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Fullmoonforever or also known as Full Moon, is a hyper active Christian and Otaku who loves helping others.

Starting life out as a strong Christian, Full Moon has embraced her religion (which she believes to be true) with open arms and spent time learning more and more about it. As time went on however, she also took great interest in the country of Japan as well as it's anime and manga.

Now at the age of fifteen, Full Moon sets out to continue helping those she can, but stepping back when the help is unwanted or unneeded. In apart of this helping hand service, Full Moon has joined Wiki in an attempt to correct and clean up anything needed to be done, only spreading what is the truth.

Page involvement


Red (Pokemon character)

Green (Pokemon character)

Blue (Pokemon character)

Yellow (Pokemon character)

Gold (Pokemon character)

Silver (Pokemon character)

Misty (Pokemon)