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---Trying to figure out a practical table to reduce the clutter at book burnings. Of course, by the time I make any headway on it, there will be a thousand more incidents to add to the list---

Date Books/Library Burned Perpetrators Summary
213 BC Chinese philosophy books Emperor Qin Shi Huang Following the advice of minister Li Si, Emperor Qin Shi Huang ordered the burning of all philosophy books and history books from states other than Qin — beginning in 213 BC. This was followed by the live burial of a large number of intellectuals who did not comply with the state dogma.

The damage to Chinese culture was compounded during the revolts which ended the short rule of Qin Er Shi, Qin Shi Huang's son. The imperial palace and state archives were burned, destroying many of the remaining written records that had been spared by the father.

??? Protagoras' "On the Gods" Athenian authorities The Classical Greek philosopher Protagoras was a proponent of agnosticism, writing a now lost work entitled On the Gods. According to Diogenes Laertius (and also mentioned by Cicero [1]), the above outspoken Agnostic position taken by Protagoras aroused anger, causing the Athenians to expel him from their city. Authorities ordered all copies of the book be collected and burned in the marketplace. However, the Classicist John Burnet doubts this account, as both Diogenes Laertius and Cicero wrote hundreds of years later and no such persecution is mentioned by contemporaries who make extensive references to this philosopher[2]. Burnet noted that even if some copies of the book were burned, enough of them survived to be known and discussed in the following century.
168 BC Jewish Holy Books Antiochus IV The Seleucid monarch, Antiochus IV, ordered Jewish 'Books of the Law' found in Jerusalem to be 'rent in pieces' and burned (1 Maccabees 1:56) - part of the series of persecutions which precipitated the revolt of the Maccabees.
25 AD Roman history book The Aedile
(office of the Roman Republic)
Senator Aulus Cremutius Cordus' was forced to commit suicide and his History was burned by the aediles, under the order of the senate. The book's praise of Brutus and Cassius, who had assassinated Julius Caesar, was considered an offence under the lex majestatis. A copy of the book was saved by Cordus' daughter Marcia and it was published again under Caligula. Only a few fragments survived to the present.
~50 AD Torah scroll Roman soldier Flavius Josephus[3] relates that about the year 50 a Roman soldier seized a Torah-scroll and, with abusive and mocking language, burned it in public. This incident almost brought on a general Jewish revolt against Roman rule, such as broke out two decades later. However, the Roman Procurator Cumanus appeased the Jewish populace by beheading the culprit.
??? Sorcery scrolls Early christian converts at Ephesus According to the New Testament book of Acts, early converts to Christianity in Ephesus who had previously practiced sorcery burned their scrolls: "A number who had practised sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, the total came to fifty thousand drachmas." (Acts 19:19, NIV)[4]
Torah scroll Hadrian Haninah ben Teradion, one of the Jewish Ten Martyrs was burned at the stake with a forbidden Torah scroll he had been teaching.
??? the Torah Apostomus Among five catastrophes said to have overtaken the Jews on the Seventeenth of Tammuz, the Mishnah[5] includes "the burning of the Torah by Apostomus". Since no further details are given and there are no other references to Apostomus in Jewish or non-Jewish sources, the exact time and circumstances of this traumatic event are debated, historians assigning to it different dates in Jewish history under Seleucid or Roman rule, and it might be identical with one of the events noted above (see Apostomus page).
292 AD Egyptian alchemy texts Diocletian The Ancient Egyptian alchemical books of Alexandria were burnt by the emperor Diocletian.
303 AD Christian books Diocletian Christian books burned by a decree of emperor Diocletian.
325 AD Books of Arianism After first Council of Nicaea Following the first Council of Nicaea, the books of Arius and his followers were burned for heresy.
364 AD Library of Antioch Jovian The Christian Emperor Jovian ordered the entire Library of Antioch to be burnt[6]. It had been heavily stocked by the aid of his non-Christian predecessor, Emperor Julian
~400 AD The Sibylline Books Flavius Stilicho
383 AD Writings of Priscillian Ávila Theologian Priscillian's writings condemned as heretical. At one time considered irreversibly lost, surviving copies were discovered in the 19th century.
392 AD Alexandria library Rome The library of the Serapeum was trashed, burned, and looted by decree of Theophilus of Alexandria acting on orders from Theodosius I.
435 AD Nestorius' books Greece??? By edict of Theodosius II for heresy, the Greek originals of most of these writings were irrevocably destroyed, surviving mainly in Syriac translations.
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Qur'anic texts with varying wording (ordered by the 3rd Caliph, Uthman)


Uthman ibn 'Affan, the third Caliph of Islam after Muhammad, who is credited with overseeing the collection of the verses of the Qur'an, ordered the destruction of any other remaining text containing verses of the Quran after the Quran has been fully collected, circa 650. This was done to ensure that the collected and authenticated Quranic copy that Uthman collected became the primary source for others to follow, thereby ensuring the Quran remained authentic. Although the Qur'an had mainly been propagated through oral transmission, it also had already been recorded in at least three codices, most importantly the codex of Abdullah ibn Mas'ud in Kufa, and the codex of Ubayy ibn Ka'b in Syria. Sometime between 650 and 656, a committee appointed by Uthman is believed to have produced a singular version in seven copies, and Uthman is said to have "sent to every Muslim province one copy of what they had copied, and ordered any other Qur'anic materials, whether written in fragmentary manuscripts or whole copies, be burnt."[7]

Alexandria library


One of the largest destructions of books occurred at the Library of Alexandria, traditionally held to be in 640; however, the precise years are unknown as are whether the fires were intentional or accidental.[8][9]

Competing prayer books (at Toledo)


After the conquest of Toledo, Spain (1085) by the king of Castile, it was being disputed on whether Iberian Christians should follow the foreign Roman rite or the traditional Mozarabic rite. After other ordeals, it was submitted to the trial by fire: One book for each rite was thrown into a fire. The Toledan book was little damaged after the Roman one was consumed. Henry Jenner comments in the Catholic Encyclopedia: "No one who has seen a Mozarabic manuscript with its extraordinarily solid vellum, will adopt any hypothesis of Divine Interposition here."[10]

Abelard forced to burn his own book (at Soissons)


The provincial synod held at Soissons (in France) in 1121 condemned the teachings of the famous theologian Peter Abelard as heresy; he was forced to burn his own book before being shut up inside the convent of St. Medard at Soissons.

The writings of Arnold of Brescia (at France and Rome)


The rebellious monk Arnold of Brescia - Abelard's pupil and colleague - refused to abjure his views after they were condemned at the Synod of Sens in 1141, and went on to lead the Commune of Rome in direct opposition to the Pope, until being executed in 1155. The Church ordered the burning of all his writings, which was carried out so thourougly than none of them survives and it is unknown even what they were - except for what can be inferred from polemics against him [11]. Nevertheless, though no written word of Arnold's has survived, his teachings on apostolic poverty continued potent after his death, among "Arnoldists" and more widely among Waldensians and the Spiritual Franciscans.

Nalanda University


The library of Nalanda, known as Dharma Gunj (Mountain of Truth) or Dharmagañja (Treasury of Truth), was the most renowned repository of Buddhist knowledge in the world at the time. Its collection was said to comprise hundreds of thousands of volumes, so extensive that it burned for months when set aflame by Muslim invaders in 1193.[12]

Samanid Dynasty Library


The Royal Library of the Samanid Dynasty was burned at the turn of the 11th century during the Turkic invasion from the east. Avicenna was said to have tried to save the precious manuscripts from the fire as the flames engulfed the collection.

Destruction of Cathar texts (Languedoc region of France)

Detail of a Pedro Berruguete painting of a disputation between Saint Dominic of Guzman and the Albigensians (Cathars) in which the books of both were thrown on a fire, with St. Dominic's books miraculously preserved from the flames. See the whole picture.

During the 13th century, the Catholic Church waged a brutal campaign against the Cathars of Languedoc (smaller numbers also lived elsewhere in Europe), culminating in the Albigensian Crusade. Nearly every Cathar text that could be found was destroyed, in an effort to completely extirpate their heretical beliefs; only a few are known to have survived.

Maimonides' philosophy (at Montpellier)


In 1233 Maimonides' "Guide for the Perplexed" was burnt at Montpellier, Southern France (see #Medieval burning of Jewish literature).

The Talmud (at Paris), first of many such burnings over the next centuries


In 1242, The French crown burned all Talmud copies in Paris, about 12,000, after the book was "charged" and "found guilty" in the Paris trial sometimes called "the Paris debate". This burnings of Hebrew books were initiated by Pope Gregory IX, who persuaded French King Louis IX to undertake it. He was followed by subsequent popes. The Church and Christian states viewed the Talmud as a book hateful and insulting toward Christ and gentiles. The most ferocious haters of Judaism and Jewish books among them were Innocent IV (1243–1254), Clement IV (1256–1268), John XXII (1316–1334), Paul IV (1555–1559), Pius V (1566–1572) and Clement VIII (1592–1605). They almost succeeded in stamping out Jewish books entirely. Yet Jews continued to pen their holy books, and once the printing press was invented, the Church found it impossible to destroy entire printed editions of the Talmud and other sacred books. Johann Gutenberg, the German who invented the printing press around 1450, certainly helped stamp out the effectiveness of further book burnings. The tolerant (for its time) policies of Venice made it a center for the printing of Jewish books (as of books in general), yet the Talmud was publicly burned in 1553 and there was a lesser known burning of Hebrew book in 1568.

The House of Wisdom library (at Baghdad)


The House of Wisdom was destroyed during the Mongol invasion of Baghdad in 1258, along with all other libraries in Baghdad. It was said that the waters of the Tigris ran black for six months with ink from the enormous quantities of books flung into the river.

Wycliffe's books (at Prague)


In 1410 John Wycliffe's books were burnt by the illiterate Prague archbishop Zbynek Zajic z Házmburka in the court of his palace in Lesser Town of Prague to hinder the spread of Jan Hus's teaching.

Non-Catholic books (by Torquemada)


In the 1480s Tomas Torquemada promoted the burning of non-Catholic literature, especially the Jewish Talmud and also Arabic books after the final defeat of the Moors at Granada in 1492.

Decameron, Ovid and other "lewd" books (by Savonarola)


In 1497, followers of the Italian priest Girolamo Savonarola collected and publicly burned pornography, lewd pictures, pagan books, gaming tables, cosmetics, copies of Boccaccio's Decameron, and all the works of Ovid which could be found in Florence.

Arabic and Hebrew books (at Andalucia)


In 1490 a number of Hebrew Bibles and other Jewish books were burned at the behest of the Spanish Inquisition. In 1499 about 5000 Arabic manuscripts were consumed by flames in the public square at Granada on the orders of Ximénez de Cisneros, Archbishop of Toledo.[13][14] Many of the poetic works were allegedly destroyed on account of their symbolized homoeroticism.[15] The German Romantic poet Heinrich Heine wrote about this, stating "Dort, wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man am Ende auch Menschen" (Where they burn books, they will also, in the end, burn humans), a quote written on the monument for the Nazi Book Burnings today.

Tyndale's New Testament (in England)


In October 1526 William Tyndale's English translation of the New Testament was burned in London by Cuthbert Tunstal, Bishop of London. he later died

Servetus's writings (burned with their author at Geneva, and also burned at Vienne)


In 1553, Servetus was burned as a heretic at the order of the city council of Geneva, dominated by Calvin - because a remark in his translation of Ptolemy's Geographia was considered an intolerable heresy. As he was placed on the stake, "around [Servetus'] waist were tied a large bundle of manuscript and a thick octavo printed book", his Christianismi Restitutio. In the same year the Catholic authorities at Vienne also burned Servetus in effigy together with whatever of his writings fell into their hands, in token of the fact that Catholics and Protestants - mutually hostile in this time - were united in regarding Servetus as a heretic and seeking to extirpate his works. At the time it was considered that they succeeded, but three copies were later found to have survived, from which all later editions were printed.

"The Historie of Italie" (In England)


"The Historie of Italie" (1549), a scholarly and in itself not particularly controversial book by William Thomas, was in 1554 suppressed and publicly burnt by order of Queen Mary I of England - after its author was executed on charges of treason. Enough copies survived for new editions to be published in 1561 and 1562, after Elizabeth I came to power[16].

Maya sacred books (by Spanish Bishoph of Yucatan)


July 12, 1562, Fray Diego de Landa, acting Bishop of Yucatan - then recently conquered by the Spanish - threw into the fires the sacred books of the Maya.[17] The number of destroyed books is greatly disputed. de Landa himself admitted to 27, other sources claim "99 times as many" - the later being disputed as an exaggeration motivated by anti-Spanish feeling, the so-called Black Legend. Only three Maya codices and a frgament of a fourth survive. Approximately 5,000 Maya cult images were also burned at the same time. The burning of books and images alike were part of de Landa's effort to eradicate the Maya "idol worship", which he considered "diabolical". As narrated by de Landa himself, he had gained access to the sacred books, transcribed on deerskin books, by previously gaining the natives' trust and showing a considerable interest in their culture and languague[18][19]: "We found a large number of books in these characters and, as they contained nothing in which were not to be seen as superstition and lies of the devil, we burned them all, which they (the Maya) regretted to an amazing degree, and which caused them much affliction."[20] De Landa was later recalled to Spain and accused of having acted illegally in Yucatan, though eventually found not guilty of these charges. Present-day apologists for de Landa assert that, while he had destroyed the Maya books, his own Relación de las cosas de Yucatán is a major source for the Mayan languague and culture. Allen Wells calls his work an “ethnographic masterpiece”,[21] while William J. Folan, Laraine A. Fletcher and Ellen R. Kintz have written that Landa‘s account of Maya social organization and towns before conquest is a “gem.[22]

"Obscene" Maltese poetry (By the Inquisition)


In 1584 Pasquale Vassallo, a Maltese Dominican friar, wrote a collection of songs, of the kind known as "canczuni", in Italian and Maltese. The poems fell into the hands of other Dominican friars who denounced him for writing "obscene literature". At the order of the Inquisition in 1585 the poems were burned for this allegedly 'obscene' content.[23]

Bernardino de Sahagún's manuscripts on Aztec culture (By Spanish authorities)


The 12-volume work known as the Florentine Codex, result of a decades-long meticulous research conducted by the Fransciscan Bernardino de Sahagún in Mexico, is among the most important sources on Aztec culture and society as they were prior to the Spanish conquest, as well as on the Nahuatl Languague. However, upon Sahagún's return to Europe in 1585, his original manuscripts - including the records of conversations and interviews with indigenous sources in Tlatelolco, Texcoco, and Tenochtitlan, and likely to have included much primary material which did not get into the final codex - were confiscated by the Spanish authorities, disappeared irrevocably, and are assumed to have been destroyed. The Florentine Codex itself was for centuries afterwards only known in heavily-censored versions.

Luther's Bible translation


Martin Luther's German translation of the Bible was burned in Catholic-dominated parts of Germany in 1624, by order of the Pope - part of the exacerbation of Catholic-Protestant relations due to the Thirty Years' War, then in its early stages.

Marco Antonio de Dominis' writings (In Rome)


The theoligian and scientist Marco Antonio de Dominis came in 1624 into conflict with the Inquisition in Rome and declared "a relapsed heretic". He died in prison, which did not end his trial. On 21 December 1624 his body was burned together with his works .

Books burned by civil, military and ecclesiastical authorities between 1640 and 1660 (England)


Sixty identified printed books, pamphlets and broadsheets, and 3 newsbooks were ordered to be burned during this period.[24]

Quaker books (in Boston)


In 1656 the authorities at Boston imprisoned the Quaker women preachers Ann Austin and Mary Fisher, who had arrived on a ship from Barbados. Among other things they were charged with "bringing with them and spreading here sundry books, wherein are contained most corrupt, heretical, and blasphemous doctrines contrary to the truth of the gospel here professed amongst us" as the colonial gazette put it. The books in question, about a hundred, were publicly burned in Boston's Market Square.

Hobbes books (at Oxford University)


In 1683 several books by Thomas Hobbes and other authors were burnt in Oxford University.

Mythical writings of Moshe Chaim Luzzatto (by Rabbis)


During the 1720s rabbis in Italy and Germany ordered the burning of the kabbalist writings of the then young Moshe Chaim Luzzatto. The Messianic messages which Luzzatto claimed to have gotten from a being called "The Maggid" were considered heretical and potentially highly disruptive of the Jewish communties' daily life, and Luzzatto was ordered to cease disseminating them. Though Luzzatto in later life got considerable renown among Jews and his later books were highly esteemed, most of the early writings were considered irrevocably lost until some of them turned up in 1958 in a manuscript preserved in the Library of Oxford.

Protestant books and Bibles (By Archbishop of Salzburg)


In 1731 Count Leopold Anton von Firmian - Archbishop of Salzburg as well as its temporal ruler - embarked on a savage prosecution of the Lutherans living in the rural regions of Salzburg. As well expelling tens of thousands of Protestant Salzburgers, the Archbishop ordered the wholesale seizure and burning of all Protestant books and Bibles.

The writings of Johann Christian Edelmann (by Imperial authorities in Frankfurt)


In 1750, the Imperial Book Commission of the Holy Roman Empire at Frankfurt/Main ordered the wholesale burning of the works of Johann Christian Edelmann, a radical disciple of Spinoza who had outraged the Lutheran and Calvinist clergies by his Deism, his championing of sexual freedom and his asserting that Jesus had been a human being and not the Son of God. In addition, Edelmann was also an outspoken opponent of royal absolutism. With Frankfurt's entire magistracy and municipal government in attendance and seventy guards to hold back the crowds, nearly a thousand copies of Edelmann's writings were tossed on to a tower of flaming birch wood. Edelmann himself was granted refuge in Berlin by Friedrich the Great, but on condition that he stop publishing his views [25].

Anti-Wilhelm Tell tract (at Canton of Uri)


The 1760 tract by Simeon Uriel Freudenberger from Luzern, arguing that Wilhelm Tell was a myth and the acts attributed to him had not happened in reality, was publicly burnt in Altdorf, capital of the Swiss canton of Uri — where, according to the legend, William Tell shot the apple from his son's head.

Vernacular Catholic hymn books (at Mainz)


In 1787, an attempt by the Catholic authorities at Mainz to introduce vernacular hymn books encountered strong resistance from conservative Catholics, who refused to abandon the old Latin books and who seized and burned copies of the new German-language books.[26]

Egyptian archaeological finds (threatened burning by French scholars)


Many French scholars accompanied Napoleon's expedition to Egypt in 1799, where they made many important finds. When forced to surrender to the British in 1801, the scholars initially strongly resisted the claim made by the British to have the collections of the expedition handed over. Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire ominously threatened that, were that British demand persisted in, history would record "a second burning of a library in Alexandria". [citation needed] The threat was, however, not carried out, and the finds were finally handed over and ended up in the British Museum.

The Code Napoléon (by German Nationalist students)


On October 18, 1817 about 450 students, members of the newly founded German Burschenschaften ("fraternities"), came together at Wartburg Castle to celebrate the German victory over Napoleon two years before, condemn conservatism and call for German unity. The Code Napoléon as well as the writings of German conservatives were ceremoniously burned 'in effigy': instead of the costly volumes, scraps of parchment with the titles of the books were placed on the bonfire. Among these was August von Kotzebue's History of the German Empires. Karl Ludwig Sand, one of the students participating in this gathering, would assassinate Kotzebue two years later.

Early braille books (in Paris)


In 1842, officials at the school for the blind in Paris, France, were ordered by its new director, Armand Dufau, to burn books written in the new braille code. After every braille book at the institute that could be found was burned, supporters of the code's inventor, Louis Braille, rebelled against Dufau by continuing to use the code, and braille was eventually restored at the school.[27]

Library of St. Augustine Academy, Philadelphia (by Anti-Irish rioters)


On May 8, 1844, the Irish St. Augustine Church, Philadelphia was burned down by anti-Irish Nativist rioters (see Philadelphia Nativist Riots). The fire also destroyed the nearby St. Augustine Academy, with many of the rare books in its library - though in this case the arsonists did not specifically target the books, but rather sought to destroy indiscriminately everything belonging to Irish Catholic immigrants.

Edmond Potonie's papers (by French Police)


In 1868 the French police, under Napoleon the Third, seized the extensive papers and Europe-wide correpondence of the Parisian Pacifist and Social Reformer Edmond Potonie. The papers, which might have been of considerable value to historians, have disappeared irrevocaly and are assumed to have been destroyed. [28]

Ivan Bloch's research on Russian Jews (by Tsarist Government)


In 1901 the Russian Council of Ministers banned a five-volume work on the socio-economic conditions of Jews in the Russian Empire, the result of a decade-long comprehensive statistical research commissioned by Ivan Bloch. (It was entitled "Comparison of the material and moral levels in the Western Great-Russian and Polish Regions"). The research's conclusions - that Jewish economic activity was beneficial to the Empire - refuted antisemitic demagoguery and were disliked by the government, which ordered all copies to be seized and burned. Only a few survived, circulating as great rarities.

Leuven University Library (by World War I German Army)


On August 25, 1914, in the early stage of the First World War, the university library of Leuven, Belgium was destroyed by the German army, using petrol and incendiary pastilles, as part of brutal retaliations for the extensive activity of "francs-tireurs" against the occupying German forces. Among the hundreds of thousands of volumes destroyed were many irreplaceable books, including Gothic and Renaissance manuscripts. [29] [30] At the time, this destruction aroused shock and dismay around the world.

Valley of the Squinting Windows (at Delvin, Ireland)


In 1918 the Valley of the Squinting Windows in Delvin, Ireland. The book criticised the village's inhabitants for being overly concerned with their image towards neighbours.

Irish National Archives (in Civil War)


At the culmination of the April 1922 fighting in and around the Four Courts in Dublin, as the Republican forces hitherto barricaded in the building were surrendering, the west wing was obliterated in a huge explosion, destroying the Irish Public Record Office located at the rear, with nearly one thousand years of irreplaceable archives being destroyed. Responsibility for this act was bitterly debated for years afterwards, the government accusing the Republicans of having deliberately perpetrated the destruction of the archives while they rebutted that it was completely accidental.

Jewish, anti-Nazi and "degenerate" books (by the Nazis)

In 1933, Nazis burned works of Jewish authors, and other works considered "un-German", at the library of the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft in Berlin.

The works of some Jewish authors and other so-called "degenerate" books were burnt by the Nazis in the 1930s and 1940s. Richard Euringer, director of the libraries in Essen, identified 18,000 works deemed not to correspond with Nazi ideology, which were publicly burned.

On May 10, 1933 on the Opernplatz in Berlin, S.A. and Nazi youth groups burned around 20,000 books from the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft and the Humboldt University; including works by Vicki Baum, Bertolt Brecht,Heinrich Heine, Helen Keller, Thomas Mann, Karl Marx, Erich Maria Remarque, Frank Wedekind, and H.G. Wells. Student groups throughout Germany also carried out their own book burnings on that day and in the following weeks. Erich Kästner wrote an ironic account (published only after the fall of Nazism) of having witnessed the burning of his own books on that occasion.

In May 1995,[31] Micha Ullman's underground “Bibliotek” memorial was inaugurated on Bebelplatz square in Berlin, where the Nazi book burnings began. The memorial consists of a window on the surface of the plaza, under which vacant bookshelves are lit and visible. A bronze plaque bears a quote by Heinrich Heine: “Where books are burned in the end people will burn.”[32]

Theodore Dreiser's works (at Warsaw, Indiana)


Trustees of Warsaw, Indiana ordered the burning of all the library's works by local author Theodore Dreiser in 1935.[33]

Pompeu Fabra's library (by Spanish troops)


In 1939, shortly after the surrendering of Barcelona, Franco's troops burned the entire library of Pompeu Fabra, the main author of the normative reform of contemporary Catalan language, while shouting "¡Abajo la inteligencia!" (Down with intelligence!). [34].

André Malraux's manuscript (by the Gestapo)


During the Second World War the French writer and anti-Nazi resistance fighter André Malraux worked on a long novel, The Struggle Against the Angel, the manuscript of which was destroyed by the Gestapo upon his capture in 1944. The name was apparently inspired by the Jacob story in the Bible. A surviving opening part named The Walnut Trees of Altenburg, was published after the war.

Załuski Library at Warsaw, Poland (during suppression of anti-Nazi uprising)


During the Nazi suppression of the Warsaw Uprising of 1944 the Załuski Library - oldest public library in Poland and one of the oldest and most important libraries in Europe - was burned down. Out of about 400,000 printed items, maps and manuscripts, only some 1800 manuscripts and 30,000 printed materials survived. Unlike earlier Nazi book burnings where specific books were deliberately targeted, the burning of this library was part of the general setting on fire of a large part of the city of Warsaw.

Books in Kurdish (in north Iran)


Following the suppression of the pro-Soviet Kurdish Republic of Mahabad in north Iran in December 1946 and January 1947, members of the victorious Iranian Army burned all Kurdish-language books that they could find, as well as closing down the Kurdish printing press and banning the teaching of Kurdish.[35]

Comic book burnings, 1948


In 1948, children — overseen by priests, teachers, and parents — publicly burned several hundred comic books in both Spencer, West Virginia, and Binghamton, New York. Once these stories were picked up by the national press wire services, similar events followed in many other cities.[36]

Judaica collection at Birobidzhan (by Stalin)


As part of Joseph Stalin's efforts to stamp out Jewish culture in the Soviet Union in the late 1940s and early 1950s, the Judaica collection in the library of Birobidzhan, capital of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast on the Chinese border, was burned.[citation needed]

Communist and "fellow traveller" books (by Senator McCarthy)


In 1953 United States Senator Joseph McCarthy recited before his subcommittee and the press a list of supposedly pro-communist authors whose works his aide Roy Cohn found in the State Department libraries in Europe. The Eisenhower State Department bowed to McCarthy and ordered its overseas librarians to remove from their shelves "material by any controversial persons, Communists, fellow travelers, etc." Some libraries burned the newly-forbidden books.[citation needed] President Dwight D. Eisenhower initially agreed that the State Department should dispose of books advocating communism: "I see no reason for the federal government to be supporting something that advocated its own destruction. That seems to be the acme of silliness."[citation needed] However, at Dartmouth College in June 1953, Eisenhower urged Americans concerning libraries: "Don't join the book burners. Don't be afraid to go in your library and read every book…."[citation needed]

Wilhelm Reich's publications (by U.S. Food and Drug Administration)


Noted psychiatrist Wilhelm Reich was prosecuted in 1954, following an investigation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in connection with his use of orgone accumulators. Reich refused to defend himself, and a federal judge ordered all of his orgone energy equipment and publications to be seized and destroyed. In June 1956, federal agents burned many of the books at Reich's estate near Rangeley, Maine. Later that year, and in March 1960, an additional 6 tons of Reich's books, journals and papers were burned in a public incinerator in New York. Reich died of heart failure while in federal prison in November 1957.[37]

Burning of Jaffna library


In May 1981 a mob composed of thugs and plainclothes police officers went on a rampage in minority Tamil-dominated northern Jaffna, Sri Lanka, and burned down the Jaffna Public Library. At least 95,000 volumes — the second largest library collection in South Asia — were destroyed, including a very rare collection of ancient palm leaf volumes.[38]

The Satanic Verses (in the United Kingdom)


The 1988 publication of the novel The Satanic Verses, by Salman Rushdie, provoked angry demonstrations and riots around the world by followers of political Islam, some of whom considered it blasphemous. In the United Kingdom, book burnings were staged in the cities of Bolton and Bradford. In addition, five U.K. bookstores selling the novel were the target of bombings, and two bookstores in Berkeley, California were firebombed.[citation needed]

Abkhazian Research Institute of History, Language and Literature & National Library of Abkhazia (by Georgian Troops)


Georgian troops entered Abkhazia on 14 August 1992, sparking a 14-month war. At the end of October, the Abkhazian Research Institute of History, Language and Literature named after Dmitry Gulia, which housed an important library and archive, was torched by the invaders; also targeted was the capital's public library. It seems to have been a deliberate attempt by the Georgian paramilitary soldiers to wipe out the region's historical record. [39]

Books "contrary to the teachings of God" (at Grande Cache, Alberta)


In the 1990s congregants of the Full Gospel Assembly in Grande Cache, Alberta, Canada burned books with ideas in them that they did not agree with, or that they deemed to contain ideas contrary to the teachings of God.[citation needed]

Abu Nuwas poetry (by Egyptian Ministry of Culture)


In January 2001, the Egyptian Ministry of Culture ordered the burning of some 6,000 books of homoerotic poetry by the well-known 8th Century Persian-Arab poet Abu Nuwas, even though his writings are considered classics of Arab literature [40][41].

Books of Falun Dafa teachings


According to a 2004 UN report, the Chinese government seized and publicly destroyed hundreds of thousands of Falun Dafa books and materials as part of its anti-Falun Gong campaign.[42]

Harry Potter books (in various American cities)


There have been several incidents of Harry Potter books being burned, including those directed by churches at Alamogordo, New Mexico and Charleston, South Carolina.[43] See Controversy over Harry Potter.

Cuba book burning


Cuba has burned books and publications, such as copies of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.[44]

Iraq's national library, Baghdad 2003


Following the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Iraq's national library and the Islamic library in central Baghdad were burned and destroyed. The national library housed rare volumes and documents from as far back as the 16th century, including entire royal court records and files from the period when Iraq was part of the Ottoman Empire. The destroyed Islamic library of Baghdad included one of the oldest surviving copies of the Qur'an.[45]

Inventory of Prospero's Books (by proprietors Tom Wayne and W.E. Leathem)


On May 27, 2007, Tom Wayne and W.E. Leathem, the proprietors of Prospero's Books, a used book store in Kansas City, Missouri, publicly burned a portion of their inventory to protest what they perceived as society's increasing indifference to the printed word. The protest was interrupted by the Kansas City Fire Department on the grounds that Wayne and Leathem had failed to obtain the required permits.[46]

New Testaments in city of Or Yehuda, Israel


In May 2008, a "fairly large" number of New Testaments were burned in Or Yehuda, Israel. Conflicting accounts have the deputy mayor of Or Yehuda, Uzi Aharon (of Haredi party Shas), claiming to have organized the burnings or to have stopped them. He admitted involvement in collecting New Testaments and "Messianic propaganda" that had been distributed in the city. The burning apparently violated Israeli laws about destroying religious items.[47]

  1. ^ Cicero, de Natura Deorum, 1.23.6
  2. ^ John Burnet, "Greek Philosophy: From Thales to Plato", 1914
  3. ^ "Ant." xx. 5, § 4; "B. J." ii. 12, § 2.
  4. ^ Curious arts (WebBible Encyclopedia) - ChristianAnswers.Net
  5. ^ Ta'anit iv. 6.
  6. ^ Michael von Albrecht, and Gareth L. Schmeling, A history of Roman literature (1997), page 1744
  7. ^ Volume 6, Book 61, Number 510
  8. ^ The Alexandrian Library"
  9. ^ "Caliph Omar"
  10. ^ Mozarabic Rite, by Henry Jenner in the Catholic Encyclopedia.
  11. ^ Arnold's life depends for its sources on Otto of Freising and a chapter in John of Salisbury's Historia Pontificalis.
  12. ^ The Story of Early Indian Civilization by Gertrude Emerson Sen. Orient Longmans: 1964
  13. ^ The Spanish Inquisition, Henry Kelsea, London, White Lion, 1965, p.98
  14. ^ Eastern Wisdome and Learninge. The Study of Arabic in Seventeenth-Century England, G.J. Toomer, Oxford, 1996, p.17
  15. ^ In Praise of Boys: Moorish Poems from Al-Andalus, Erskine Lane, 1975
  16. ^ Dictionary of National Biography, volume LVI (1898), scanned volume from Internet Archive.
  17. ^ Baldwin, Neil: Legends of the Plumed Serpent: Biography of a Mexican God, HarperCollins Canada, 1998 ISBN 978-1891620034
  18. ^ Clendinnen, Inga. Ambivalent Conquests: Maya and Spaniard in Yucatan, 1517-1570. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007. 69-70.
  19. ^ Roys, Ralph L. Review of Landa's Relacion De Las Cosas De Yucatan: A Translation by Alfred M. Tozzer, by Alred M. Tozzer. The American Historical Review (October, 1943): 133.
  20. ^ Clendinnen,70
  21. ^ Wells, Allen. “Forgotten Chapters of Yucatán's Past: Nineteenth-Century Politics in Historiographical Perspective.” Mexican Studies / Estudios Mexicanos (1996): 201.
  22. ^ Folan, William J. and Fletcher, Laraine A. “Fruit, Fiber, Bark, and Resin: Social Organization of a Maya Urban Center.” Science (1979): 697.
  23. ^ Maltese Languague Academy on landmarks in the languague's developement
  24. ^ See A. Hessayon, «Incendiary texts: book burning in England, c.1640 – c.1660», Cromohs, 12 (2007): 1-25, [1].
  25. ^ Christopehr Clark, "The Iron Kingdom" (London, 2006), pp. 254-5.
  26. ^ Tim Balnning, The Pursuit of Glory: Europe 1648–1815, Penguin, 2007, p.388
  27. ^ Recognition of the Braille Code, American Foundation for the Blind
  28. ^ "Patriotic pacifism: waging war on war in Europe, 1815-1914" by Sandi E. Cooper, Chapter 2, p. 32 [2]
  29. ^ Kramer, Alan (2008). Dynamic Of Destruction, Culture and mass killing in the first world war. Penguin. ISBN 9781846140136. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  30. ^ Gibson, Craig (2008). "The culture of destruction in the First World War". Times Literary Supplement (January 30, 2008). Retrieved 2008-02-18. {{cite journal}}: Cite has empty unknown parameters: |month= and |coauthors= (help)
  31. ^ Jennifer A. Jordan. Structures of memory: understanding urban change in Berlin and beyond, Stanford University Press, 2006. P. 103. ISBN 080475277X
  32. ^ Edward Rothstein. In Berlin, Teaching Germany’s Jewish History, The New York Times, May 1, 2009
  33. ^ ALA | 20th Century
  34. ^ "De la destrucció de la biblioteca de Pompeu Fabra".
  35. ^ Sami Moubayed, "Roots of the Kurdish struggle run deep" in Asia Times online (Middle East Section), Nov 3, 2007 [3]
  36. ^ Hajdu, David. 2008. The Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, pp.114–125
  37. ^ The Wilhelm Reich Museum: The burning of Reich's Publications
  38. ^ Knuth, Rebecca (2006-06-27). Destroying a Symbol: Checkered History of Sri Lanka's Jaffna Public Library (PDF). IFLA. Retrieved 2008-08-30. {{cite conference}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  39. ^ Abkhazia: Cultural Tragedy Revisited, Caucasus Reporting Service, Institute for War and Peace Reporting
  40. ^ Al-Hayat, January 13, 2001
  41. ^ Middle East Report, 219 Summer 2001
  42. ^ "China's Rule of Law"
  43. ^ Harry Potter And The Ministry Of Fire - Forbes.com
  44. ^ Ray Bradbury condemns Cuban book burning: 'Fahrenheit 451' author takes stance while U.S. librarians ignore counterparts.
  45. ^ BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Prized Iraqi annals lost in blaze
  46. ^ [4]
  47. ^ Mark Bixler, "Hundreds of New Testaments torched in Israel", CNN (May 28, 2008).