Div Box

Div Box



| image=[[:Image:Crystal_Clear_action_edit.png|none|40px]]
| text='''To Leave a New Message''' <br> Please click <span class="plainlinks">[http://en.wiki.x.io/w/index.php?title=User_talk:{{PAGENAMEE}}&action=edit&section=new '''here''']</span> to start a new Section. Remember to sign your post with four tildes (<big><nowiki>~~~~</nowiki></big>). Thank you!

Userbox instructions

Userbox instructions
{{userbox}} ID box goes left {{userbox-r}} ID box goes right {{userbox-2}} use id 1/2 for l/r {{userbox-m}} Mini-userbox - ID only
 | border-c     =
 | border-s     =
 | id-c         =
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 | id-fc        =
 | id-p         =
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 | info-c       =
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 | info-p       =
 | info-lh      =
 | id           =
 | info         =
 | usercategory =
 | nocat        ={{{nocat|}}}
border-c = The border color of the userbox
border-s = The border size of the userbox (px implied)
id-c = The background color of the id box
id-s = The font size of the id box (PS points implied)
id-fc = The font color of the id box text
id-p = The distance between border and content of id box (px,pt)
id-lh = The distance between text lines of id box (em)
info-c = The background color of info box
info-s = The font size of info box (PS points implied)
info-fc = The font color of info box
info-p = The distance between border and content of info box (px;pt)
info-lh = The distance between text lines of info box (em)
id = This is the content of the id box
info = This is the content of the info box
usercategory= Category for using this userbox
nocat = Always {{{nocat}}}

Collapsing Userbox Table

Collapsing Userbox Table

Place additional userbox groups here...

This user Proud to be an American the United States.
This user remembers when television programming was only in black-and-white.
USThis user uses American English.
Myk Streja loves kittens! (Pass the mustard, please)
This user invites you to enjoy the seashore of the U.S. State of New Jersey.
This user has been on Wikipedia for 7 years, 4 months and 16 days.
John Bob
A young kitten with grey eyes, a pink nose and a white face stares peacefully at the camera Achievements
Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet
Separate body cell


red orange yellow green blue purple
gray pink seagreen lightgreen lightblue



Teahouse Logos

Teahouse Logos

Floating button

Floating button
<div class="submit
<span class="ui-button-text">
[[Wikipedia:Wiki-Hell|<b style="color:red>Go to Hell!</b>]]
<div class="submit
<span class="ui-button-text">
<span class="plainlinks">
[http://en.wiki.x.io/w/index.php?title=User_talk:{{PAGENAMEE}}&action=edit&section=new <b><i>New Post</i></b>]

Short Pages

Short Pages

Hidden information about Short Pages placed by using {{subst:long comment}}:

{{Short pages monitor}}<!-- This long comment was added to the page to prevent it from being listed on Special:Shortpages. It and the accompanying monitoring template were generated via Template:Long comment. Please do not remove the monitor template without removing the comment as well.-->

Article Talk Pages Mk0

Article Talk Pages Mk0

{{Talk page header}} gives us this:

{{Talk header}} with the |arpol=yes argument gives us this:

Article Talk Pages Mk1

Article Talk Pages Mk1
This is the talk page for discussing improvements to Myk Streja/Scraps.
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Article policies

Article Talk Pages Mk2.1

Article Talk Pages Mk2.1

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Article Talk Pages Mk2.2

Article Talk Pages Mk2.2

This is the talk page for discussing improvements to Myk Streja/Scraps.

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Mini Talk Page Header

Mini Talk Page Header
This is a Wikipedia user page.
This is not an encyclopedia article. If you find this page on any site other than Wikipedia, you are viewing a mirror site. Be aware that the page may be outdated and that the user to whom this page belongs may have no personal affiliation with any site other than Wikipedia itself.

My Talk Page Mk1

My Talk Page Mk1
This is Myk Streja's talk page, where you can send messages and comments to Myk Streja.
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  • New to Wikipedia? Ask questions, get answers.
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My Talk Page Mk2

My Talk Page Mk2

This is Myk Streja's talk page, where you can send messages and comments to Myk Streja.

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  • Put new text under old text. Click here to start a new topic.
  • Please sign and date your posts by typing four tildes (~~~~).
  • New to Wikipedia? Ask questions, get answers.
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To contact me, you should post a message here and I will answer here. If I don't answer, you should [[ping]] me.
To contact you, I will post a message on your talk page and you should answer there. If you don't answer, I will [[ping]] you.
User:Myk Streja/Status

Maintenance Tags

Maintenance Tags

{{under construction |placedby=username |nosection=true}}

{{under construction |placedby=username |section=true}}

{{In use|section|''text''}}

{{In use|''text''}}

Welcome Screen from TV

Welcome Screen from TV

This is where the text goes on the top bar]]


This is how to spread the list left/right:

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