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Elizabeth Carter as Minerva, goddess of wisdom, by John Fayram (painted between 1735 and 1741, NPG).
Elizabeth Carter (extreme left), in the company of other "Bluestockings" in Richard Samuel's The Nine Living Muses of Great Britain, 1779. National Portrait Gallery, London. (cropped)

Elizabeth Carter (16 December 1717 – 19 February 1806) was an English poet, classicist, writer and translator, and a member of the Bluestocking Circle.[1]

Early life


Born in Deal, Kent, Elizabeth Carter was the oldest child of Rev. Nicolas Carter, perpetual curate of Deal, and his first wife Margaret (died c. 1728), only daughter and heir of Richard Swayne of Bere Regis, Dorset, who died when Elizabeth was ten.[2] Her redbrick family home can still be seen at the junction of South Street and Middle Street, close to the seafront. Encouraged by her father to study, she mastered several modern and ancient languages (including Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, French, Italian, German, and Portuguese).[3] and science (such as astronomy).[4] Carter also partook in the studies of music, ancient geography, and ancient and modern history.[5]



1734 marked the year that Elizabeth Carter began her literary career. Under the psuedonym "Eliza", she began publishing in Edward Cave's A Gentlemen's Magazine[6] Carter rendered into English De Crousaz's Examen de l'essai de Monsieur Pope sur l'homme (Examination of Mr Pope's "An Essay on Man", two volumes, 1739); Algarotti's Newtonianismo per le dame (Newtonianism for women); and wrote a small volume of poems in 1738. Carter's position in the pantheon of 18th-century women writers was, however, secured by her translation in 1758 of All the Works of Epictetus, Which are Now Extant, the first English translation of all known works by the Greek stoic philosopher. This work made her name and fortune, securing her a spectacular £1000 in subscription money.[7]



Carter was a friend of Samuel Johnson, editing some editions of his periodical The Rambler.[8] He wrote, "My old friend, Mrs.[9] Carter could make a pudding as well as translate Epictetus from the Greek and work a handkerchief as well as compose a poem."[1][10]

Carter was friends with many other eminent people, as well as being a close confidant of Elizabeth Montagu, Hannah More, Hester Chapone, and other members of the Bluestocking circle. In the early 1750s, Elizabeth Montagu and Elizabeth Vesey formed the Bluestocking circle to discuss literature produced during that time. The circle mainly consisted of highly educated women and often invited educated men to discuss the works with them. The importance of the circle in relation to Elizabeth Carter is because of her involvement; it garnered her high praises from acclaimed authors at the time. Anne Hunter, a minor poet and socialite, and Mary Delany are also noted as close friends.[11] The novelist Samuel Richardson included Carter's poem "Ode to Wisdom" in the text of his novel Clarissa (1747–48) without ascribing it to her. It was later published in a corrected form the Gentleman's Magazine and Carter received an apology from Richardson.[2] However, there's evidence that Fanny Burney, a notable English novelist, is quoted, in James Boswell’s Life of Samuel Johnson as saying in 1780 that she thought Carter ‘a really noble-looking woman; I never saw age so graceful in the female sex yet; her whole face seems to beam with goodness, piety, and philanthropy.’.[12]

Carter appeared in the engraved (1777) and painted (1778) versions of Richard Samuel's The Nine Living Muses of Great Britain (1779) but the figures in the painting were so idealised that she complained she could not identify herself or anyone else in the work. Samuel had not done any sittings from life when preparing the work.[13] The previously stated wasn't the only publicity Carter received during her time; the periodicals, Monthly Review and The Critical Review, of the 18th century are said to have recommended the Epictetus translation to their readers, as quoted praising her for her works and her style of writing; 'She displays extensive learning, deep reflection and sound judgement...In short, it will not be saying too much, to pronounce that this work does honour to her sex and to her country,' and 'We are very glad to find by the large list of subscribers prefixed, that the translation has met with that encouragement which it so highly deserves...and hope, as Mrs. Carter's first performance has been so well received by the public, it will not be long before she favours it with another.'[14] Although her poems were published anonymously, they're still vastly studied today. Carter was known for the full use of the conventions associated with melancholic poems: yew trees, hooting owls, tolling bells, graveyards, and scenes of decay and destruction permeate her poetry.[15] The numerous compliments Carter received from her friends and the intended public audience, grew her reputation as an author and as a person in later years. Today, we recognize Carter for her extensive and numerous translations and the many literary works she produces. One notable aspect of her work is that she was seen as one of the first figures that influenced early depictions of feminism and social reform for women during the early publications of her work.[16][17]

Religious views


Carter kept an interest in religious matters. She was influenced by Hester Chapone, and she wrote apologetic treatises of the Christian faith, asserting the authority of the Bible over human matters. One of these works, known as Objections against the New Testament with Mrs. Carter's Answers to them and was published in the compilation of writings Memoirs of the Life of Mrs. Elizabeth Carter by Montagu Pennington, which also included her Notes on the Bible and the Answers to Objections concerning the Christian Religion. Her deep belief in God is also reflected in her poems "In Diem Natalem" and "Thoughts at Midnight" (also known as "A Night Piece").




  1. ^ a b Encyclopaedia Britannica Retrieved 13 July 2016.
  2. ^ a b 18th C – People & Places Retrieved 13 July 2016.
  3. ^ "Elizabeth Carter." , Encyclopædia Britannica, 9 Feb. 2007. academic.eb.com.lib-ezproxy.tamu.edu:2048/levels/collegiate/article/Elizabeth-Carter/20542. Accessed 13 Jul. 2017.
  4. ^ "Elizabeth Carter." , Encyclopædia Britannica, 9 Feb. 2007. academic.eb.com.libezproxy.tamu.edu:2048/levels/collegiate/article/Elizabeth-Carter/20542. Accessed 13 Jul. 2017.
  5. ^ "Elizabeth Carter." , Encyclopædia Britannica, 9 Feb. 2007.academic.eb.com.libezproxy.tamu.edu:2048/levels/collegiate/article/Elizabeth-Carter/20542. Accessed 13 Jul. 2017.
  6. ^ Dorr, Priscilla. “Elizabeth Carter (1717-1806) UK.” Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature, vol. 5, no. 1, 1986, pp. 138–140. JSTOR.
  7. ^ Susan Staves, A Literary History of Women's Writing in Britain, 1660-1780 (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2006) pp. 309–315.
  8. ^ Lezard, Nicholas (26 February 2005). "Review of Dr Johnson's Women, by Norma Clarke". The Guardian. Retrieved 8 March 2008.
  9. ^ She remained single all her life, but in the eighteenth century the salutation "Mrs" did not necessarily mean a woman was married.
  10. ^ "Gallery rediscovers oil portrait". BBC News. 6 March 2008. Retrieved 8 March 2008.
  11. ^ Bettany, George Thomas (1891). "Anne Hunter" . In Lee, Sidney (ed.). Dictionary of National Biography. Vol. 28. London: Smith, Elder & Co.
  12. ^ Dorr, Priscilla. “Elizabeth Carter (1717-1806) UK.” Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature, vol. 5, no. 1, 1986, pp. 138–140. JSTOR.
  13. ^ Peltz, Lucy, "Living muses: Constructing and celebrating the professional woman in literature and the arts" in Brilliant women: 18th-century bluestockings. (2008) Elizabeth Eger and Lucy Peltz (eds.) New Haven: Yale University Press. p. 61. ISBN 9780300141030
  14. ^ Wallace, Jennifer. “Confined and Exposed: Elizabeth Carter's Classical Translations.” Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature, vol. 22, no. 2, 2003, pp. 315–334. JSTOR.
  15. ^ Sena, John F. “Melancholy in Anne Finch and Elizabeth Carter: The Ambivalence of an Idea.” The Yearbook of English Studies, vol. 1, 1971, pp. 108–119. JSTOR.
  16. ^ Woolf, Daniel. "‘A Most Indefatigable Love of History’: Carter, Montagu, and Female Discussions of History, 1740–1790." Women's History Review, vol. 20, no. 5, Nov. 2011, pp. 689-718. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1080/09612025.2011.622524.
  17. ^ Heller, D. " Elizabeth Carter, 1717–1806: An Edition of Some Unpublished Letters by Elizabeth Carter (review)." The Scriblerian and the Kit-Kats, vol. 39 no. 2, 2007, pp. 199-200. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/scb.2007.0018.
  18. ^ Cranford, Chapter V--Old Letters
  19. ^ V. Woolf, A Room of One's Own (London 1929) p. 98



Category:1717 births Category:1806 deaths Category:18th-century women writers Category:18th-century English poets Category:English classical scholars Category:English women poets Category:Linguists from England Category:Anglican writers Category:English Christians Category:People from Deal, Kent