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User:Fazul3/sandbox/maxamed subeer (Mohamed Zubeir)

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   maxamed subeer (Mohamed Zubeir)
is [[1]] subclan
Ogaden clans  general clan structure is 
        1 .Maqaabul
        2 .Mir Walaal

All Ogaden clans belong to one the above two groups except Cumar Tagaalwaaq.

Mir Walaal divides into Baahale and TalaMuge .there are also smaller groups within the mirwalaal such as

Camar Yuusuf (amar yousuf) Habar Racad (habar raad) Qaal (khaal) MaLooge (malooge)

Talamuge divides into two large groups :


Samawadal include :

2.Ree Maxamad 

and smaller clans ;Gaye ,Geelxiis (gelhis) and Ashantalis.

SiinWaaq are the Caabudwaaqs (abudwak) that dominate Ogaden politics in northrn Kenya.

Baahale Siciid are by a large margin the largest Ogaden group .Baahale had 9 sons

Subeer & Cawl ( Bah Tanaade)

Ciise,Jibraaiil,Saleebaan and Xamar (Bah Geri)

Cali Jideed,Weged ,Calibaluul (Bah ???)

Maxamad Subeer (mohamed zubeir) and Cawlayahan (auliahan) are the two undisputed branches among the Ogaden . Cabdille (mohamed zubeir sub-clan) alone divides into more than fifty branches.

Maxamad Subeer (mohamed zubeir) sub clans are as below...

REE UGAAS XIRSI (re ugas hirsi)

1.Ree Warfaa


3.Ree Ugaas Kooshin

4.Ree Faarax Xirsi

5.Ree Sharmaarke Cagadhiig


6.Ree Jeeraar

7.Ree Caraale


9.Ree Dalal

10.Ree Wacays

11.Ree Geedi


12.Ree Jibriil

13.Ree Faarax

14.Ree Allamagan

15.Ree Xuseen

16.Ree Wacays


17.Bah Sheekhaash

18.Bah Laagmadoobe

19.Bah Gaalaad

20.Ree Samatar

21.Ree Cigaal

22.Ree Sharmarke


23.Ree Xandun

24.Ree Shirwac

25.Ree Samatar

26.Ree Baxar


27.Ree Samatar.

28.Ree Axmad

29.Ree Cumar

30.Ree Cali


31.Ree Boorre

32.Ree Bulbul

33.Ree Dhaaweed


34.Ree Shirwac

35.Ree Jaamac

36.Warfaa Dhaaweed

37.Ree Caafi


38.Ree Cilmi

39.Allamagan Saarreey


51.Ree Maxamuud

52.Ree Raage

53.Ree Qayliye

54.Xasan Geri

(40.Ree Muuse )

(41.Ree Dudub)

(42.Ree Caliyuusuf)

(43.Ree Cammaar)

(44.Ree Ugax)

(45.Ree Higis)


(47.Faarax Booli)

(48.Faarax Nuur)

(49.Guleed Awdoon)

(50.Ree Diini)

Maqaabul sub divides into Ree Sacad and Makaahiil .Ree Sacad principally live in Qubbi distirct in Nogob region Ethiopia. Makaahiil live in Doollo and Dooh in somalia. Makaahiil being the larger of the maqaabul tribes divides into:

Bah Shariifo (Abraahiin &Habar Samatalis) Habar Celi (Gumacadle & Gacanwayne)

Gumacadle further sub divides into

Ismaaciil Gumacdle Muuse Gumacdle Maxamad Gumacdle Maqaabul also have a significant presence in the South .They live in Badhaadhe (lower jubba somalıa) and Wajir South kenya.

https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Ogaden-Clans-Descent-Relationship_fig3_282643125 Cite error: There are <ref> tags on this page without content in them (see the help page). http://en.wiki.x.io/wiki/Ogaden_(clan) Cite error: There are <ref> tags on this page without content in them (see the help page). https://www.refworld.org/docid/3ae6aac33c.html Cite error: There are <ref> tags on this page without content in them (see the help page). http://en.wiki.x.io/wiki/Nogob_Zone [1] [2] http://www.nzdl.org/cgi-bin/library.cgi?e=d-00000-00---off-0hdl--00-0----0-10-0---0---0direct-10---4-------0-1l--11-en-50---20-about---00-0-1-00-0-0-11-1-0utfZz-8-10&cl=CL3.40&d=HASH01c8959afc055f5b4fbdb183.3.1&gt=1 https://www.somalinet.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=400003&start=30