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Hello, my name is Kawaii-soft. Kawaii is the Japanese word for cute, and soft is my nickname from childhood. Around here on Wikipedia, I tidy up articles (one of my favourite subjects is that on Saints), fight vandalism & observe the workings of Wikipedia, as I am still a fairly new editor (Nov 14 2012)... Although I claim to be of no nationality & ethnicity, (I am human, end of story, and strongly dislike artificial barriers and nationalist sentiments, along with pre-conceived prejudices) I am based in the United Kingdom. I am an office monkey, meaning I work in an office, and do most of my editing there when I am not working for clients at my computer. In my spare time I play the Sax, read a LOT, take an interest in LGBT issues, charity work & write alternative history occasionally, and in particular Celtic Mythology at the moment. I also watch a lot of Anime, and read some Manga, and have contributed towards article regarding this a little.

On Wikipedia, I shall always strive to maintain a neutral point of view, I shall strive to assume good faith and enact self-restraint and logic to my editing. Thank you for reading! --Kawaii-Soft (talk) 16:46, 25 December 2012 (UTC)

Study, study study!


I have a passion for this