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User:Elijah Hagin

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Elijah Hagin is a Nigerian charismatic preacher, author, Businessman, and philanthropist. He is the leader and founder of Exousia Fellowship Inc. (EFI), a Christian megachurch that runs the Exousia TV television station from Borno State.

Born 9th March
Occupation Charismatic Preacher, Businessman, and Philanthropist
Spouse Nathalie Hagin
Children Elijah Jnr, Ephraim, Esther, Elemelek
Books Praying with Angels, Toward Greater Manifestation, At War for Prosperity, The Forth Dimensions of the Prophetic, The Supernatural World, and 365 Days of All Round Prayers
Website https://elijahhaginministries.org/

Elijah was widely known across Africa, Asia, Europe, and America and had a large social media presence with thousands benefiting through the prophetic. Elijah was described by media outlets as the "Pro-exilic Prophet"

Elijah Hagin was awarded various accolades, notably receiving the Peace Ambassador.



Elijah was born on 9th March in Marama, Hawul Local Government of Borno State.

Elijah Hagin, Formerly known as Elijah Dan Kano, attended FGC Maiduguri Borno State Nigeria, and hence further his Nation Diploma with Ramat Polytechnic where he studied Architecture. In school, he was known as a "Church rat" because of his love for God. He worked in various casual jobs after his schooling had ended, including as a sells boy. He foretells the future during his raising as a student and performs wonders with his prophetic gifts and supernatural. Elijah attempted to join the Nigerian Road Safety Corps but was thwarted due to the call of God over his life.

Exousia Fellowship Inc.


Elijah wrote that in a heavenly vision he had received the divine anointing and a covenant from God to start his ministry after his Junior secondary class 3 encounter with an Angel from the Lord. Following this, Elijah Hagin founded the ministry organization which started as in his own room and later moved on to a Saturday service tagged Power-Point. According to the organization, he started with not less than 25 persons now the church has an Auditorium of more than 5,000 members attending its weekly Sunday service with overflows.

Despite Elijah Hagin's popularity, the church has only six branches: Abuja, Bauchi, Taraba, Gombe, Mubi, and Maiduguri across Nigeria. According to Elijah Hagin, "it is not yet time" for him to have many branches worldwide as "He is preparing the men".

Exousia Fellowship Inc every year holds its annual Global edition program tagged "Night of Receiving" with over thousands trooping in from every corner of the earth to have an encounter with God.

School of Ministry (SOM)


The School of manifestation is an education arm of the ministry, which is saddled with the responsibility of teaching, training, and equipping believers for ministry and a fruitful Christian walk. Under the leadership and Proprietorship of the Man of God Prophet (Dr.) Elijah Hagin DD, JP, the school started in the year 2010 with about 13 students and two courses in its curriculum and has since then experienced remarkable growth and improvements over the years.


In line with the (5) mandate of the ministry, the school has been mandated most specifically with the responsibility of raising kingdom stars that are well-trained and equipped for exploitation both in life and in their ministry.


  • Basic Certificate Course in Ministry (BCC)
  • Advance Certificate Course in Ministry (ACC)

Exousia tv


Exousia TV, the Exousia Fellowship Inc. television station, was Launched on 14 October 2017 by Elijah Hagin. The first Christian Channel in Northern Nigeria. Its Sunday services are broadcast live. Elijah Hagin's programmes also air weekly on a number of Social Media Platforms.

Exousia TV's motto is 'All Power belongs to Jesus'.

Claimed Prophecy


Major Seer Elijah Hagin undoubtedly foretells many events that came to pass accurately including the United States election prophecy and how the judiciary and legislative will back him out. 13/01/2019

Resignation of Head of Government

Elijah Hagin correctly predicted that Head of Government from different parts of the World will Resign from their offices in 2021

A Plane Crash

A video of Elijah Hagin foretelling of an undisclosed China Aeroplane with the color and number of which was accurately forensic leading to National mourning, surfaced on social media during the Boy's Brigade Enrollment service on Sunday 20/03/2022 the statement, happened on Monday 21/03/2022 as prophesied.


Elijah Hagin prophesied about Covid-19 and he foretells that COVID-19 will shake the world economy and regress its shape globally in 2011.

ASUU Strike

Universities all over the Country may likely have problems with the Government: I see students going back home

Nigeria Military Aircraft