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User:Gyrobo/Cite revision/doc

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  • {{{title}}} – Title of page
  • {{{author}}} – Name of user
  • {{{date}}} – Date the revision was made
  • {{{accessdate}}} – Date the revision was accessed
  • {{{oldid}}} – The revision's oldid
  • {{{diff}}} – The revision's diff, if applicable
  • {{{anchor}}} – Go directly to a specific section header on the revision


  • {{User:Gyrobo/Cite revision|author=Oceanh|date=2011-09-05|accessdate=2011-09-14|title=Finn Benestad|diff=448676434|oldid=448488414}}
Oceanh (talk) (2011-09-14). "Finn Benestad, revision 448488414". Retrieved 2011-09-14.
  • {{User:Gyrobo/Cite revision|date=2010-12-18|accessdate=2011-09-14|title=Talk:Albany, New York|oldid=403093618|anchor=Hollywood on the Hudson}}
"Talk:Albany, New York, revision 403093618". 2010-12-18. Retrieved 2011-09-14.

See also
