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Personal Information
Base of Operations: Floating space station.
Status: Alive, in seclustion with wife.
Height: 6'4 (with bodysuit)

5'6 (w/o bodysuit)

Weight: 3 Tons (w/ bodysuit)

210 lbs. (w/o bodysuit)

DOB: November 2nd 1359

Spouse: Rachalia, The Book Fairy; (1478-Present)
Aliases: The Black Cloak,

El Fuego Muerta (Spain only)

Organizations: The Evil Villains Association (EVA)(1583-Present)

The Methuinati (1765-1999)

Abilities: Without Suit: Genius Intelect, Moderate Strength, Charm.

With Suit: Enhanced Strength and Agility, Plasma beams, Rocket Boots, Quasar Blade.

Jay Montgomery Gruesome III born on November 2nd 1359, is a current evil genius (though retired), and entrepreneur. He lives as long as he does via the 'Ring of Legacys', a golden ring with his initials carved into it. A spell was placed upon the ring which allowed Gruesome to live as long as the ring existed. Currently residing on his space station, 'The Eye of the Quasar' with his wife Rachalia.



As a Villain


Gruesome spent most of his early villainry career looking up to more of the high profile villains, I.E. Doctor Doom, Magneto, etc. He then began working on his own gadgets, in order to prove himself as a real villain. He had started by attacking the local heroes, to test his strengths. His beginning arsenal ranged from net guns, rocket wheel chairs, helio-hats. Sadly, on one faithful night, while working on a better more efficiant blaster, Gruesome had permanently damaged the nerve endings in his left leg, causing him to need a cane to walk. Eventually he worked his way up into the big leagues, and has actually fought famous heroes such as, The X-men, Spiderman, and Iron man. Eventually he grew tired of the new upstart teenagers. He felt that he shouldn't fight every snot nosed brat with powers. He also began feeling more pain in his injured leg, So he and his wife left to spend their days at peace.

As an Entrepreneur


Realizing that villains needed money to survive, he started out investing his money in stocks. He secretly had acquired a seer's ball from the far east around about 1698. He used this artifact to predict the rise and fall of the Stock Market, and made himself a self made billionaire in a matter of a few years. The problem with money was, every eighty years or so, Gruesome would have to fake his death in order not to arise suspicion, and avoiding police investigation. Each time this occurs, all of his worldly goods, save a few mystical and technological items, were lost. This process ceased when he had established himself as a villain, thus no longer needing to worry about police.



Quasar Suit


The Quasar suit <see image>, is a large cybernetic suit which Gruesome controls via a cerebral attachment at the base of his neck. It gives him superhuman abilities; including Plasma bursts, and enhances his average human capabilities as well.

Master Cane


Gruesome invented this shortly after his accident. This is an average looking yellow wooden cane, with a snake's head for a handle. But by pressing the snake's right eye, it fires a white hot laser. By pressing it's left eye, a helicopter blade extends from the tip of his cane, allowing him flight.