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User:Bluerasberry/Citations in Wikipedia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Citations in Wikipedia are the







Citation needed

Wikipedia's editing guidelines place great importance on the necessity of matching facts to citations.[9]

Wikipedia's guidelines direct editors to identify sources which present the diversity of thought on a subject and to cite those sources in developing the encyclopedia.[10]

A 2020 study found that for about every 300 pageviews on English Wikipedia, there will be one click through of a citation.[10] Users tend to click citations more on short articles of lower quality. A probable explanation for this is that users seek more information through Wikipedia citations when they fail to find the information they want in the Wikipedia article.[10]

Among cited sources in Wikipedia, the most popular ones which users click are for open access sources, for recent events, and life events such as marriages or deaths in biographies.[10]

A 2007 paper described contemporary popular criticism of Wikipedia which claimed its lack of reliability.[11] That paper reported that Wikipedia's publishing structure enables analysis on what sorts of sources editors cite for various categories of articles.[11] The paper also found evidence of Wikipedia editors citing appropriate high quality sources.[11]

A 2013 study found that Wikipedia editors cite the publications of nonprofit and government agencies with higher frequency than is common in academic publication.[12]

Various research projects imagine the text mining of sources for facts, matching those facts with citations, then staging this knowledge for integration into Wikipedia.[9]

A 2013 study considered Wikipedia's "cite journal" template as a way to group and analyze the entirety of academic journal citations in Wikipedia.[13] Among other findings, the paper noted that in 2007 English Wikipedia had 74,000 citations to journals whereas in 2008 it had 224,000.[13] The large increase was due to increased availability of automated tools to bring citations and facts into Wikipedia.[13]

A 2016 study considered the age of academic astronomy papers which Wikipedia cites.[14] The study claimed that in astronomy, there are established facts in older papers which are still good information, but that Wikipedia editors tend to cite papers published after 2008.[14]

A 2017 study considered how often Wikipedia cites academic papers in the field of library and information science.[15] This study found that Wikipedia contains few citations to contemporary research in this field. When Wikipedia does include citations to publications, they tend to be open access.[15] Also, when citations appear in Wikipedia, they may be part of a bibliography in a biography rather than used as references for the actual topic of the paper.[15]

A 2017 considered the extent to which having papers cited in Wikipedia is an indication of high value of a paper.[16] The study found that over all scholarly fields Wikipedia only cites about 1 in 20 published papers and about 1 in 3 monographs.[16] The conclusion was that Wikipedia does not cite enough papers to be an indicator meriting general consideration.[16]

Citing Wikipedia








See also


Reliability of Wikipedia


  1. ^ Singh, Harshdeep; West, Robert; Colavizza, Giovanni (14 July 2020). "Wikipedia Citations: A comprehensive dataset of citations with identifiers extracted from English Wikipedia". arXiv:2007.07022 [cs].
  2. ^ Lewoniewski, Włodzimierz; Węcel, Krzysztof; Abramowicz, Witold (2017). "Analysis of References Across Wikipedia Languages". Information and Software Technologies. 756: 561–573. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-67642-5_47.
  3. ^ Jemielniak, D; Masukume, G; Wilamowski, M (18 January 2019). "The Most Influential Medical Journals According to Wikipedia: Quantitative Analysis". Journal of medical Internet research. 21 (1): e11429. doi:10.2196/11429. PMID 30664451.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: unflagged free DOI (link)
  4. ^ Luyt, Brendan; Tan, Daniel (2010). "Improving Wikipedia's credibility: References and citations in a sample of history articles". Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. doi:10.1002/asi.21304.
  5. ^ Brazzeal, Bradley (2011). "Citations to Wikipedia in Chemistry Journals: A Preliminary Study". Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship. doi:10.5062/F4057CV7.
  6. ^ Serrano-López, Antonio Eleazar; Ingwersen, Peter; Sanz-Casado, Elias (September 2017). "Wind power research in Wikipedia: Does Wikipedia demonstrate direct influence of research publications and can it be used as adequate source in research evaluation?". Scientometrics. 112 (3): 1471–1488. doi:10.1007/s11192-017-2447-2.
  7. ^ Arroyo-Machado, Wenceslao; Torres-Salinas, Daniel; Herrera-Viedma, Enrique; Romero-Frías, Esteban (10 February 2020). "Science through Wikipedia: A novel representation of open knowledge through co-citation networks". PLOS ONE. 15 (2): e0228713. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0228713.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: unflagged free DOI (link)
  8. ^ Torres-Salinas, Daniel; Romero-Frías, Esteban; Arroyo-Machado, Wenceslao (August 2019). "Mapping the backbone of the Humanities through the eyes of Wikipedia". Journal of Informetrics. 13 (3): 793–803. doi:10.1016/j.joi.2019.07.002.
  9. ^ a b Fetahu, Besnik; Markert, Katja; Nejdl, Wolfgang; Anand, Avishek (24 October 2016). "Finding News Citations for Wikipedia". Proceedings of the 25th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management: 337–346. doi:10.1145/2983323.2983808.
  10. ^ a b c d Piccardi, Tiziano; Redi, Miriam; Colavizza, Giovanni; West, Robert (20 April 2020). "Quantifying Engagement with Citations on Wikipedia". Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020: 2365–2376. doi:10.1145/3366423.3380300.
  11. ^ a b c Nielsen, Finn Aarup (15 May 2007). "Scientific citations in Wikipedia".
  12. ^ Ford, Heather; Sen, Shilad; Musicant, David R.; Miller, Nathaniel (2013). "Getting to the source: where does Wikipedia get its information from?". Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Open Collaboration - WikiSym '13: 1–10. doi:10.1145/2491055.2491064.
  13. ^ a b c Nielsen, Finn Aarup (8 May 2008). "Clustering of scientific citations in Wikipedia".
  14. ^ a b Thelwall, Mike (14 November 2016). "Does Astronomy research become too dated for the public? Wikipedia citations to Astronomy and Astrophysics journal articles 1996-2014". El Profesional de la Información. 25 (6): 893. doi:10.3145/epi.2016.nov.06.
  15. ^ a b c Pooladian, Aida; Borrego, Ángel (October 2017). "Methodological issues in measuring citations in Wikipedia: a case study in Library and Information Science". Scientometrics. 113 (1): 455–464. doi:10.1007/s11192-017-2474-z.
  16. ^ a b c d Kousha, Kayvan; Thelwall, Mike (March 2017). "Are wikipedia citations important evidence of the impact of scholarly articles and books?". Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 68 (3): 762–779. doi:10.1002/asi.23694. Cite error: The named reference "Kousha 2017" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  17. ^ Bould, M. D.; Hladkowicz, E. S.; Pigford, A.-A. E.; Ufholz, L.-A.; Postonogova, T.; Shin, E.; Boet, S. (6 March 2014). "References that anyone can edit: review of Wikipedia citations in peer reviewed health science literature". BMJ. 348 (mar05 4): g1585 – g1585. doi:10.1136/bmj.g1585.
  18. ^ Tomaszewski, Robert; MacDonald, Karen I. (2 July 2016). "A Study of Citations to Wikipedia in Scholarly Publications". Science & Technology Libraries. 35 (3): 246–261. doi:10.1080/0194262X.2016.1206052.
  19. ^ Noruzi, Alireza (June 2009). "Wikipedia popularity from a citation analysis point of view". Webology. 6 (2).
  20. ^ Shim, Wonsik; Byun, Jeayeon; Kim, Minjung (30 May 2013). "학술논문에서의 위키피디아 인용에 관한 연구". 한국문헌정보학회지. 47 (2): 247–264. doi:10.4275/KSLIS.2013.47.2.247.
  21. ^ Baker, Daniel J. (2011). "A Jester's Promenade: Citations to Wikipedia in Law Reviews, 2002-2008". I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society. p. 361.

Category:Wikipedia reliability Category:Reference