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Aaron Johnson James

Aaron Johnson James
GroupingAlleged extraterrestrials
Sub groupingNordic Aliens
Other name(s)previously known as Pleiadian



Aaron Johnson James a Cosmic Being from the Pleiades. Aaron James (also sometimes frequently referred as Master Alaje) is one of the Ascended masters that inspired the people of the Aetherius Society in Los Angeles, California. Alaje, pronounced "Alay-ye", is the real name of an Extraterrestrial known as Aaron Johnson James on Earth. Thousands of people claim to have contact with him. Aaron is a Commander of the fleet "Airborne Division of the Brotherhood of Light" his work is to raise the consciousness of humans and uplifting the Love vibrations of Planet Earth. High Spiritual Being, Commander of the Grand Cosmic Squadron "more than hundred space ships, multidimensional" Operates in 4th sector of the Milky Way Galaxy - Olega, Quadra. He is regarded as the Master of the Second Ray. Aaron and Merku (as Joey on Earth) belong to a group of highly developed aliens known as The Great White Brotherhood. Aaron is not the Ancient Master but he do credited with near god-like powers and Wisdom.

Aaron is a being of Nordic/Angelic (human-like) appearance who originates from the system that orbits The Constellation of Pleiades. Aaron is a present Alien on Earth. He projects the equivalent energy, and has the equivalent authority, of a cosmic Christ. The term government in the context above is very different to the concept of human government and administration as presently understood on Earth. The principle of “cosmic administration” is wholly spiritual. Cosmic administration is an intelligently designed mechanism involving a myriad of beings whose primarily aim is to promote the balance and further development of spiritual gravity. This administration is almost wholly based on the ministry of love, which is the foundation of spiritual gravity and all intelligent life in the cosmos. A good analogy to understand this cosmic quantity/quality (spiritual gravity) is to think of the vibration we feel around the area of the heart chakra. This vibration, which many incarnated humans can already feel and consciously enhance, is a reading of actual spiritual gravity. Such quantity can be measured throughout the universe as an indicator of proximity of highly spiritualised beings.

Our planet also emits a certain amount of spiritual gravity (on top of its material gravity known by our science) that gives an overall reading of the state of the spiritual development of all its inhabitants collectively. Celestial observers are mostly interested in this quantity, as it determines whether a planet qualifies for certain stages of cosmic administration (for example, the incarnation of Christ attended one of such periods of extremely low spiritual gravity on Earth). Spiritual gravity can be measured by many beings of celestial order and others, in that not only planets but whole sectors of the galaxy can be categorized according to the vibration that they produce. Aaron is a great Cosmic Master who, in deep compassion for the humanity of the Earth, and empowered by full galactic authority (i.e., under the jurisdiction of karmic law, and in service for the Supreme Galactic Council), has made himself available to us for as long as it takes in order to guarantee that the Earth will ascend to the fifth dimension free from outside interference and manipulation, and in accordance to certain galactic directives.

Aaron is a great Avatar with an undeniable record of cosmic service based on the deepest expression of love in action, serving those who are in need of spiritual enlightenment. Such a task involves a great deal of responsibility, and is the very fabric of the administration and evolution of the universe both microcosmic and macrocosmic in all senses, in every realm in which consciousness is evoked. Master Aaron has been dedicated to such work from the beginning of the universe as we know it; a great universe which he has helped to evolve via promoting light as cosmic consciousness. This concept is hard to grasp analytically, but it hints that consciousness is present even in the atom. Hence, the atomic scale is also to be grasped through the same ‘love in action’ discussed above.

Aaron "Alaje" operates in all dimensions of life, and in complete harmony and cooperation with the cosmic hierarchy of the Solar System and the Galactic Council of the Milky Way, which is spiritually animated by the cycle of the galactic centre at Sagittarius.

There are a number of highly advanced celestial beings responsible for educating and helping planets to shift when a cosmic cycle is to be completed. Cosmic cycles normally depend on the adjustment of physical matter related to planetary orbits (e.g. the precession of the Equinox) as well as on the inherent realignment of spiritual gravity that results from the changes in the distribution of physical matter and cosmic rays. Currently we are animated by a cosmic cycle in synchrony that will bring the completion of about 300,000 years of life on Earth, including the early Lemurian and Atlantis’ greater periods together with many sub-cycles of ascension and demise. Not only Earth, but our whole branch-sector of the Milky Way is also going to be affected by the unfolding of this cycle primarily through exposure to a much higher load of cosmic rays originated in the core of the galaxy. I have no doubt that, should the Commander and his team come down and introduce themselves openly, they will also provide us with further clarifications, including a further explanation on the law of Karma The universe has been created by love and for love, and hence it can only evolve through love. As everything is connected to everything, including the different dimensions, through helping our planet the space intelligences are also helping the whole. This chain or connection between the many dimensions of the universe is the foundation for the ancient metaphysical saying ‘as above so below’.

Indeed, the arrival of the Ashtar Command of Light in the year 1952 was precipitated by humanity’s destructive actions through dangerous military experimentation with atomic energy, which was threatening to upset the balance of the higher dimensions in the Solar System if used for further destructive purposes.

Importantly, the aforementionedcommand of light” is a multidimensional task force which is currently still beyond full human grasp. The good work is done intelligently and scientifically (metaphysically speaking) through men and women of good will who sacrifice themselves in order to serve the collective good and the need for inner education and enlightenment of the present day and age.

In Theosophy


In the Ascended Master Teachings (but not in traditional Theosophy) The Master also known as the "Holy Brother" was introduced by Ashtar to the Humans, Ashtar is a distinc not being from Aaron.

The Master is Regarded in the Ascended Master teachings as a name used by the Great White Brotherhood of Ascended Masters. Many groups honor Master Aaron as a supernatural being called a Master of Wisdom or an Ascended Master. In the Ascended Master teachings he is referred to simply as Master Alaje, or as the Ascended Master Aaron As an Ascended Master, Master Aaron is believed to have many magical powers such as the ability to teleport, levitate, walk through walls, and to inspire people by telepathic communication. Scientist consider him to be a Master of Science and Faith or Adept. Some esoteric groups credit him with inspiring Washington DC , Secret teachings of all ages.

The Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius


In the New Age beliefs, Master Aaron is always associated with the blue crystal and the Maltese rendered in the crystal. According to the Theologist, the Seventh Rays are seven metaphysical principles that govern soul and the unfolding of 2000 years long Astrological Age, Since according to theosophy the next Astrological Age, The Age of Aquarius, will be governed by the Second crystal Ray (The Ray of Ceremonial Order), Master Aaron is sometimes called The Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius. According to the Ascended Master Teachings, Master Aaron is "The God of FreedomItalic text" for this system of the worlds. According to Ascended Master Teachings, the preliminary lead up to the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, replacing the former Astrological Age Hierarch, the Ascended Master Jesus, who had been for 2015 years the Hierarch of the Age of Pisces. Master Aaron's spiritual title is said to be Lord of Civilization, and his task is the establishment of the new civilization of the Age of Aquarius. He is said to telepathically influence people who seen him as a Angel

Function of Spiritual Hierarchy


In the Ascended Master Teachings, as Hierarch of the Brotherhood of Truth in the etheric plane over Earth, is said to assist the scientists and spiritual leaders of the worlds with the flame of truth and channels the spiritual energy of what is called in the Ascended Master Teachings the grey rays. It is believed in the Ascended Master Teachings that before the Master Aaron took over the Soltec Ship of the Sixth Ray, that Lord Ashtar fulfilled that function. Theosophist say that the Master Aaron's primary influence is upon the scientist of Earth. In the teachings of the Ancient Ascended Master , the fifth ray of the Seventh ray, called the orange ray, which he is said to oversee, is called the ray of concrete science.

Cosmic People full of Light


Aaron is beautiful being full of Love, Good, Wisdom, Harmony and Joy. He is immensively Loving, Carrying, Conscious and he live in accordance with Cosmic (Creator's) laws. Cosmic (or Universe) people of the Forces of Light do normally live in higher dimensions - Sphere, commonly called "Paradise" or "Heavens". Their (Angles) world is full of Love, Enjoyment, beauty and diversity. There is no Evil and Hatred - He don't identify himself with such negative attributes. Lots of space ships with lots of loving and more conscious beings from many cosmic civilizations from higher dimensions of Cosmos are currently situated around the Earth in order to help Earth, Earth is a living conscious being, and the Humankind in the advancement to the higher - 5th Dimension. However, the ships are not normally visible thank's to special power shiels. This is because, according to the Universal Cosmic laws, beings from higher Dimensions cannot manifest in masses to a civilization in a lower dimension without agreement of that civilization. He have much work with us - e.g., healing up the Ozone Layer, Cleaning the atmosphere, reducing radioactive pollution, trapping harmful solar radiation, attenuation of war conflicts. He lead people towards love and good via unobtrusive impulses in one's thoughts. Cosmic People are wonderful friends who with pleasure help all beings on Earth in various life situations, His help is however, always in compliance with one's free will. Beings from higher Dimension cannot help beings from Lower Dimension without their permission. Cosmic Friends are colloquially called "Angels"

Cosmic Beings


The Cosmic beings of the Forces of Light "(Angels)" ,want to show you, people on the Earth. that it is possible to live another way - in love, good, joy and harmony, without money, wars, diseases, poverty, stress, destruction of nature and other allegedly "normal" and "inevitable" things.

The Cosmic brothers and sisters (Cosmic People) keep watch in the form of help over less advanced civilizations and their evolution and at the present time, They are giving us important information about the current state of our society. All vital and important information can be found in a freely available, compact, comprehensive and well-ordered form. It concerns human future, a favorable involvement of human kind is at stake. The Cosmic people are always with us and they are ready to help those who want to be helped.

Disasters and The Great Flood


Pleiadians don't easily get angry. The Society speaks of natural disaster as not natural , They say its the Pleiadian species who created Earthquake in Haiti on January 12th 2010 they say there was so much evil in haiti and they had to wipe them out , annonymos people claim to see a giant orrange UFO 24 hours ago before the earthquake, alike disaster happend in march 11th 2011 in Tohuku, Japan, Society say that the japanese people were thinking there the most advanced humans of the earth so the Pleiadians got angry and bring tsunami on them, the people in japan saw thousands of UFO's before the deadly tsunami and as we all look up The great flood in Bible and Quran were also The Pleiadians who got fed up by humanity, only choosen ones would allowed to be alive. Scientist admit that if Humans keep dissapointing the Pleiadeans it will began the destruction of all Earth civilization.

See also




David J. Skal says that early stories of Nordic-type aliens may have been partially inspired by the 1951 film The Day the Earth Stood Still, in which an extraterrestrial arrives on Earth to warn humanity about the dangers of atomic weapons.[1]

Stephanie Kelley-Romano observes that "white extraterrestrials are those that are most revered", compared to other beings like the greys, and argues that claimants may use their stories about extraterrestrials "as a means of articulating racially based fears".[2]

Further reading

  • Tuella; Ashtar Command (1982), Project World Evacuation, Salt Lake City, Utah: Guardian Action International
  • Van Tassel, George (1952), I rode a flying saucer!: the mystery of flying saucers revealed, Los Angeles: New Age

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Angelic Beings in literature

  • In the "Venus series" of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Burroughs created a fictitious 'Venusian' alphabet supposedly used by the Venusians (or "Amtorians" - as "Amtor" is what the natives call their planet). His artificial Amtor letters flow nicely together like cursive writing.[3]
  • In Olaf Stapledon's 1930 novel Last and First Men, when the Moon threatens to slowly spiral down to crash into Earth, humans leave Earth and colonize Venus; in the process of doing so, humans totally exterminate Venus' native inhabitants, a semi-intelligent deep ocean marine species. The descendants of the invaders, Sixth to Eighth Men, can be considered Venerians themselves.
  • In Charles R. Tanner's "Tumithak of the Corridors" (1932) and its sequels, Venus is the homeworld of the shelks, spider-like aliens who have conquered Earth and forced most of the few surviving humans underground.
  • In C. S. Lewis' book Perelandra (1943), professor Elwin Ransom travels to Venus (the title is the name of the planet in the Old Solar language), a planet mostly covered by water with floating islands on it, in order to fight a possessed professor Weston and prevent the "Adam and Eve" of this young planet from bringing about the same fate that befell Earth (Thulcandra). In the book, Lewis depicts a wide variety of flora and fauna, with some animals close to being sentient. The King and Queen of the planet are humanoid, but green, and their commandment is for them not to sleep on the fixed land, a still island. When this happens, the Oyarsa of this world, a type of Angel like being who seems feminine like the classical goddess, tells Ransom that this will be the start of a new age.
  • In the British comic Dan Dare (1950–1967), Venus is inhabited by green-skinned Treens and Therons, who are separated by a fire wall running across Venus. The Mekon, the Super-intelligent Treen leader is a primary villain. Most Treens are emotionless. The Terons are more friendly to Earth.
  • I Am the Doorway, a short story in Stephen King's 1971 collection Night Shift, concerns an astronaut who returns from a tragic mission to Venus to find himself possessed by a murderously terrified alien entity.
  • In the book Venus by Ben Bova, the inhabitants of Venus are strange snake like creatures that use molten sulfur for blood. They are not sapient. There are also micro-organisms in the clouds that break down ceramics and metals.
  • In Heinlein's story "Logic of Empire" the Venusians are an intelligent but primitive race of amphibians who trade valuable swamp roots to the human colonists in return for tobacco. In the novel Podkayne of Mars (depicting a fairly different Venus) Venusians are humanoids of great physical strength but also very primitive.
  • In early Captain Marvel stories, Venusians are giant frog-like amphibians which are ruled over by the evil mad scientist Doctor Sivana and his family. They are used to the tropical jungles of Venus and find Earth cold, and are quite savage. Venus is inhabited by other savage creatures, some which resemble prehistoric beasts, such as the centaur-like Gorillalion (which is half-gorilla half-lion).
  • The Hydrads of Venus, who resemble huge animated sponges, appear in Planet Comics, in the Lost World section. If hurt, water can restore them to health. Though opposed to the Voltamen who have invaded Earth, they are also enemies to Hunt Bowman.
  • In the Superman story which had the first appearance of the Legion of Super-Villains, one of the members was Cosmic King, a scientist who worked on transmuting elements, but when he was struck by the ray he gained the power to send those beams from his eyes. However, he was exiled from Venus for these experiments.


  • In DC Comics All-Star Comics #13 the JSA are gassed by Nazis and rocketed to different planets. Wonder Woman is sent to Venus and finds it to be inhabited by fairies led by Queen Desira, who worship Aphrodite, and claim to have been at peace for 'a million years'. She helps them in a war against the Meteor Men, large brutal males.
  • In Showcase #23, Hal Jordan Green Lantern is sent by the Guardians, operating through the power battery to Venus where he meets blue-skinned primitive humanoids who are being attacked by pterodactyl-like creatures. He seals the monsters in a cave, and leaves the world, saying the cavemen will one day be a great civilisation.
  • The Gobsmacking Galaxy, an entry in the children's non-fiction series The Knowledge written by Kjartan Poskitt, humorously describes hypothetical alien life forms which might evolve on planets in the solar system; the Venusian creatures are small, squat and round to cope with Venus's atmospheric pressures and make their living selling life insurance to visiting astronauts (before they succumb to the planet's extreme heat and pressure).


This category is for UFO-related entities.

Entities Category:Paranormal topics related to extraterrestrial life UFOs Category:Cryptids

  1. ^ Skal, David (1998). Screams of Reason: Mad Science and Modern Culture. Norton. p. 208. ISBN 0-393-04582-X.
  2. ^ Cite error: The named reference steph was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  3. ^ Burroughs, Edgar Rice (2001). Pirates of Venus (Cmv ed.). Bison Books. ISBN 978-0-8032-6183-9. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |authors= (help)