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Son kills their dad


It is really argent for even small children/sons to kill their fathers. This was reported in the informante newspaper on Wednesday the 19th September (2012-10-03). This leads till to the case of murder, in where by a 31 year old man is accused of whipping his father until to death in June(2012-10-03). It said that the case was postponed to the 18th October 2012 in charge for him to undergo mental inspection/check up. Elishiti Shithingona from Iino village in Elim Constituency was under arrest recently for deadly hitting his father, Shithigona Wilhelm Shapaka, with a stick.Elim Son killing The incident was supposedly triggered by disagreement over relish following the accuser’s drinking spree at the nearby shebeens. When he arrived home, he wasn’t want to eat whatever it was given to him by his mother, but insisted to eat the food of his choice. The deceased apparently intervened to calm his son down when he allegedly turned violent. Initially, Shithigona reportedly wanted to attack his mother but turn to his father and subsequently beat him to death.

This case makes us even to remember the very young man in Namibia Windhoek who just kills both of his parents for really nothing. The suspect Romeo Schiefer was having twenty three years old when he kills both of his parents. Now the suspect faces two counts of murder and accuse of robbery with infuriating circumstances.

Schiefer is accused of killing his parents, Mr. Frans and Ms. Francina Schiefer on January 19, 2008 in their home in Khomasdal. The deceased were both having 50 years old at the time of their death. This is really bad and gives bad example to the nation too.Suspect Romeo Schiefer[1][2][3][4]

