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Wheelbarrowism is a religion, which practises healthy habits such as meaningful communications in families, equal rights for men and women, mindfulness, as well as it propagates interest of people in psychology. The followers of this religion believe in God that does not have any specific gender or shape, yet in rare cases it appears in a form of smoke to the most dedicated and loyal church-goers. There had been a few church followers, who believe that the God is a quadrober in a past few years.

It is highly possible that the first group of wheelbarrowists gathered in a year 1900 on a swamp next to the Petriosiskis lake (Petriošiškio ežers) to praise their God for the first time and establish the main rules for the community, that had been relatively small at the time. As for today there is little to no information about this small religion group, which by most is seen as sect.