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Jurisdictional area Grand Lodge Name Founded Lodges Members External Organizations
Benin Grand Bénin de la République du Bénin[1] CLIPSAS
Benin Grand Loge du Bénin[2] 1995[3] 11[3] 350[3] GLUE
Cameroon Grand Orient & Loge Unis du Cameroun CLIPSAS
Cameroon Grande Loge Nationale du Cameroun
Cameroon Grande Loge Féminine du Cameroun 1 GLFF
Congo, Republic of Grands Orient & Loge Associés du Congo CLIPSAS
Congo, Democratic Republic of Grand Orient du Congo CLIPSAS
Congo, Democratic Republic of Grande Loge du Congo (Kinshasa) GLUE
Congo, Democratic Republic of Grande Loge Reguliere Française (Province de la R.D.C) 2007 2 60 REHFRAM
Congo, Democratic Republic of Grande Loge nationale du Congo du Rite ancien et primitif de Memphis-Misraïm 1990 3 55 REHFRAM
Côte d'Ivoire Grande Loge Nationale de Côte d'Ivoire
Côte d'Ivoire Grand Lodge of the Ivory Coast[2]
Côte d'Ivoire Grand Loge Unie de Côte d'Ivoire GLUE
Côte d'Ivoire Le droit Humain - Juridiction de la Côte d'Ivoire CLIPSAS
Egypt Masonic High Council of Egypt[4] MHC of UK[4]
Gabon Grande Loge du Gabon[2]
Gabon Grande Loge Symbolique (ex Grand Rite Equatorial) 1975 14 GLUE
Gabon Grande Loge Féminine du Gabon GLFF
Guinea Le droit Humain - Juridiction de la Guinée Conackry CLIPSAS
Liberia Masonic Order of Liberia 1867 17
Madagascar Le droit Humain - Juridiction de Madagascar CLIPSAS
Madagascar Grande Loge de Nationale de Madagascar GLUE
Mali Le droit Humain - Juridiction de Mali[2][5] 1 CLIPSAS
Mali Grande Loge Nationale Malienne GLUE
Morocco Grande Loge unie du Moroc 2005 5 80 GLUE
Morocco Grande Loge Féminine du Maroc 2008 3
Morocco Grand Orient of Marocco [6] 2009 4 42
Mauritius Grande Loge de Maurice 2005 8 GLUA
Mauritius Le droit Humain - Juridiction de la Ile Maurice 1 CLIPSAS
Mauritius Grande Loge Mixte de Maurice 2009 1
Nigeria Unity Lodge 1806 1 22
Senegal Grande Loge du Sénégal[2]
Senegal Le droit Humain - Juridiction de Sénégal CLIPSAS
Senegal Grande Loge Féminine du Sénégal GLFF
South Africa Grand Lodge of South Africa[2] 1961 95[7] 3,300[7]
South Africa South African Federation, The International Order of Co-Freemasonry, Le Droit Humain[8] 1912 4 CLIPSAS
South Africa Masonic High Council of South Africa[9] MHC of UK[4]
Togo Grande Loge Nationale Togolaise[2] 1972 41 600[7] GLUA
Togo Grand Orient du Togo
Togo Le droit Humain - Juridiction de Togo CLIPSAS


Jurisdictional area Grand Lodge Name Founded Lodges Members External Organizations
Armenia Grand Lodge of Armenia[10] 2002 4
India District Grand Lodge of Madras [14] 1767 18 UGLE[11]
India District Grand Lodge of Bombay [15] UGLE[12]
India District Grand Lodge of Bengal UGLE[13]
India District Grand Lodge of Northern India UGLE[14]
India Grand Lodge A.F.& A.M. of India[15]
India Confederation of United Grand Lodges of India [16] 2001
India Masonic High Council of India[4] MHC of UK[4]
Israel Grand Lodge of the State of Israel [17] 1953 56 2000
Israel Le Droit Humain - Juridiction israélienne [18] 1989
Japan Grand Lodge of Japan[7] [19] 1957 18 2 500
Jordan Masonic High Council of Jordan[4] 2 MHC of UK[4]
Kuwait Masonic High Council of Kuwait[4] 2 MHC of UK[4]
Lebanon Grand Orient Arabe Oecuménique 1950 300
Lebanon Grand Loge Bet-El[2] 1986[3] 4[3] 94[3] CLIPSAS
Malaysia Masonic High Council of Malaysia[4] MHC of UK[4]
Philippines Grand Lodge of Philippines[7] [20] 1917 278 16 500
Qatar Masonic High Council of Qatar[4] 2 MHC of UK[4]
Saudi Arabia Masonic High Council of Saudi Arabia[4] 2 MHC of UK[4]
Singapore Masonic High Council of Singapore[4] MHC of UK[4]
Syria Masonic High Council of Syria[4] 2 MHC of UK[4]
Taiwan Grand Lodge of China[7] 1949 10 750
Turkey Grand Lodge of Turkey[16] 1956 180 2000
Turkey Liberal Grand Lodge of Freemasons in Turkey[17] 1966
United Arab Emirates Masonic High Council of the United Arab Emirates[4] 2 MHC of UK[4]

Australia and New Zealand

Jurisdictional area Grand Lodge Name Founded Lodges Members External Organizations
Australia Le Droit Humain - Australian federation [21] 1911 8 DH
Australia Masonic High Council of Australia [22] MHC of UK[4]
New South Wales United Grand Lodge of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory [23] 1888 488[7] 28,000
New Zealand Grand Lodge of New Zealand [24] 1890 175 6,000
Queensland United Grand Lodge of Queensland [25] 1921[7] 379 16,000
South Australia Grand Lodge of South Australia and the Northern Territory [26] 1884[7] 149 6,000
Tasmania Grand Lodge of Tasmania [27] 1890 58
Victoria United Grand Lodge of Victoria [28] 1889 481[7] 24,000
Western Australia Grand Lodge of Western Australia [29] 1900[7] 175 6,000


Jurisdictional area Grand Lodge Name Founded Lodges Members External Organizations
Andorra Gran Logia d'Andorra / Grand Lodge of Andorra [30] 2000 10 340
Austria Grand Lodge of Austria 1918 69 3200
Austria Grand Orient of Austria [31] 1961 5 CLIPSAS
Austria Grand Lodge Humanitas 1989 CLIPSAS
Austria Grand Lodge Droit Humain of Austria DH
Belgium Fédération belge du Droit Humain / Belgische federatie van Droit Humain [32] 1928 61 6,500 AMIL, DH, Les Franc-maçons belges, SIMPA
Belgium Grande Loge de Belgique / Grootloge van België [33] 1959 52 2,500 Les Franc-maçons belges, AMIL, SIMPA
Belgium Grande Loge féminine de Belgique / Vrouwengrootloge van België [34] 1981 33 1,600 Les Franc-maçons belges, AMIL, CLIPSAS, CLIMAF
Belgium Grande Loge Régulière de Belgique / Reguliere Grootloge van België [35] 1979 44 1,500
Belgium Grand Orient de Belgique[36] 1833 108 10,000+ Les Franc-maçons belges, AMIL, SIMPA
Belgium Lithos - Confederation of Lodges LCL 2006 9 200[citation needed]
Belgium Masonic High Council of Belgium HC of France
Bulgaria Grand Lodge of Bulgaria http://www.vlb.bg/ [37] 1917 8
Catalonia Gran Lògia de Catalunya [38] 1933 3 100
Czech Republic Grand Lodge of the Czech Republic [39] 17 November 1990 23 450 UGLE [40]
Czech Republic Velká lóže zemí Českých [41] 20 January 2001 4 60
Czech Republic Velká lóže svobodných a přijatých zednářů Humanitas Bohemia [42] 28 October 1993 2 60 CATENA
Denmark Danish Order of Freemasons [43] 1743[18] 100[19] 10,000[20] UGLE[21]
Estonia Grand Lodge of Estonia [44] 18 February 1999 12 340+
Finland Suomen Suurloosi / Storlogen i Finland [45] 1924 157[22] 6,800[22]
Finland Le Droit Humain Suomen Liitto / Internationella Sam-Frimurarorden Le Droit Humain Finska Förbundet [46] 1920 11[23] DH
Finland Svenska Kvinno-Frimurareorden i Finland 1946 46[24]
France Fédération française de l'Ordre maçonnique mixte international le Droit humain [47] 1893 518 16,000+ DH, CLIPSAS, IMF
France Grande Loge de France [48] 1738 / 1894 850 34,000 [25] HC of France (1804)[26]
France High Council of France [49] 1804 348 7,900 [26] HC of South Jurisdiction (1801)[26]
France Grande Loge féminine de France [50] 1945 / 1952 360 13,000 CLIMAF, IMF
France Grande_loge_écossaise_réformée_et_rectifiée_d'Occitanie [51] 1995 15 250
France Grande Loge féminine de Memphis-Misraïm [52] 1965 1,000 CLIPSAS, IMF
France Grande Loge française de Memphis-Misraïm [53] 1960 21 300[27] CLIPSAS
France Grande Loge mixte de France [54] 1982 175 4,000[27] IMF
France Grande Loge mixte universelle [55] 1973 57[27] 1,200 IMF
France Grande Loge Nationale Française [56] 1913 1268 31,000 ?
France Grande Loge Traditionnelle et Symbolique Opéra [57] 1958 202 4500 IMF
France Grande Loge unie de France [58] 1994 12 150[27]
France Grand Orient de France [59] 1738 / 1773 1,150 52,000[28] AMIL, IMF, SIMPA
France Loge nationale française [60] 1968 25 300 IMF
France Ordre initiatique et traditionnel de l'Art royal [61] 1974 75 930[27] IMF
France Grand Orient Arabe Oecuménique [62] 2010 ? ?
Germany Große National-Mutterloge "Zu den drei Weltkugeln" (GNML 3WK) [29] 13 September 1740 [30] 40 [31] VGLvD [32]
Germany Große Landesloge der Freimaurer von Deutschland (GLL FvD) [33] 27 December 1770[34] 100 3500 VGLvD [32]
Germany Großloge der Alten Freien und Angenommenen Maurer von Deutschland (GL AFuAMvD) [35] 19 June 1949 260 10,000 VGLvD [32]
Germany The Grand Lodge of British Freemasons in Germany (GL BFG) [36] 1959/1982 16 VGLvD [32]
Germany American Canadian Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M (ACGL) [37] 29 September 1962/23 October 1970 44 VGLvD [32]
Germany Le Droit Humain - Deutsche Jurisdiktion [38] 31 December 1969 DH
Germany Humanitas - Freimaurergrossloge für Männer und Frauen in Deutschland [39] 1959 10 160 CATENA, CLIPSAS
Germany Frauen Grossloge von Deutschland (FGLvD) [40] 1982 [41] 18[42] CLIMAF
Germany Masonic High Council of Germany ?
Greece Εθνική Μεγάλη Στοά της Ελλάδος [63] 7 June 1986 57 800+
Hungary Magyarországi Nagyoriens [64] 1871 9 300 AAECE (Adogmatic Association of East & Central Europe)
Ireland Grand Lodge of Ireland [65] 1725 ?? ??
Ireland Masonic High Council of Ireland[4] MHC of UK[4]
Italy Grande Oriente d'Italia [66] 1805 670 19,000 HC of Italy
Italy Grand Lodge of Italy (Obedience of Piazza del Gesú Palazzo Vitelleschi) [67] 1908 420 9,500 CLIPSAS, SIMPA
Italy Regular Grand Lodge of Italy [68] 1993 210 3,500
Italy Gran Loggia Italiana [69] 2007 24 300
Italy Gran Loggia Tradizionale d'Italia [70] 2011 7 80
Italy Grand Lodge Massonica Femminile of Itally [71] 1990 11 185 CLIPSAS, CLIMAF
Italy Grand Lodge National dei Liberi Muratori d'Italia [72] 1805 80
Italy Masonic High Council of Italy [73] 1805 HC of France [74]
Latvia Latvijas Lielloža [75] 2003 6 150+
Lithuania Lietuvos laisvuju murininku Didžioji Lože AF & AM 2002 6
Macedonia Grand Lodge of Macedonia [43] 2005
Malta Grand Lodge of Malta
Monaco La Grande Loge Nationale Régulière de la Principauté de Monaco[44] 19 February 2011 200 [45]
The Netherlands Grand Orient of the Netherlands [76] 1756 140 6000
Poland National Grand Lodsge of Poland/Wielka Loża Narodowa Polski [77] 2006 11 UGLE[46]
Portugal Regular Grand Lodge of Portugal [78] 1991 36
Portugal Legal Grand Lodge of Portugal [79] 1991 72 1,300
Portugal Grand Orient of Lusitania [80] 1802
Romania Regular Grand Lodge of Romania [81] 2006 12 250 S.O.G.L.I.A. - Society of Grand Lodges in Alliance
Romania Masonic High Council of Romania HC of France
Russia Grand Lodge of Russia [82] 1995 18[47] 251[47] GNLF
Russia United Grand Lodge of Russia [83] 2008[48] 10[48] 160[48][49] GLDF
Russia High Council of Russia [50] 2009 5 70 HC of France [26]
San Marino Masonic High Council of San Marino[4] MHC of UK[4]
Serbia National Grand Lodge of Serbia [84] 1997 12 300
Serbia Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia [85] 1993 29 700
Serbia United Grand Lodge of Serbia [86] 2006 17 450
Serbia Masonic High Council of Serbia HC of France
Slovak Republic Veľká Lóža Slovenska [87] 21 March 2009 3 60
Slovenia Regular Grand Lodge of Slovenia[4] MHC of UK[4]
Spain Masonic High Council of Spain 1809 HC of France [Alain Graesel, La Grande Loge de France, PUF, coll. " Que sais-je? ", 2008 (ISBN 978-2-13-056199-6)]
Spain - Catalonia Grand Lodge of Catalonia[4][88] 1936
Sweden Swedish Order of Freemasons [89] 1760 43[51] 14,200[51]
Sweden Le Droit Humain - Juridiction scandinave[90] 1918 1[52] DH
Sweden Swedish Masonic Camp [91] 1951 8[53]
Sweden Grand Orient Latinoamericano[92] 1984 3 CLIPSAS
Sweden Jus Humanum Suecia CATENA
Switzerland Grande Loge Suisse Alpina [93] 1844 79[54] 4000
Switzerland Fédération Suisse du Droit Humain [94] 1896 DH
Switzerland Grand Orient de Suisse [95] 1959 20[55] CLIPSAS
Switzerland Grande Loge Féminine de Suisse [96] 1976[56] 17[56] 350[56] CLIMAF
Ukraine Grand Lodge of Ukraine [97] 2005 3 50+
United Kingdom (England and Wales) United Grand Lodge of England [98] 1717 / 1813 8,644 330,000
United Kingdom (Scotland) Grand Lodge of Scotland [99] 1736 1800
United Kingdom Grand Lodge of All England at York [100] 2005
United Kingdom Regular Grand Lodge of England/Masonic High Council [101] 2005 MHC of UK

Central and South America

Jurisdictional area Grand Lodge Name Founded Lodges Members External Organizations
Argentina Gran Logia de la Argentina de Libres y Aceptados Masones 1857 218
Brasil Grande Oriente do Brasil [57] [102] 1822 1700 100 000
Brasil Grande Loja Maçonica Mixta do Brasil CLIPSAS
Brasil Grande Loja Feminina da Maçonaria Brasileira CLIPSAS
Brasil Masonic High Council of Brazil[4] MHC of UK[4]
Brazil (Amazonia) Grande Loja do Amazonia 1904 40 6,500
Brazil (Bahia) Grande Loja da Bahia 1927 129 6,000
Brazil (Ceara) United Grand Lodge of Ceara 1828 117 11,000
Brazil (Mato Grosso do Sul) Grand Lodge of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul 1962 56 2,200
Brazil (Minas Gerais) Grand Lodge of Minas Gerais 1927 250 7,500
Brazil (Masonic Grand Lodge of State of Rio de Janeiro) Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (A.F.& A.M.) [58] [103] 1927 189 14,500 CMSB [59] [104]
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) Grande Oriente Independente do Rio de Janeiro [60] [105] 1973 43 800 COMAB [61]
Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul) Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul 1928 105 3,500 COMAB
Brazil (Rio Grande do Norte) Grande Loja Maçônica do Rio Grande do Norte 1974 18 500
Brazil (Paraná) Grand Orient of Paraná 1952 92 2,800 COMAB
Brazil (Paraná) Grande Loja Unida do Paraná 1981 CLIPSAS
Brazil (São Paulo) Grand Lodge of São Paulo 1927 434 15,000
Bolivia Regular Grand Lodge of Bolivia[4] MHC of UK[4]
Bolivia (Potosí) Gran Logia El Potosí CGLREU
Ecuador Sublime Consejo del Rito Moderno para el Ecuador 2011 4 60 SCRM Brasil / UMURM
Ecuador Gran Logia Mixta de los Andes Ecuatoriales 2011 4 60 GLMAE
Ecuador Masonic High Council of Ecuador[4] MHC of UK[4]
Honduras Masonic High Council of Honduras
Paraguay Grand Lodge Multiritualistica of Paraguay[62] MHC of UK[4]
Péru Gran Logia del Péru 1882 147 GLUA
Péru Grand Constitutional Lodge of Peru 2005 13 357
Péru Masonic High Council of Peru[4] MHC of UK[4]
Venezuela Grand Lodge of Venezuela [63] CMI, CMB
Venezuela Regular Grand Lodge of Venezuela 2006 22 430 Soberano Santuario General de Memphis, Montauban 1815

North America

Jurisdictional area Grand Lodge Name[64] Founded[65] Lodges Members[66] External Organizations
Canada Gran Logia de Lengua Española de Canada 2005 5
Canada Grande Loge Nationale du Canada 1985 15 CLIPSAS
Canada Juridiction canadienne du Droit Humain 1976(80) 6
Canada (Alberta) Grand Lodge of Alberta 1905[7] 141 7,732[67] CGMNA
Canada (British Columbia) Grand Lodge of British Columbia & the Yukon 1871[7] 164 11,251[67] CGMNA
Canada (Manitoba) Grand Lodge of Manitoba 1875[7] 72 3,121[67] CGMNA
Canada (New Brunswick) Grand Lodge of New Brunswick 1867[7] 51 4,038[67] CGMNA
Canada (Newfoundland and Labrador) Grand Lodge of Newfoundland and Labrador 1997 32 2,191[67] CGMNA
Canada (Nova Scotia) Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia 1866[7] 114 5 802[67] CGMNA
Canada (Ontario) Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario 1855[7] 641 55,072[67] CGMNA
Canada (Ontario) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ontario 1852 11
Canada (Prince Edward Island) Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island 1875[7] 16 845[67] CGMNA
Canada (Québec) Grande Loge du Québec 1869[7] 94 4,582[67] CGMNA
Canada (Québec) Grande Loge Mixte du Québec 1979
Canada (Saskatchewan) Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan 1906[7] 94 3,784[67] CGMNA
Caribbean Islands Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the Caribbean & Jurisdiction 1993 10[68] PHCGM
Cuba Grand Lodge of Cuba 1859 314[7] 24,313[7]
Dominican Republic Grand Lodge of the Dominican Republic [106] 1858 15[69] 1,200[7]
Mexico Grand Lodge of Mexico 1862 229 12,000
Mexico York Grand Lodge of Mexico, F. & A.M [107] 1862 13 250 CGLREU
Mexico Gran Logia Unida Mexicana 1883 100 2,500 CGLREU
Mexico Grand Orient of Mexico CLIPSAS
Mexico Masonic High Council of Mexico[70] MHC of UK[4]
Mexico (Baja California) Gran Logia de Estado de Baja California [108] 1933 26 CGLREU
Mexico (Coahuila) Gran Logia Benito Juárez del Estado de Coahuila [109] CGLREU, UGLE
Mexico (Chiapas) Gran Logia del Estado de Chiapas CGLREU
Mexico (Estado de Mexico) Gran Logia "del Estado de Mexico" [110] 1997 18 CGLREU
Mexico (Durango) Gran Logia "Guadalupe Victoria" del Estado de Durango [111] 1923 10 250 CGLREU
Mexico (Chihuahua) Gran Logia Cosmos AC del R. E. A. y A. del Estado de Chihuahua [112] 6 CGLREU
Mexico (Durango) Gran Logia "Guadalupe Victoria" del Estado de Durango [113] 1923 10 250 CGLREU
Mexico (Nuevo León) Gran Logia del Estado de Nuevo León [114] CGLREU
Mexico (D.F.) Gran Logia "de la Ciudad de México"[115] 2010 8
Mexico (Occidental Mexicana) Gran Logia Occidental Mexicana [116]
Mexico (Pacífico) Gran Logia del Pacífico [117] CGLREU
Mexico (Tamaulipas) Gran Logia Tamaulipas CGLREU
Mexico (Valle de México) Gran Logia Valle de México [118] 250
United States George Washington Union [119] 1976 5 37 CLIPSAS, SIMPA
United States Grand Lodge Symbolic of Memphis-Misraïm for the United States
United States Grand Orient of the United States of America [120] 2005
United States Honorable Order of American Co-Masonry [121] 1909/1994
United States Le Droit Humain - American federation [122] 1903 DH
United States National Grand Lodge [123] National Compact
United States United Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Democratic Republics
United States (Alabama) Brotherly Love Grand Lodge [71] Int. F&AM
United States (Alabama) Grand Lodge of Alabama [124] 1821[72] 32,297 CGMNA
United States (Alabama) King Solomon Grand Lodge[71]
United States (Alabama) Lincoln Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Colored Masons of America[71]
United States (Alabama) Mt. Olive Branch Grand Lodge[71] National Compact
United States (Alabama) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Alabama 1870[73] 593[74] 30,822 PHCGM
United States (Alabama) Progressive Free and Accepted Masons of the USA[71]
United States (Alabama) St. James Grand Lodge of Alabama[71]
United States (Alabama) Supreme Workshop of Modern Free and Accepted Colored Masons of America Grand Lodge AF&AM, Scottish Rite[71]
United States (Alaska) Grand Lodge of Alaska [125] 1981 20[75] 2,145 CGMNA
United States (Alaska) King Solomon Grand Lodge[71]
United States (Alaska) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Alaska 1969[76] 5[74] 170 PHCGM
United States (Alaska) Sons of Solomon Grand Lodge of Alaska[71]
United States (Arizona) Ezra Grand Lodge[71]
United States (Arizona) Golden Eagle Grand Lodge[71] Int. F&AM
United States (Arizona) Grand Lodge of Arizona [126] 1882[72] 10,000 CGMNA
United States (Arizona) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Arizona [127] 9 313[74] PHCGM
United States (Arizona) St. John's Grand Lodge of Arizona[71]
United States (Arkansas) Alpha Grand Lodge[71] Int. F&AM
United States (Arkansas) Compact Grand Lodge National Compact
United States (Arkansas) Grand Lodge of Arkansas [128] 1820 17,699 CGMNA
United States (Arkansas) King David Grand Lodge[71]
United States (Arkansas) King Solomon Grand Lodge[71]
United States (Arkansas) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Arkansas [129] 1870[73] 118 3,200[74] PHCGM
United States (Arkansas) St. James Grand Lodge[71]
United States (Arkansas) St. John's Grand Lodge[71]
United States (California) Enoch Grand Lodge[71]
United States (California) Esoteric Grand Lodge of America[71]
United States (California) Eureka Grand Lodge[71]
United States (California) Golden Gate Grand Lodge[71]
United States (California) Grand Lodge of California [130] 1850 350 75,000 CGMNA
United States (California) Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Ancient York Masons[71]
United States (California) Hiram of Tyre Grand Lodge[71]
United States (California) John A. Bell Grand Lodge of California[71]
United States (California) King David Grand Lodge of California[71]
United States (California) King Solomon Grand Lodge[71] National Compact
United States (California) M.W. Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M.[71]
United States (California) Mt. Nebo Grand Lodge[71] National Compact
United States (California) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of California [131] 87[74] 1,500 PHCGM
United States (California) Pyramid Grand Lodge[71]
United States (California) Regular Grand Lodge of California[4] 3 MHC of USA
United States (California) Sons of Light Grand Lodge of California[71]
United States (California) St. Andrews Grand Lodge Scottish Rite of California[71]
United States (California) St. Anthony Grand Lodge of California of Oakland and Los Angeles[71]
United States (California) St. John Grand Lodge[71] Int. F&AM
United States (California) St. John's Grand Lodge of Canada and California[71]
United States (California) St. Matthews Grand Lodge of California[71]
United States (California) Western States Council of Grand Lodges[71]
United States (Colorado) Grand Lodge of Colorado [132] 1861 133 13,737 CGMNA
United States (Colorado) Hiram Grand Lodge[71] National Compact
United States (Colorado) Ivanhoe Grand Lodge[71]
United States (Colorado) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Colorado 17[74] 833 PHCGM
United States (Colorado) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Colorado 17[74] 833
United States (Connecticut) Grand Lodge of Connecticut [133] 1787[72] 93 15,126 CGMNA,
United States (Connecticut) Hiram Grand Lodge[71] Int. F&AM
United States (Connecticut) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Connecticut [134] 1873[73] 13 1,500[74] PHCGM
United States (Connecticut) St. John's Grand Lodge[71]
United States (Delaware) African Harmony Grand Lodge[71] National Compact
United States (Delaware) Grand Lodge of Delaware [135] 1806 5,302 CGMNA
United States (Delaware) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Delaware 1849[73] 17[74] 800 PHCGM
District of Columbia Eureka Grand Lodge[71] National Compact
United States (District of Columbia) Grand Lodge of District of Columbia [136] 1811 36 4,000[77] CGMNA
United States (District of Columbia) Hugo B. Ings Grand Lodge[71] Int. F&AM
United States (District of Columbia) King Solomon Grand Lodge[71]
United States (District of Columbia) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of District of Columbia [137] 1848 26 5,100[74] PHCGM
United States (District of Columbia) St. John's Grand Lodge[71]
United States (Florida) Grand Lodge of Florida [138] 1830[72] 51,973 CGMNA
United States (Florida) Regular Grand Lodge of Florida[4] 2010 2 MHC of USA
United States (Florida) Meridian Grand Lodge[71] National Compact
United States (Florida) Sunrise Grand Lodge [78] 2010 3[78]
United States (Florida) St. James Grand Lodge[71] Int. F&AM
United States (Florida) Union Grand Lodge of Florida & Belize [139] 1865 PHCGM
United States (Georgia) Grand Lodge of Georgia [140] 1786 49,341 CGMNA
United States (Georgia) Jeff Long Grand Lodge[71] Int. F&AM
United States (Georgia) John A. Belle Grand Lodge of Georgia[71]
United States (Georgia) Joseph Grand Lodge of Georgia[71]
United States (Georgia) Lazarus Grand Lodge of the Jurisdiction of Georgia[71]
United States (Georgia) Modern Free and Accepted Masons of the World[71]
United States (Georgia) Mount Sinai Grand Lodge[71]
United States (Georgia) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Georgia 1870[73] 194[74] 10,107 PHCGM
United States (Georgia) Smooth Ashlar Grand Lodge[71] National Compact
United States (Georgia) St. John Grand Lodge[71]
United States (Georgia) Traveling Masons of the World[71]
United States (Hawaii) Grand Lodge of Hawaii [141] 1989 1,745 CGMNA
United States (Hawaii) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Hawaii [142] 4 PHCGM
United States (Idaho) Grand Lodge of Idaho [143] 1867 4,688 CGMNA
United States (Illinois) Grand Lodge of Illinois [144] 1840 72,793 CGMNA
United States (Illinois) Hiram Grand Lodge[71]
United States (Illinois) John A. Belle Grand Lodge of Illinois[71]
United States (Illinois) Judah Grand Lodge[71]
United States (Illinois) Neimiah Grand Lodge[71]
United States (Illinois) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the State of Illinois [145] 1867[73] PHCGM
United States (Illinois) Regular Grand Lodge of Illinois[4] 8 MHC of USA
United States (Illinois) St. James Grand Lodge - King David Grand Lodge[71]
United States (Illinois) St. John Grand Lodge[71]
United States (Illinois) St. Mark Grand Lodge[71] National Compact
United States (Illinois) United Grand Lodge[71]
United States (Illinois) William Banks Grand Lodge[71] Int. F&AM
United States (Indiana) Grand Lodge of Indiana [146] 1818[72] 73,380 CGMNA
United States (Indiana) Indiana Grand Lodge[71] National Compact
United States (Indiana) King Solomon Grand Lodge of Indiana[71] Int. F&AM
United States (Indiana) KSS Grand Lodge of Indiana[71]
United States (Indiana) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Indiana 1956[73] 37[74] 2,100 PHCGM
United States (Iowa) Daniel Grand Lodge[71] Int. F&AM
United States (Iowa) Grand Lodge of Iowa [147] 1844[72] 25,697 CGMNA
United States (Iowa) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Iowa 1881[73] 7[74]
United States (Kansas) Grand Lodge of Kansas [148] 1856 263 28,863 CGMNA
United States (Kansas) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Kansas 42[74] 1,392 PHCGM
United States (Kansas) St. John's Grand Lodge of Kansas[71]
United States (Kentucky) Eureka Grand Lodge[71]
United States (Kentucky) Grand Lodge of Kentucky [149] 1800[72] 51,437 CGMNA
United States (Kentucky) Kings of Kentucky Grand Lodge[71] Int. F&AM
United States (Kentucky) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Kentucky 1866[73] 67[74] 2,400 PHCGM
United States (Louisiana) General Grand Masonic Congress of the United States of America[71]
United States (Louisiana) Grand Lodge of Louisiana [150] 1812[72] 23,666 CGMNA
United States (Louisiana) John G. Jones Grand Lodge[71]
United States (Louisiana) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Louisiana 1863[73] 169[74] 7,823 PHCGM
United States (Louisiana) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Louisiana[71] National Compact
United States (Louisiana) St. Andrews Grand Lodge of Louisiana[71]
United States (Louisiana) St. John Grand Lodge of Louisiana[71]
United States (Louisiana) United King George Grand Lodge[71]
United States (Louisiana) United St. John's Grand Lodge[71]
United States (Louisiana) United Universal Grand Lodge of St. John[71]
United States (Louisiana) Universal Grand Lodge of Louisiana[71]
United States (Maine) Grand Lodge of Maine [151] 1820[72] 22,849 CGMNA
United States (Maryland) Grand Lodge of Maryland [152] 1787[72] 18,771 CGMNA
United States (Maryland) Harmony Grand Lodge in the Great State of Maryland[71]
United States (Maryland) Hiram Grand Lodge State of Maryland[71]
United States (Maryland) King Douglas Grand Lodge[71] Int. F&AM
United States (Maryland) Luxor Grand Lodge of Maryland[71]
United States (Maryland) Maryland Grand Lodge[71] National Compact
United States (Maryland) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland [153] 1845[73] 98[74] 4,762 PHCGM
United States (Maryland) Regular Grand Lodge of Maryland[4] 3 MHC of USA
United States (Massachusetts) George Washington Carver Grand Lodge[71]
United States (Massachusetts) Grand Lodge of Massachusetts [154] 1792[72] 39,209 CGMNA
United States (Massachusetts) Hiram Grand Lodge AF&AM, Inc.[71]
United States (Massachusetts) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Massachusetts [155] 1791[73] 27 1,287 PHCGM
United States (Michigan) Bethany Grand Lodge of Michigan[71]
United States (Michigan) Enoch Grand Lodge[71]
United States (Michigan) Grand Lodge of Michigan [156] 1844[72] 45,780 CGMNA
United States (Michigan) King Darius Grand Lodge[71]
United States (Michigan) National Grand Lodge[71]
United States (Michigan) Pride of the East Grand Lodge[71] National Compact
United States (Michigan) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Michigan 1866[73] 47[74] 2,900 PHCGM
United States (Michigan) Ralph Bunche Grand Lodge[71] Int. F&AM
United States (Michigan) Sinai Grand Lodge of Michigan[71]
United States (Minnesota) Grand Lodge of Minnesota [157] 1853[72] 17,351 CGMNA
United States (Minnesota) North Star Grand Lodge[71] National Compact
United States (Minnesota) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Minnesota 1894[73] 14[74] 400 PHCGM
United States (Mississippi) Grand Lodge of Mississippi [158] 1818[72] 22,418 CGMNA
United States (Mississippi) King David Grand Lodge of Mississippi[71]
United States (Mississippi) King David Grand Lodge of Mississippi, Inc.[71]
United States (Mississippi) King Hiram Grand Lodge[71]
United States (Mississippi) Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Mississippi, Inc.[71]
United States (Mississippi) Prince Hall Grand Lodge[71] National Compact
United States (Mississippi) Stinger Grand Lodge of Mississippi [159] 357[74] 17,910 PHCGM
United States (Mississippi) T. M. Grant, Jr. Grand Lodge of Mississippi[71]
United States (Missouri) Grand Lodge of Missouri [160] 1821[72] 51,873 CGMNA
United States (Missouri) John A. Belle Grand Lodge of Missouri [71]
United States (Missouri) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Missouri 1866[73] 64[74] 2,549 PHCGM
United States (Missouri) St. Andrew's Grand Lodge [71] National Compact
United States (Missouri) St. Mark Grand Lodge of Missouri [71]
United States (Missouri) St. Matthew Grand Lodge [71]
United States (Montana) Grand Lodge of Montana [161] 1866[72] 7,474 CGMNA
United States (Nebraska) Grand Lodge of Nebraska [162] 1857[72] 14,840 CGMNA
United States (Nebraska) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Nebraska 1919[73] 8[74] 286 PHCGM
United States (Nebraska) St. Stephen's Grand Lodge [71] National Compact
United States (Nevada) Grand Lodge of Nevada [163] 1865[72] 4,862 CGMNA
United States (Nevada) King James Grand Lodge [71]
United States (Nevada) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Nevada 1960[73] 6[74] 165 PHCGM
United States (Nevada) Regular Grand Lodge of Nevada[4] 4 MHC of USA
United States (Nevada) Rising Sun Grand Lodge [71] Int. F&AM
United States (Nevada) St. Mark Grand Lodge of Nevada [71]
United States (New Hampshire) Grand Lodge of New Hampshire [164] 1790[72] 7,660 CGMNA
United States (New Jersey) Garden State Grand Lodge [71]
United States (New Jersey) General Grand Lodge [71]
United States (New Jersey) Grand Lodge of New Jersey [165] 1786[72] 31,169 CGMNA
United States (New Jersey) Grand Lodge of New Jersey, A. F. & A. M.[71]
United States (New Jersey) Job Grand Lodge [71]
United States (New Jersey) King Solomon Grand Lodge [71]
United States (New Jersey) King William Grand Lodge of New Jersey [71]
United States (New Jersey) Oriental Grand Lodge [71]
United States (New Jersey) Oriental Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. of New Jersey
United States (New Jersey) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of New Jersey [166] 1848[73] 52[74] 3,145 PHCGM
United States (New Jersey) Regular Grand Lodge of New Jersey[4] 4 MHC of USA
United States (New Jersey) St. John's Grand Lodge [71] National Compact
United States (New Mexico) Grand Lodge of New Mexico [167] 1877[72] 6,085 CGMNA
United States (New Mexico) King Solomon Grand Lodge [71]
United States (New Mexico) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of New Mexico [168] 1921[73] PHCGM
United States (New York) Alpha Grand Lodge [71]
United States (New York) Athenian Grand Lodge [71]
United States (New York) Doric Grand Lodge [71]
United States (New York) Edwin Sturrup Grand Lodge [71]
United States (New York) Enoch Grand Lodge [71]
United States (New York) Grand Lodge of A. F. & A. M.[71]
United States (New York) Grand Lodge of the State of New York (1) [169] 1787[72] 52,997 CGMNA
United States (New York) Grand Lodge of New York A. F. & A. M.[71]
United States (New York) Grand Lodge of the State of New York (2) [71] National Compact
United States (New York) Grand Loge Ancient Universal Mysteries [170] [71]
United States (New York) Hiram Harlem Grand Lodge [71]
United States (New York) King Solomon Grand Lodge [71]
United States (New York) La Grande Lodge of Saint Jean of Orients [71]
United States (New York) La Serenisima Gran Logia de Lengua Espanolo [171] [71]
United States (New York) Mt. Ephraim Grand Lodge [71]
United States (New York) Nebo Grand Lodge of New York [71]
United States (New York) Omega Grand Lodge [71]
United States (New York) Omega Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M., New York State, Northern Jurisdiction [71]
United States (New York) Orient Grand Lodge of New York [71]
United States (New York) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of New York 1845[73] 77[74] 6,500 PHCGM
United States (New York) Regular Grand Lodge of New York[4] 4 MHC of USA
United States (New York) Rose of Sharon Grand Lodge [71]
United States (New York) Sons of Zebedee Grand Lodge [71]
United States (New York) Superior Grand Lodge Jurisdiction of New York [71]
United States (New York) Tyre Grand Lodge [71]
United States (North Carolina) Grand Lodge of North Carolina [172] 1787[72] 48,092 CGMNA
United States (North Carolina) J.E. Misenheimer Grand Lodge of North Carolina [71]
United States (North Carolina) Lazarus Grand Lodge Liberators [71]
United States (North Carolina) Modern Free and Accepted Masons of The World [71]
United States (North Carolina) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of North Carolina 1870[73] 325[74] 18 000 PHCGM
United States (North Carolina) Regular Grand Lodge of North Carolina[4] 5 MHC of USA
United States (North Carolina) St. James Grand Lodge, Prince Hall Origin [71] National Compact
United States (North Dakota) Grand Lodge of North Dakota [173] 1889[72] 3,560 CGMNA
United States (Ohio) Buckeye Grand Lodge [71] Int. F&AM
United States (Ohio) Grand Lodge of International Masons and O. E. S.[71]
United States (Ohio) Grand Lodge of Ohio [174] 1808[72] 120,615 CGMNA
United States (Ohio) Hiram Grand Lodge [71]
United States (Ohio) International Grand Lodge of Masonic Brotherhood [71]
United States (Ohio) National Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Ancient York Masons [71] National Compact
United States (Ohio) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio [175] 1849[73] 62[74] 4,904 PHCGM
United States (Ohio) Rising Height Grand Lodge [71]
United States (Ohio) St. John's Grand Lodge [71]
United States (Oklahoma) Eureka Grand Lodge [71] National Compact
United States (Oklahoma) Grand Lodge of Oklahoma [176] 1874?[72] 30,735 CGMNA
United States (Oklahoma) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Oklahoma 1893[73] 129[74] 6,000 PHCGM
United States (Oregon) Grand Lodge of Oregon [177] 1851[72] 11,559 CGMNA
United States (Oregon) King James Grand Lodge of Oregon [71]
United States (Oregon) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Oregon 1960[73] 8[74] 143 PHCGM
United States (Oregon) St. Joseph Grand Lodge of Oregon [71]
United States (Pennsylvania) Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania [178] 1786[72] 125,738 CGMNA
United States (Pennsylvania) Keystone Grand Lodge [71]
United States (Pennsylvania) Knights of St. John Grand Lodge [71]
United States (Pennsylvania) Pennsylvania Grand Lodge [71] National Compact
United States (Pennsylvania) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania [179] 1797[73] 107[74] 7,600 PHCGM
United States (Pennsylvania) Union Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania [71]
United States (Pennsylvania) Widows Son Grand Lodge of Philadelphia [71]
United States (Rhode Island) Grand Lodge of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations [180] 1791[72] 4,744 CGMNA
United States (Rhode Island) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Rhode Island 1858[73] 5[74] 280 PHCGM
United States (South Carolina) Grand Lodge of South Carolina [181] 1783[72] 44,278 CGMNA
United States (South Carolina) James O. Dugan Grand Lodge of South Carolina [71]
United States (South Carolina) New Hope Grand Lodge [71]
United States (South Carolina) Palmetto Grand Lodge [182] [71] 55 National Compact
United States (South Carolina) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of South Carolina 1867[73] 306[74] 16,000 PHCGM
United States (South Dakota) Grand Lodge of South Dakota [183] 1875[72] 6,796 CGMNA
United States (Tennessee) Grand Lodge of Tennessee [184] 1813[72] 54,143 CGMNA
United States (Tennessee) Grand Lodge of Tennessee F. & A. M., Inc.[71]
United States (Tennessee) Hiram Abiff Grand Lodge [71]
United States (Tennessee) Historical Grand Lodge of Tennessee [71]
United States (Tennessee) Moses Grand Lodge [71]
United States (Tennessee) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Tennessee 1870[73] 172[74] 6,500 PHCGM
United States (Tennessee) Travelling Masons of the World [71]
United States (Texas) Abraham Grand Lodge [71]
United States (Texas) Eureka Grand Lodge [71]
United States (Texas) Federation of Masons of the World [71]
United States (Texas) Grand Lodge of Deliberation [71]
United States (Texas) Grand Lodge of Texas [185] 1837[72] 105,434 CGMNA
United States (Texas) International Masonic Association of the World [71]
United States (Texas) John A. Belle Grand Lodge [71]
United States (Texas) Joshua Grand Lodge of Texas [186]
United States (Texas) Lodge of Light [71]
United States (Texas) Mt. Carmel Grand Lodge [71]
United States (Texas) Mt. Corinth Masonic Grand Lodge [71]
United States (Texas) Mount Lebanon Grand Lodge of Texas [71]
United States (Texas) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas 1875[73] 424[74] 10,400 PHCGM
United States (Texas) Regular Grand Lodge of Texas[4] 5 MHC of USA
United States (Texas) Saint Joseph Grand Lodge [71]
United States (Texas) Sinai Grand Lodge of Texas [71]
United States (Texas) Travelling Masons of the World [71]
United States (Texas) United Most Worshipful Scottish Rite Grand Lodge [71] 1877
United States (Utah) Grand Lodge of Utah [187] 1872[72] 2,070 CGMNA
United States (Utah) Regular Grand Lodge of Utah[4] 1 MHC of USA
United States (Vermont) Grand Lodge of Vermont [188] 1794[72] 7,342 CGMNA
United States (Virginia) Consolidated Hiram Grand Lodge [71]
United States (Virginia) Grand Lodge of East and West [71]
United States (Virginia) Grand Lodge of Virginia [189] 1778[72] 41,351 CGMNA
United States (Virginia) Harmony Grand Lodge of the Great State of Virginia [71]
United States (Virginia) Hiram Grand Lodge #1500 of Virginia [71]
United States (Virginia) King Solomon Grand Lodge of Virginia [71]
United States (Virginia) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Virginia 1877[73] 208[74] 10,865 PHCGM
United States (Virginia) Regular Grand Lodge of Virginia[4] 6 MHC of USA
United States (Virginia) St. John Grand Lodge [71] National Compact
United States (Washington) Grand Lodge of Washington [190] 1858[72] 18,999 CGMNA
United States (Washington) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Washington [191] 1903[73] 60[74] 2,958 PHCGM
United States (Washington) Sons of Haiti Supreme Council[71]
United States (Washington) Deputy Sovereign Grand Lodge of the Philippine Archipelago in America [71]
United States (West Virginia) Grand Lodge of West Virginia [192] 1865[72] 24,047 CGMNA
United States (West Virginia) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of West Virginia 25[74] 592 PHCGM
United States (West Virginia) Royal Craft Grand Lodge [71] National Compact
United States (Wisconsin) Grand Lodge of Wisconsin [193] 1843[72] 15,736 CGMNA
United States (Wisconsin) King Solomon Grand Lodge [71]
United States (Wisconsin) National Compact Grand Lodge [71]
United States (Wisconsin) Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Wisconsin 1952[73] 11[74] 650 PHCGM
United States (Wisconsin) St. Mark Grand Lodge [71]
United States (Wyoming) Grand Lodge of Wyoming [194] 1874[72] 4,684 CGMNA

External Organizations or Affiliations

Abbreviation Name Founded Notes
AAECE Association Adogmatique d'Europe Centrale et Est / Adogmatic Association of Europe Central and Est 2007
L'AMIL L'Association maçonnique intercontinentale libérale 1996
CATENA International Masonic Union Catena 1961 Grand lodges with male and female membership.
CGLREU Confederación de Grandes Logias Regulares de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos Mexican grand lodges.
CGMNA Conference of Grand Masters of North America Grand lodges in the US and Canada.
CLIMAF Centre de Liaison International de la Franc-maçonnerie Féminine 1982 Grand Lodges for Women (mostly in Europe).
CLIPSAS Centre de Liaison et d'Information des Puissances maçonniques Signataires de l'Appel de Strasbourg 1961
DH Le Droit Humain 1893 Co-ed Freemasonry
EME L'Espace Maçonnique Européen 2002 Promotion of human rights and secularism.
GLUE Confédération des grandes loges unies d'Europe 2000 Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.
IMF Le groupe de la « Maçonnerie française » & Institut maçonnique de France 2002 Promotion of the conditions of man and society.
Int. FM International Freemasons An African-American oriented group in the United States
Les Franc-maçons belges Belgian grand lodges.
MHC of UK / HMC of USA Masonic High Council of the United Kingdom / Masonic High Council of the United States of America 2005
National Compact 1848 Former member grand lodges of the Prince Hall National Grand Lodge.
PHCGM Prince Hall Conference of Grand Masters An organization of American Prince Hall Grand Lodges
SIMPA Secrétariat international Maçonnique des Puissances Adogmatiques 1998
SSMEMPHIS, MONTAUBAN 1815 Soberano Santuario General de Memphis, Montauban 1815 1996
VGLvD Vereinigte Großlogen von Deutschland (United Grand Lodges of Germany) 27 April 1958 A sovereign federation of five autonomous Grand Lodges it serves as the national Grand Lodge of Germany to all outside German Masonry (Masons of other nations and the German public)[32]

Notes and references

  1. ^ CLIPSAS at Paul Bessel's website. Accessed 2011-10-21.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h World GLs from Paul Bessel's website
  3. ^ a b c d e f GLs Information from Paul Bessel's website
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax Masonic High Council the Mother High Council of the World
  5. ^ website
  6. ^ Grand Orient du Maroc website
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w Information about Grand Lodges throughout the World Cite error: The named reference "Bessel_GLsI" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  8. ^ SAF- Droit Humain website
  9. ^ MHC SA website
  10. ^ [1] GLA website
  11. ^ Official website of the United Grand Lodge of England – Asia
  12. ^ Official website of the United Grand Lodge of England – Asia
  13. ^ Official website of the United Grand Lodge of England – Asia
  14. ^ Official website of the United Grand Lodge of England – Asia
  15. ^ [2] GL AFAM India website
  16. ^ Grand Lodge of Turkey website
  17. ^ Liberal Grand Lodge of Turkey website
  18. ^ Official website of the Danish Order of Freemasons – History (in Danish)
  19. ^ Official website of the Danish Order of Freemasons – Lodge directory (in Danish)
  20. ^ Official website of DR (the Danish Broadcasting Corporation) – About freemasonry (in Danish)
  21. ^ Official website of the United Grand Lodge of England – Recognised Grand Lodges in Europe
  22. ^ a b Grand Lodge of Finland, ”The beginnings of Freemasonry in Finland”
  23. ^ LDH Finland
  24. ^ Dan Eklund, Sten Svensson och Hans Berg (ed.). Hertig Carl och det svenska frimureriet. Uppsala: Forskningslogen Carl Friedrich Eckleff, 2010. p. 68, ISBN 978-91-978336-0-8.
  25. ^ [3]
  26. ^ a b c d http://www.scdf.net/
  27. ^ a b c d e Link not functioning, needs replacement
  28. ^ [4]
  29. ^ Große National-Mutterloge "Zu den drei Weltkugeln" (GNML 3WK) The Grand National-Motherlodge "Of the Three Globes", the oldest Grand Lodge in Germany it was known for a time as the United Grand Lodge of Germany but chaned its name to avoid confusion with the United Grand Lodges of Germany of which it is a constituent.
  30. ^ [5]
  31. ^ [6]
  32. ^ a b c d e f Über die VGLvD (About the VGLvD), the VGLvD holds some but not all of the sovereignty rights of its five constituent Grand Lodges - which follow divers traditions
  33. ^ Große Landesloge der Freimaurer von Deutschland (GLL FvD) Grand Landlodge of Freemasonry in Deutschland - A Prussian Swedish Rite Grand Lodge requiring Christian belief.
  34. ^ [7]
  35. ^ Großloge der Alten Freien und Angenommenen Maurer von Deutschland (GL AFuAMvD) Grand Lodge of the Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Deutschland
  36. ^ Grand Lodge of British Freemasons in Germany (GL BFG) - originally organized around military lodges of British occupation forces. Works in English and follows British traditions.
  37. ^ American Canadian Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M (ACGL) - originally organized around military lodges of American and Canadian occupation forces. Works in English and includes six lodges in the Middle East.
  38. ^ Droit Humain Deutsche Jurisdiktion
  39. ^ Humanitas Freimaurergrossloge für Männer und Frauen in Deutschland: Founded in 1959, Humanitas is the Grand Lodge of Co-Masonry in Germany.
  40. ^ [8]
  41. ^ [9]
  42. ^ [10]
  43. ^ Grand Lodge of Macedonia
  44. ^ [11]
  45. ^ [12]
  46. ^ Official website of the United Grand Lodge of England – Recognised Grand Lodges in Europe
  47. ^ a b The Commission on Information for Recognition of the Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America – 2009 Commission Findings Report Cite error: The named reference "CIR" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  48. ^ a b c Объединенной Великой Ложи России (in Russian)
  49. ^ Серков А. И. История русского масонства ХХ века. В 3 т. — СПб.: Издательство им. Н. И. Новикова, 2009. стр 442—446
  50. ^ http://mason.ru/ovlr.php?s=1&second=65#50
  51. ^ a b Swedish Order of Freemasons
  52. ^ Sam-Frimurare-Orden
  53. ^ Swedish Masonic Camp
  54. ^ Grand Lodge Alpina of Switzerland (19 July 2007)
  55. ^ Grand Orient de Suisse (19 July 2007)
  56. ^ a b c Grande Loge Féminine de Suisse
  57. ^ http://gob.org.br/
  58. ^ http://www.glmerj.org.br/
  59. ^ http://www.cmsb.org.br/
  60. ^ http://www.goirj.com/
  61. ^ http://www.comab.org.br/
  62. ^ Ref
  63. ^ http://granlogia.wordpress.com/
  64. ^ Except where otherwise cited, Names are taken from Paul Bessel's list of "All Masonic Grand Lodges in the United States"
  65. ^ Unless otherwise indicated, dates are taken from Paul Bessel's chart of U.S. Grand Lodges' Names, Modern/Ancient Origin, State Derivation
  66. ^ Unless otherwise mentioned, reference is: Masonic Service Association statistics for 2005.
  67. ^ a b c d e f g h i j 2005 statistics:Masonic Service Association of North America accessed 28 November 2007
  68. ^ Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the Caribbean & Jurisdiction
  69. ^ Grand Lodge of the Dominican Republic
  70. ^ Ref
  71. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv fw fx fy fz ga gb gc gd ge gf gg gh gi gj gk gl All Masonic Grand Lodges in the United States
  72. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an Origins of US Grand Lodges
  73. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af Ref: Freemasonry.bcy Prince Hall
  74. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al Ref: Paul Bessel PH statistics
  75. ^ Grand Lodge of Alaska website
  76. ^ Freemasonry.bcy Prince Hall
  77. ^ [13]
  78. ^ a b Sunrise Grand Lodge website