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Gregory P. Makusa abreviated as Gregmak is a ninth child of eleven children to the family of Paul Fr Makusa (1933-2010) and Adreana Mwanaputa. Gregory was born in small missionary village known as Kala located along the shore of lake Tanganyika on February 16, 1976.File:/Users/gregorymakusa/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Masters/2011/08/04/20110804-234353/IMG 2247.JPG

Early Life:


Gregmak in his early life, lived obediently as a result he was loved by his siblings and parents.



At age of ten years, he joined primary school his village; Gregmak was ambitious, he liked stories about life in boarding school. His teacher who was also a close friend Mr Henzron Mlawa used to share his life experience in secondary school. Mr Mlawa was loved by many people in the village but he couldn't stay longer before he was bewitched by fellow teacher leading to lose of one sight, he was then transfered to another village. For about four years, there was no pupil(s) selected to join secondary education from Kala primary school since Mr Mlawa left; this was the big blow to Gregmak who entrusted Mlawa to lead him to his dream life. He then decided to ask for help to be transferred to another school where there could be a chance to go to secondary school. The young brother of his father who lived in the city came to pay a visit at Kala, Gregmak explain to him his concern and asked him for help. It was easy, he transferred him to district city, namanyere. By then Mr Gregmak was in standard seven and thus he couldnot be accepted to continue as standard seven due registration period at new primary school thus he was forced to register in standard six which he accepted, anyway. He graduate primary school in 1993 at age of 17; the following year (1994) he joined Secondary School(Nkasi day secondary school). He could not manage day school, thus he was transferred to boarding school (Rungwe Secondary School) in Mbeya region where he started to live his dream life (boarding school life). He graduate in science subject with division I 13 points (it was highest pass mark in that year at Rungwe Secondary School). Gregmak was selected to join Ilboru high school. He graduated in May 2000 with division I (7 points). In 2001, he joined University of Dar es Salaam in the field of Civil and Structural Engineering where he graduated with lower second class in 2005. In 2008, he moved to Sweden to study Master degree in Mining and Geotechnical Engineering with main interest in Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering. He graduated in April 2010 and accepted PhD offer in soil and Foundation engineering research group. Gregmak is currently employed as PhD student at Lulea University of Technology in Sweden

Marriage life:


Gregmak married in December 2009, however, his marriage was not successful. The marriage survived three months only before his wife went away in April 2010, without any explanation.

Social Life:


Gregmak is outgoing but also hard working too, he believes in his spirit. For him "Nothing is miracle however, God guides and blesses each step he initiate or take!".



To be rich and successful engineer and businessman.