User:Iceblock/Oxford Dictionary of Astronomy/Red links
![]() | The list might contain errors. |
[edit]- Abell radius
- ablation age
- A-class asteroid
- acronical
- active prominence
- Adams Ring
- advance of perihelion
- afocal
- Alexandra family
- Alfvén surface
- Algol star
- all-sky camera
- Alpha Capricornid meteors
- Alpha Cygnid meteors
- Alpha Cygni star
- Alpha Scorpiid meteors
- aluminizing
- Amor group
- anaemic spiral galaxy
- anastigmatic
- Andromedid meteors
- annual equation
- annual inequality -> annual equation
- annual parallax
- annual variation
- anomalous Cepheid
- anomalous iron
- anthelion radiant
- anticentre -> galactic anticentre
- anti-dwarf nova
- ap-
- apo-
- aperture ratio
- apocentre
- apparent noon
- apparent retrogression
- apparent sidereal time
- apsidal motion
- Aquarid meteors
- aqueous alteration
- Arago ring
- arch filament system
- area photometer
- Comet Arend–Roland (C/1956 R1)
- areo-
- Argelander step method
- argon–potassium method -> potassium–argon method
- Ariel satellites
- Aristarchos Telescope
- AR Lacertae star
- arm population
- astration
- astronomical triangle
- astrum
- Aten group
- ATNF -> [[]]
[edit]- Baade–Wesselink method
- Bailey type
- Baker–Schmidt telescope
- barn-door mount -> [[]]
- Barnes–Evans relationship
- Barycentric Celestial Reference System
- baryon star
- basaltic achondrite
- Muammad ibn Jabir al-Battani
- Ba II star -> [[]]
- Bautz–Morgan class
- B-class asteroid
-> Barycentric Celestial Reference System
- beat Cepheid
- Becklin–Neugebauer Object (BN Object)
- Comet Bennett (C/1969 Y1)
- bent-pillar mounting
- Berkeley–Illinois–Maryland Association Array (BIMA Array)
- Besselian day numbers
-> Algol star
- Beta Taurid meteors
- Bethe–Weizsäcker cycle -> carbon–nitrogen cycle
- Bianchi cosmology
- Comet 3D/Biela
- Bielid meteors -> Andromedid meteors
- billitonite
- BIMA Array
- binary galaxy
- bipolar group
- BL Herculis star
- bloomed lens
- blue clearing
- Blue Planetary
- blue populous cluster -> [[]]
- B magnitude
- BN Object -> [[]]
- Bartholomeus Jan Bok
- Bartholomeus 'Bart' Jan Bok
- bound–bound transition
- bound–free transition
- Bouwers telescope
- Bowen fluorescence
- Bragg crystal spectrometer
- bridge (astronomy)
- broad-band photometry
- Comet 16P/Brooks 2 -> Jupiter comet family
- Budrosa family
- bump Cepheid
- burst (astronomy)
- Butcher–Oemler effect
- Butler matrix
- BV photometry
- Bw star
- BY Draconis star
[edit]- carbon flash
- carbon–nitrogen cycle (CN cycle)
- Carrington heliographic coordinates
- cataclysmic binary
- catalogue equinox
- CCD spectrometer
- C-class asteroid
- celestial axis
- Celestial Intermediate Reference System
- Centaur group
- central peak
- centre of inertia
- CfA -> [[]]
- Chandler period
- Chandrasekhar-Schönberg limit
- chopping secondary
- chromospheric network
- circular velocity
- circumstellar maser
- circumstellar matter
- Cirrus Nebula -> [[]]
-> Celestial Intermediate Reference System
- C line
- clock star
- cluster, star -> [[]]
- CM relation -> colour–magnitude relation
- CN band
- CN cycle -> carbon–nitrogen cycle
-> carbon–nitrogen–oxygen cycle
- cold camera
- collimation error
- Colombo Gap
- colour excess
- colour–luminosity relation -> colour–magnitude relation
- colour–magnitude relation
- cometary coma
- optical coma
- Coma–Virgo Cluster -> [[]]
- comet family
- compact galaxy
- compact source
- comparison spectrum
- composite-spectrum binary
- Compton upscattering -> [[]]
- Concordia family
- stellar convection
- convective envelope
- convective equilibrium
- convergent point
- cooled camera -> cold camera
- coorbital
- Copernicus satellite
- Córdoba Durchmusterung
- coronal bright point
- coronal condensation
- coronal lines
- coronal plume
- co-rotation
- corrector plate
- correlation detection
- cosmic-ray shower
- cosmic texture
- cosmological distance scale
- Cosmos satellites
- Couder telescope
- c.p.m. -> [[]]
- crêpe ring
- cross-axis mounting
- crossing time
- cross-wire micrometer
- curve of growth
- cusp gap
- Cybele group
- cyclotron maser
[edit]- Danjon astrolabe
- Raymond Davis, Jr
- day number
- D-class asteroid
- DDO classification
- DDO photometry
- Comet de Chéseaux (C/1743 X1)
- declination axis
- dedispersion
- deflection of light
- Delta Aquarid meteors
- Delta Cepheid star -> [[]]
- Delta Delphini star
- density wave
- dew cap
- D galaxy
- Dicke switch
- dielectronic recombination
- diffraction rings
- Dirac cosmology
- dish antennae
- disk population
- diurnal aberration
- diurnal inequality
- dMe star
- Comet Donati (C/1858 L1)
- dopplergram
- Double Double
- double-lined binary
- double-mode variable
- Draconid meteors -> Giacobinid meteors
- drawtube
- drifting sub-pulse
[edit]-> Aten group -> Amor group
- Earth-approaching asteroid
- E-class asteroid
- ecliptic limits
- Edgeworth–Kuiper Belt -> [[]]
- Effelsberg Radio Observatory
- electron scattering opacity
- optical element
- Ellerman bomb
- ellipsoidal variable
- elliptic aberration -> E-terms
- Comet 2P/Encke
- envelope (astronomy)
- Ep galaxy
- e-process
- equation (astronomy)
- equation of light
- equation of the equinoxes
- equation of the origins
- equatorial horizontal parallax
- eruptive binary
- eruptive prominence
- Eta Aquarid meteors
- E-terms
- evolved star
- exit cone
- EX Lupi star
- EXor -> EX Lupi star
- exposure age
- extended source
- extragalactic nebula -> [[]]
- extreme Population I star
[edit]- Fabry lens
- Fanaroff–Riley class
- fast nova
- Faulkes Telescopes
- F-class asteroid
- fibrille
- field flattener
- field star
- 53 Persei star
- filamentary nebula
- filled aperture
- filled-centre supernova remnant -> [[]]
- filtergram
- Fish Mouth
- FK Comae Berenices star
- Flamsteed numbers
- flash spectrum
- flash star
- polar flattening
-> plages
- Flora group
- flux collector
- orbital focus
- footpoint -> [[]]
- four-colour photometry -> [[]]
- Fp star
- fractional method
- Franklin-Adams charts
- free–bound transition
- free–free transition
- fringe pattern
- full-wave dipole
- fundamental catalogue
- fundamental star
- fuor -> [[]]
- future light cone -> [[]]
[edit]- galactic anticentre
- galactic magnetic field
- galactic rotation
- galactic window
- galaxy cannibalism
- galaxy encounter
- Galileo National Telescope
- Galle Ring
- Gamma Cassiopeiae star
- Gamma Doradus star
- gamma-ray background
- Sergei Illarionovich Gaposchkin -> [[]]
- gas scintillation proportional counter
- gas tail -> cometary tail
- G-class asteroid
- GCRS -> Geocentric Celestial Reference System
- Geminid meteors
- Geneva photometry
- Geocentric Celestial Reference System
- geocentric equatorial parallax
- geometrical libration -> optical libration
- Giacobinid meteors
- Comet 21P/Giacobini–Zinner
- giant branch
-> Greenwich Mean Astronomical Time
- GMST -> Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time
- GoTo telescope
- interplanetary grains
- interstellar grains
- grating spectrometer
- gravitational deflection
- grazing-incidence telescope
- greatest brilliancy
- greatest elongation
- Great September Comet (C/1882 R1)
- Greenwich hour angle
- Greenwich Mean Astronomical Time
- Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time
- Greenwich sidereal date
- Comet 26P/Grigg–Skjellerup
- grooved terrain
- guide telescope
- gyrosynchrotron radiation
[edit]- HAEBE -> [[]]
- Comet Hale–Bopp (C/1995 01)
- Hale's law -> bipolar group
- Halley-family comet
- atmospheric halo
- halo CME
- halo population
- Haro galaxy
- Hartmann test
- Harvard Revised Photometry
- cometary head
- head–tail galaxy
- heavy-metal star
- heli- -> [[]]
- helio- -> [[]]
- heliacal rising and setting
- heliocentric coordinates
- heliocentric latitude
- heliocentric longitude
- heliocentric parallax -> annular parallax
- heliographic coordinates
- Helmholtz–Kelvin contraction
- hemispherical albedo
- Karoline Lucretia Herschel -> [[]]
- Comet 35P/Herschel–Rigollet
-> Ramaty High-energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager -> High Energy Transient Explorer-2
- Hickson compact group
- hierarchical cosmology
- high-energy astrophysics
- High-Energy Transient Explorer-2
- high-speed photometry
- Hind's Variable Nebula
- H magnitude
- Hoba West meteorite
- Holmberg radius
- horizontal coordinates
- horizontal refraction
- hot Big Bang
- HPBW -> [[]]
- HR number
- H20 maser
- Hubble–Sandage variable
- Hendrik ('Henk') Christoffel van de Hulst
- hummocky terrain
- Huygens Gap
- Comet Hyakutake (C/1996 B2)
- hydrogen emission region
[edit]- Comet Ikeya–Seki (C/1965 S1)
- Comet Ikeya–Zhang (153P/)
- Image Photon Counting System
- imaging photometer -> area photometer
- I magnitude
- impersonal astrolabe -> Danjon astrolabe
- inertial coordinate system
- infall velocity
- infrared photometry
- infrared source
- Innisfree meteorite
- integration time
- interacting binary
- intergalactic absorption
- intergalactic magnetic field
- intermediate-band photometry
- intermediate-population star
- intermediate-type star
- International Sun–Earth Explorer
- International Years of the Quiet Sun
- interpulse
- interstellar absorption
- interstellar molecule
- iodine cell
- ionization equilibrium
- ionization front
- ionopause
- ion tail -> cometary tail
- Iota Aquarid meteors
-> Image Photon Counting System
-> International Sun–Earth Explorer -> [[]]
[edit]- (Pierre) Jules César Janssen
- jet (astronomical objects)
- Jilin meteorite
- J magnitude
- Johnson photometry
- Jupiter–family comet
[edit]- Kappa Cygnid meteors
- Kapteyn Selected Areas
- Lord (William Thomson) Kelvin
- Kelvin–Helmholtz contraction -> Helmholtz–Kelvin contraction
- Kids (asterism)
- kinematic parallax
- kinetic temperature
- Kirin meteorite -> Jilin meteorite
- Kleinmann–Low Nebula
- KL Nebula -> Kleinmann–Low Nebula
- K magnitude
- knife-edge test -> [[]]
- Comet Kohoutek (C/1973 E1)
- König eyepiece -> [[]]
- Kracht group
- Kramers opacity
- Kron–Cousins RI photometry
- Kruskal diagram
[edit]- Joseph Louis de Lagrange(-Tournier)
- l'Aigle meteorite shower
- Joseph Jérôme (Le Français) de Lalande
- Lambda Eridani star
- Lassell ring
- last contact
- late-type galaxy
- latitude variation
- least circle of confusion -> [[]] -> [[]]
- Lemaître universe
- Leonid meteors
- lepton era
- Leto family
<-> [[]]
- light time
- line of inversion -> magnetic inversion line
- line ratio
- line receiver
- line wing
- lithium star
- lithosiderite -> [[]]
- Little Dumbbell
- L magnitude
- lobate ridge
- local arm
- local bubble
- Lockman hole
- (Joseph) Norman Lockyer
- long-baseline interferometry
- longitude at the epoch
- longitude of perigee
- (Alfred Charles) Bernard Lovell
- low-luminosity star
- low-velocity star
- luminosity evolution -> [[]]
- luminosity–volume test
- luminous arc
- Luna (Moon probes)
- lunar inequality
[edit]- macrospicules
- macroturbulence
- Maffei Galaxies
- magnetic inversion line
- magnetic variable
- Malin-1
- manganese–mercury star -> mercury–manganese star
- manganese star
- mare (astronomy)
- Mariner Valley -> [[]]
- Marsden group
- Mars Odyssey (2001 Mars Odyssey)
- Mars probes
- maser amplifier
- mass discrepancy
- mass loss
- mass–radius relation
- (Edward) Walter Maunder
- maximum-entropy method
- Maxwell Telescope -> [[]]
- Mayall Telescope
- McIntosh scheme -> [[]]
- M-class asteroid
- mean daily motion
- mean density of matter
- mean equator
- mean equinox
- mean parallax -> statistical parallax
- mean place
- mean pole
- mean position -> mean place
- medium-band photometry
- Melipal
- meniscus Schmidt telescope
- mensa (planets)
- Mercury Surface, Space Environment, Geochemistry, and Ranging
- terrestrial meridian
- meridian astronomy
-> meridian transit -> [[]] -> [[]]
-> Mercury Surface, Space Environment, Geochemistry, and Ranging
- Charles Joseph Messier
- Me star
- metal-rich star
- meteor stream
- methanol maser
- Meyer group
- micrometer (measuring instrument)
- micropore optics
- microvariable
- millimetre-wave astronomy
- millimetre waves
- Mills cross
- Milne–Eddington approximation
- Rudolph Leo Bernhard Minkowski
<-> [[]]
- Mittenzwey eyepiece
- MK classification -> Morgan–Keenan classification
- MKK classification -> Morgan–Keenan classification
- M magnitude
- mock Moon -> parselene
- molecular line
- MONET -> Monitoring Network of Telescopes
- Monitoring Network of Telescopes
- monocentric eyepiece
- monochromatic magnitude
- Monogem Ring
- mons (planets)
- Morgan–Keenan classification
- Morgan's classification
- Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories
- Mount Wilson classification -> [[]]
- M region
- MSSSO -> Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories
- MS star
- Mu Cephei star
- multi-beam receiver
- multi-ringed basin -> [[]]
[edit]- Nal detector
- Nançay Radio Astronomy Observatory
- narrow-band photometry
- Nasir Eddin -> [[]]
- Nasser Eddin -> [[]]
- nebula filter
- nebular line
- nebular variable
- negative eyepiece
- neutral hydrogen line -> 21-centimetre line
- New Style date
- Newtonian–Cassegrain telescope
- Newtonian focus
- N galaxy
- night sky brightness
- N magnitude
- non-baryonic matter
- non-gravitational force
- non-radial pulsation
- non-thermal radiation
- normal astrograph
-> [[ ]]
-> north polar distance -> New Style date
- nuclear time-scale
- number evolution -> [[]]
- nutation in right ascension -> equation of the equinoxes
[edit]- oblique rotator
- Observatoire du mont Mégantic
- occulting bar
- OC star
- Oe star
- off-axis guider
- Of star
- OH–IR source
- OH line
- OH maser
- Oljato (asteroid)
- O magnitude
- ON star
- Oosterhoff group
- Ootacamund Radio Astronomy Centre
- Ophiuchid meteors
- Oppenheimer–Volkoff limit
- optical libration
- Orion Association
- Orionid meteors
- Orion Molecular Clouds
- overtone mode
-> [[]]
[edit]- parabolic comet
- parabolic velocity
- parallactic ellipse
- parallactic inequality
- parallactic motion
- parselene
- periastron effect
- pericentre
- time of perihelion passage
- period–age relation
- period–colour relation
- period–density relation
- periodic perturbation
- period–luminosity–colour relation
- period–luminosity relation
- period–mass relation
- period–radius relation
- period–spectrum relation
- Petzval surface
- phase defect
- phase rotator
- Phillips bands
- Phobos probes
- Phoenicid meteors
- Phoenix (Mars lander)
- Pholus (asteroid)
- photocentre
- photoelectric magnitude
- photoelectric photometer
- photographic amplification
- photographic zenith tube
- photoheliograph
- photometric standard -> standard star
- photopolarimeter -> [[]]
- photovisual magnitude
- photovoltaic detector
- physical albedo -> [[]]
- physical double
- physical libration
- Pickering Series
- Pico Veleta
- Piscid meteors
- Piscis Austrinid meteors
-> [[]]
- Plateau de Bure
- plate centre
- plate constants
- plate-measuring machine
- PLC relation -> period–luminosity–colour relation
- Plössl eyepiece
- Plough (asterism)
- PL relation -> period–luminosity relation
- P magnitude
- Pogson scale
- Pogson step method
- (Jules) Henri Poincaré
-> [[]]
- position-angle effect
- positive lens -> [[]]
- post-nova
- potassium–argon method
- potential hazardous asteroid
- preceding
- precession constant
- precursor pulse
- pre-nova
- Príbram meteorite
- primary cosmic ray
- primary minimum
- primordial fireball
- primordial galaxy
- prismatic astrolabe
- prominence spectroscope
- proton–proton reaction
- p-spot
<-> [[]]
- pulsation mode
- pulse broadening
- pulse profile
- Pup (Sirius B)
- Puppid–Velid meteors
- PV Telescopii star
[edit]- Q-class asteroid
- Q magnitude
- QSS -> quasi-stellar radio source
- Quadrantid meteors
- quasi-stellar radio source
- quiescent prominence
[edit]- radar meteor
- radial pulsation
- radial-velocity spectrometer
- radiation laws -> [[]] -> [[]] -> [[]]
- radiation temperature
- radius–luminosity relation
- Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager
- Ranger (Moon probes)
- Ra-Shalom (asteroid)
- R association
- RAS thread
- Rayleigh–Jeans formula
- crater rays
- R Canis Majoris star
- R-class asteroid
- recombination epoch
- recombination line
- recycled pulsar
- redshift–distance relation
- redshift–magnitude relation
- reduced proper motion
- red variable
- reference star
- reflectance spectrum
- reflection effect
- reflection variable
- regression of nodes
- relative orbit
- relativistic velocity
- resonance line
- resonant scattering
- reticulum (planets)
- reversing layer
-> Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager
- Rho Cassiopeiae star
- Rho Ophiuchi Nebula
- richest-field telescope
- rille (Moon)
- ring arcs
- R magnitude
- Ole Christensen Römer
- Olaus Christensen Römer -> Ole Christensen Römer
- Rood–Sastry type
- Rosat
- Third Earl of Rosse <-> [[]]
- Bruno Benedetto Rossi
- Rossiter effect
- rotation effect -> Rossiter effect
- RRs variable -> [[]]
- RR Telescopii star
- RS Canum Venaticorum star
- Russell–Vogt theorem -> Vogt–Russell theorem
- RW Aurigae star
[edit]- Salpeter function -> [[]]
-> South African Large Telescope -> Solar, Anomalous, and Magnetospheric Particle Explorer
- SAO Catalog -> [[]]
-> Chandrasekhar–Schönberg limit
- Schröter effect
- (Samuel) Heinrich Schwabe
- Schwarzschild telescope
- Comet 29P/Schwassmann–Wachmann 1
- S-class asteroid
- Sco-Cen Association
- SC star -> [[]]
- S Doradus star
- SDSS photometry
- Seashell Galaxy
- (Pietro) Angelo Secchi
- secondary cosmic ray
- secondary minimum
- secular acceleration
- secular parallax
- secular perturbation
- secular variable
- selected areas -> Kapteyn Selected Areas
- selective absorption
- Selene (Moon probe)
- self-absorption
- semi-forbidden line -> [[]]
- Shack–Hartmann test -> Hartmann test
- shadow transit
- shell burning
- shell galaxy
- Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 (D/1993 F2)
- short-period variable
- Sickle (asterism)
- sidereal rate
- siderophyre
- Sikhote–Alin meteorite
- single-lined binary
- SiO maser
- six-colour system
- Earl Carl Slipher
- slow nova
- slow pulsator
- Small Astronomy Satellite
- Smithsonian Astrophysics Observatory
- Smithsonian Astrophysics Observatory Star Catalog
- SNC meteorites
-> Southern Astrophysical Research telescope
- soft gamma-ray repeater
- Solar, Anomalous, and Magnetospheric Particle Explorer
- solar antapex
- solar interior
- solar motion
- solar–terrestrial relations
- solid Schmidt telescope
- Southern Reference Stars
- South Pole Aitken Basin
- space motion
- space reddening -> interstellar absorption
- spec. -> [[]]
- spectroheliogram
- spectrum binary
- spectrum variable -> [[]]
- spherical albedo -> [[]]
- spinar
- spin temperature
- Lyman Spitzer, Jr
- sporadic meteor
- Gustav Friedrich Wilhelm Spörer
- Springfield mounting
- standard epoch
- standard star
- statistical parallax
- step method -> Argelander step method -> Pogson step method
- stereo comparator
- Stonyhurst heliographic coordinates
- strontium star
- subluminous star
- sublunar point
- sub-pulse
- Abd al-Raman al-Sufi
- Sunflower galaxy
- sunskirter
- superhump -> [[]]
- superluminal velocity
- supermaximum -> [[]]
- super-rotation
- super-Schmidt telescope
- supersynthesis
- surge prominence
- Surveyor (space probes)
- S Vulpeculae star
- Swift (satellite)
- Comet 109P/Swift–Tuttle
- Sword Hand of Perseus
- SX Arietis star
- SX Phoenicis star
- syndyname
- Systems I, II, and III
[edit]-> [[]]
- cometary tail
- T association
- Taurus Molecular Clouds
- Taurus Moving Cluster
- Taurus X-1
- T-class asteroid
-> Temps Dynamique Barycentrique -> [[]]
- Teapot (asterism)
- Comet Tebbutt (C/1861 J1)
- tele-extender
- telescope drive -> [[]]
- telescope mounting -> [[]]
- Comet 55P/Tempel–Tuttle
- temperature minimum
- terrestrial age
- thermal bremsstrahlung -> free–free transition
- thinned chip
- third quarter -> [[]]
- three-colour photography -> [[]]
- three-colour photometry -> Johnson photometry
- three-kiloparsec arm
- tidal evolution
- time of perihelion passage
- TiO bands
- tip–tilt mirror
- topocentric
- Toro (asteroid)
- total magnitude -> [[]]
- train (meteors)
- transfer lens
- meridian transit
- atmospheric transparency
- Trapezium (star)
- trischiefspiegler -> [[]]
- true equator
- true equinox
- true pole
- Trumpler star
- Tully–Fischer relation
- tuning-fork diagram
- Comet 41P/Tuttle–Giacobini–Kresák
- 21-centimetre line
- two-colour diagram
- two-colour photometry -> BV photometry
- Two-Micron All-Sky Survey
- two-spectrum binary -> composite-spectrum binary
[edit]-> UKIRT Infrared Deep-Sky Survey
-> United Kingdom Schmidt Telescope
- ultraviolet excess star
- ultraviolet photometry
- U magnitude
- Undina family
- unfilled aperture
- United Kingdom Schmidt Telescope
- Upsilon Sagittarii star
- Ursid meteors
-> Universel Temps Coordonné -> [[]]
- UU Herculis star
- uvby system -> [[]]
- UV Persei star
- UXor -> UX Orionis star
- UX Orionis star
- UX Ursae Majoris star
[edit]- Valhalla (impact basin)
- variation of latitude -> latitude variation
- VBLUW photometry -> Walraven photometry
- V-class asteroid
- Vega probes
- velocity–distance relation
-> Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System
- Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System
- very slow nova -> RR Telescopii star
- Viking (space probes)
- VILGEN photometry
- Vilnius photometry
- Virginid meteors
- Hermann Carl Vogt
- Vogt–Russell theorem
- Voyager (space probes)
- VV Cephei star -> Zeta Aurigae star
- VV Sculptoris star
[edit]-> H2O maser
- weird terrain
- Werner lines
- Comet West (C/1975 V1)
- white-light corona
- Wide Field Infrared Survey Explorer
- Wielen dip
- Wild's Triplet
- Comet 107P/Wilson–Harrington
- Wind (satellite)
-> Wide Field Infrared Survey Explorer
- Maximilian ('Max') Franz Joseph Cornelius
- (Johann) Rudolf Wolf
- Wolf diagram
- Wolf–Lundmark–Melotte system
- Wolf sunspot number
- Wright telescope
-> Algol star
[edit]- [[ ]] -> [[]]
- Z Andromedae star
- zenithal attraction
- zero-age horizontal branch
- Zeta Aurigae star
- zirconium star -> [[]]
- Z magnitude
- Zodiacal Catalogue
- zone catalogue
- zone time
- Zürich relative sunspot number -> [[]]
[edit]- The list might contain errors
- When you click a red link, please check the spelling of the title before you create the article
- -> means a reference in the source from a headword to another, as in absorption nebula -> dark nebula
[edit]- Ridpath, Ian (2007). Oxford Dictionary of Astronomy. Oxford University Press.