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User:Gemini Menso/Kraw!

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"Kraw!" is a common exclamation with various meanings.



Kraw can be used to communicate confusion, happiness, love, hate, desire, boredom, Ecstasy (emotion), sadness,an understanding of a command or fact, and as a general exclamation of emotion.

For some usages, a variation of spelling is used. For instance, a sad kraw would be spelled kraaaw while an ecstatic kraw would be spelled krawuh!.

Often when kraw is used as a substitute for yes or no, the objective is to keep the other person (most often of the opposite sex) from knowing what is meant.
Ex: (man): "So do you want to go to a movie?"
(woman): "KRAW!"

Kraw can also be used to substitute the words to a song. For instance, instead of saying "like a boss" you can say "like a krawss".

Age Group


The ages of people who use the word kraw are, on average, from 10 years to 16 years of age.



Kraw originally started out as krah!, meaning "FOOD!" in bird. The original spelling was overtaken in mouth-to-written translations spelling it "kraw" because of the accent on the "aw" sound.

Official Variations of KRAW


A couple variations of kraw and their respective meanings are:

KRAH: Original Birdonian spelling.

KRAA: Anything to do with something negative or relating to business (original meaning lost)

KRAWR: Love or "I love you" in Falconian

KRAWH: A "kraw" used when in a state of (or equal to) orgasm.

SMAW: "I am powerful", a synonym for "cool"

QRAW: Orson Welles (when written online or on paper)

Similar Words


Some words that are similar to KRAW in either origin or style are:

McWin: Something good, usually a success.

McFail or McLose: The opposite of McWin, it means something negative, usually a failure. The term "McWin" has spawned several fan clubs, terms, and pictures. The first "official seal of McWin" (often used to announce a victory or success of some kind) is shown below, using the "4chan Cookie Right Right Right" outline of a picture with a pinwheeel background and text in the foreground.
