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I was born in Barcelona, raised in Caracas, and I am currently living in the San Francisco Bay Area.



I attended Simón Bolívar University from where I received a B.Sc and M.Sc working under Prof. Jorge Vidart. I latter attended UC Berkeley (PhD. under Susan_L._Graham) and did a Post-Doc at Xerox PARC.



I was a Distinguished Engineer at Sun Microsystems. During my stay at Sun I participated and/or led many projects including SunPro's SPARCworks, Spring and many Java specifications, SDKs and products. I was the engineering manager for Hudson (now Jenkins) and the lead for Open Source and Community for Sun’s middleware products, including GlassFish. After a brief stint at Oracle in early 2010, I started working as Sr. Director, Open Source for Research In Motion in late 2010 where I worked in Open Source, Developer Adoption and different Developer Frameworks. In November 2013 I started at Progress_Software as a VP of Technology where I've been involved in Strategy, Corporate Development, Developer Adoption and Internet_of_Things activities. I have led some of our particiation in Hackathons and I regularly host interns. I currently work from our Telerik office in Palo_Alto,_California.



My first blog was at Java.net, in 2003. I later continued blogging at Blogs.Sun.Com through The Aquarium (see A Retrospective on TheAquarium), which was the #1 blog at BSC for many years, GlassFish For Business, and Castellers (v1). I currently write at Castellers (v2) and tweet at @pelegri.