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User:Kennethlewis29/Evaluate an Article

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Which article are you evaluating?


Prosthesis - Wikipedia

Why you have chosen this article to evaluate?


The reason why I chose this article is because I am very interested in the prosthesis and how they are becoming more and more like real limbs.

Evaluate the article


This is a very good article. This article has a very good introductory sentence that clearly describes what Prosthesis is , which is a prosthetic implant an artificial device that replaces a missing body part which may had been lost through trauma. The article talks about number of different types of prosthetic such as upper extremity prostheses which are shoulder disarticulation, transhumeral prosthesis, elbow disarticulation, transracial prosthesis, wrist disarticulation, full hand, partial hand, finger. This article talks about so many prosthetic implant that I can tell that its very up to date. This article also talks about the earliest evidence of prosthetics appeared in ancient Egypt and Iran. The article doesn't really state all the cons of having a prosthetic implant, but it does say that prosthetic implant are not like have a real limb but it can do basic movement that your limbs used to do. I can at least say that balance is more on the pro side than the cons. All facts in the article are up to date and are back by reliable secondary source of information , that what surprise me about how good the information is backed up by good sources. I also made sure the links works as well.

The article is broken down to sections which are types ,history ,Technology Patient procedure ,Current technology and manufacturing, and so on. This article shows many pictures of prosthetic , it shows one picture of above the knee prosthetic, artificial limbs. The images is very well capture, there is one picture with a leg prosthetic that shows how the prosthetic fit on a human body. These images really enhance the understanding of prosthetic. As I read the article its overall strength is the information on the topic prosthesis , but I would say that the article weakest is the images I would had like to see images of more of the prosthetics. This article is rated C-class which means its useful to a casual reader, but would not provide a complete picture for even a moderately study. Which I believe that its true, historical history and also modern day history of the prostheses. I feel like if the article just had little of the history of prostheses it would had reach completeness.