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Hellenistic period



1.) Heath, T. L. “Greek Mathematics and Science.” The Mathematical Gazette, vol. 32, no. 300, 1948, pp. 120–133. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/3609928. Accessed 14 Mar. 2021.

2.) Miller, G. A. “History of Mathematics.” The American Mathematical Monthly, vol. 22, no. 9, 1915, pp. 299–304. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/2972016. Accessed 14 Mar. 2021.

3.) Miller, G. A. “Pre-Euclidean Greek Mathematics.” Science, vol. 94, no. 2430, 1941, pp. 89–90. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/1669023. Accessed 14 Mar. 2021.

4.) Gillings, R. J. “The Oriental Influence on Greek Mathematics.” The Mathematical Gazette, vol. 39, no. 329, 1955, pp. 187–190. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/3608744. Accessed 14 Mar. 2021.

5.) Hofmann, J. E. “A History of Mathematics. Carl B. Boyer.” Isis, vol. 60, no. 4, 1969, pp. 553–553., doi:10.1086/350547.

Archaic and Classical periods draft additions:


-Modern Arithmetic began with Pythagoras, with numbers being represented by various shapes and dots.[1]~~~~Austinroberts3567

-Pythagoreans linked the connection of natural phenomenon and numbers, one of such phenomenon can be seen with how musical intervals rely on numerical ratios.[2]~~~~Austinroberts3567

-Theory of Proportionals and cosmic figures~~~~Austinroberts3567

-The Origin of Greek mathematics can be traced to the Ionian and Pythagorean schools.[3]~~~~Austinroberts3567

-Thales was regarded as "a pupil of the Egyptians the Chaldeans" and was considered the first true mathematician, which can be contributed to remarks made by Proclus.[4]~~~~Austinroberts3567

  1. ^ Heath, T. L. (1948). "Greek Mathematics and Science". The Mathematical Gazette. 32: 120–133 – via JSTOR.
  2. ^ Heath, T. L. (1948). "Greek Mathematics and Science". The Mathematical Gazette. 32: 120–133 – via JSTOR.
  3. ^ Hofmann, J. E. (1969). "A History of Mathematics". Isis. 60: 553–553 – via JSTOR.
  4. ^ Hoffmann, J. E. (1969). "A History of Mathematics". Isis. 60: 553–553 – via JSTOR.

Archaic and Classical Periods

Detail of Pythagoras with a tablet of ratios, numbers sacred to the Pythagoreans, from The School of Athens by Raphael. Vatican Palace, Rome, 1509.

Historians traditionally place the beginning of Greek mathematics proper to the age of Thales of Miletus (ca. 624–548 BC). Little is known about the life and work of Thales, so little indeed that his date of birth and death are estimated from the eclipse of 585 BC, which probably occurred while he was in his prime. Thales was the first person to receive credit for specific mathematical discoveries. Much of the knowledge he obtained was gained during his travels to Babylon, which is why he was regarded as "a pupil of the Egyptians and the Chaldeans." Thales' Theorem may have been learned during his time in Babylon and it his because of this Theory that Thales was called the first true mathematician by Proclus.[1]

Another important figure in the development of Greek mathematics is Pythagoras of Samos (ca. 580–500 BC). Like Thales, Pythagoras also traveled to Egypt and Babylon, then under the rule of Nebuchadnezzar, but settled in Croton, Magna Graecia. Pythagoras established an order called the Pythagoreans, which held knowledge and property in common and hence all of the discoveries by individual Pythagoreans were attributed to the order. And since in antiquity it was customary to give all credit to the master, Pythagoras himself was given credit for the discoveries made by his order. Aristotle, for one, refused to attribute anything specifically to Pythagoras as an individual and only discussed the work of the Pythagoreans as a group. One of the most important characteristics of the Pythagorean order was that it maintained that the pursuit of philosophical and mathematical studies was a moral basis for the conduct of life. Indeed, the words philosophy (love of wisdom) and mathematics (that which is learned) are said[by whom?] to have been coined by Pythagoras. From this love of knowledge came many achievements. It has been customarily said[by whom?] that the Pythagoreans discovered most of the material in the first two books of Euclid's Elements.

While more information is available about Pythagoras, his actual achievements are still shrouded in mystery due to the loss of original works from that period.[2] Pythagoras started the Pythagorean order with the motto of the school being "All is number" and a five-pointed star being the symbol of the school.[3]

Plato (ca. 428-348 BC), the founder of the Platonic Academy was an ancient Athenian philosopher who studied under Socrates and taught Aristotle.[4] While Plato was not considered a research Mathematician, some of his theories were influenced by the Pythagoreans. Plato believed that the four elements of matter could be broken down into geometric solids, which were reduced into triangles. He also believed that geometrical proportions bound the cosmos together rather than physical or mechanical forces.[5] Aristotle (ca. 384-322 BC), the founder of Lyceum, the Peripatetic school of philosophy, used mathematics to provide evidence for many of his theories,[6] for example, Aristotle used geometry for his theory of the rainbow and used the theory of proportions for his analysis of motion.[5] Much of the knowledge known about ancient Greek mathematics is thanks to records referenced by Aristotle in his own works.[1]

Peer Review ==~~~~

This addition does a very good job of telling the story, and flows really well. What I would like to see is a lot more citations. I found myself wondering where you got the information in the first paragraph. If you got it all from one book, and the one citation is the book, that doesn’t help me as a reader because books tend to have hundreds of pages. Where exactly did you find the information?

in the second paragraph I noticed that you use a couple of phrases that are usually only said by word of mouth, and they don’t sound right when read off a page. The most important thing you could change however is providing more evidence for the claims you are making. Additionally, be quicker to tell the reader the "so what?" of the first paragraph.

Other than these things, it reads reasonably well and sounds scholarly, which is something I need to add in my article, as mine is just dry statements of facts.

Good job though. ~~~~CarricoHayden08

Hellenistic and Roman periods possible contributions:


Greek , Egyptian, and Babylonian mathematics merged to create Hellenistic, and later Roman, mathematics. The major difference between Greek and the other mathematics was the Greeks idea of proofs and being able to prove the math while also applying it.[7] The Greeks where among the first to come up with the idea of infinity, specifically Zeno of Elea, whom explains his Achilles and Tortoise Paradox which deals with infinity.[8] Near 150 AD Ptolemy wrote the almagest and in this important astronomical manual The Sector theorem a powerful mathematical tool, suited to determine arcs of a great circle on the surface of a sphere, was used 17 times and was a very important result of Greek spherical trigonometry.[7]Also around the year 200 AD another important Mathematician during this time period was Diophantus, and his work in Arithmetica was a one of the first works on what is known as pre - modern algebra.[7]~~~~SouryaMo

Peer Review==~~~~

Overall a better job of citations, but still not where we'd like it to be. Very informative on the whole, just from these additions one can learn a lot.

One change I would make is the hyperlink all of the subjects you talk about so the reader can delve further into the mystery and try to read it all themselves. You feel? I believe this to also be the most important thing you could do, besides adding dates as context.

These additions feel very action packed and I love it.


Peer Review Response


I will add some hyperlinks to other Wikipedia articles where possible, thank you for the feedback!~~~~ SouryaMo

Another Peer Review, by Ash Worley (talk) 16:48, 19 March 2021 (UTC)

The bulk of the material in the "Archaic and Classical Periods" section of the draft appeared to be pulled from the original article, which made it difficult to know specifically what was being changed/edited/added onto. That being said, the content looked good in general. I really liked the additions in the in the Hellenistic and Roman periods section, particularly the beginning, as it better explained what the section was about. There are some minor typos (ex. "The Greeks where among the first...") and some phrases that could be adjusted (ex. "In about 150AD... Also around the year 200AD" could be changed to something like "Near 150 AD", which I think sounds less vague/informal). Additionally, there may be some Wiki articles that could be linked to different terms/names/etc. in this section! Not as important, but good to think about. Lastly, keep in mind that most, if not all, sentences are expected to be cited.

As for future edits that you could consider for this article, I think that the lead section, particularly the opening sentence could be rewritten in a clearer way. Moreover, I'm not sure that I better understand what "Greek mathematics" means upon reading the lead section, which is something that could be improved on. How does it differ from the math before and after it? Are there examples that could be given to help readers better understand what "general mathematical theories and proofs" refers to? Also, given that this class puts emphasis on the historical aspects, it might be good to look for more information on the origins of Greek mathematics. The article notes that it's not well documented, but if there is more information out there that could be added, that would be good!

Also, this isn't about your contributions, but rather a tip about how Wikipedia works. I noticed that both of you were putting the ~~~~ and typing your usernames afterwards to sign off. If you want to sign your name (like I do at the end of my peer review), you have to switch out of visual editing and go into source editing and type your four tildes (or click the ~~~~ button below the text box). I'm still not sure if you can sign your name in visual editing mode (I've looked for it before), but you should be able to do it in source editing! Ash Worley (talk) 16:48, 19 March 2021 (UTC)

Peer Review Response on Hellenistic and Roman periods


Yes, I will change the wording to "Near 150 AD", I like it thank you! Also another person also suggested adding hyper links to other articles this is something I will also do in the future.~~~~SouryaMo

  1. ^ a b Boyer, Carl (1968). A History of Mathematics. pp. 42–43. ISBN 0471543977.
  2. ^ Boyer, Carl (1968). A History of Mathemcatics. p. 44. ISBN 0471543977.
  3. ^ Boyer, Carl (1968). A History of Science. p. 45. ISBN 0471543977.
  4. ^ Meinwald, Constance (22 May 2020). "Plato". Britannica. Retrieved 22 April 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  5. ^ a b Lindberg, David (1992). The Beginnings of Western Science. The University of Chicago Press. p. 82. ISBN 9780226482057.
  6. ^ Mendell, Henry (26 March 2004). "Aristotle and Mathematics". Stanford Encyclopedia. Retrieved 22 April 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  7. ^ a b c Sialaros, Michalis (2018). Revolutions and Continuity in Greek Mathematics. DE GRUYTER. ISBN 978-3-11-056365-8.
  8. ^ "GREEK MATHEMATICS & MATHEMATICIAN - Numerals and Numbers". The Story of Mathematics - A History of Mathematical Thought from Ancient Times to the Modern Day. Retrieved 2021-03-19.

Peer Review by Louycee (talk) 17:16, 19 March 2021 (UTC)

  • First, what does the article do well? Is there anything from your review that impressed you? Any turn of phrase that described the subject in a clear way?

The edits that I see are making edits to paragraphs with some much needed sources being added.

  • What changes would you suggest the author apply to the article? Why would those changes be an improvement?

I would maybe add a section on greek mathmeticians and the works that they published, if any, and add some details about them. I believe this would add much more content to the article and give more insight to greek mathematics.

  • What's the most important thing the author could do to improve the article?

There are not a lot of references in the article, so adding more that support what is being said in the article or making edits to the paragraphs with the references you find.

  • Did you notice anything about the article you reviewed that could be applicable to your own article? Let them know!

I see that they have found a good amount of reliable sources which I could work on. So far I’ve really only used the MST site for information.

Peer review response


There is already a small section on works published and also throughout the main article the works are referenced, we didn't want to change the structure of the whole wiki page so we are just editing sections, but the structure was built in chronological order and so that's how we would like to leave it.

And yes I will be looking into finding more sources and using them. Thank you. ~~~~SouryaMo

Peer review response: ~~~~Austinroberts3567

1.The material from the first paragraph was largely copyrighted from one source. I am currently in the process of citing the original work while also putting the text into my own words so that the piece is not largely copyrighted.

I am currently still in the process of improving the second paragraph. I agree that some of the mentionings from the second paragraph are generally spoken about by word of mouth and I am in the process of providing more sources to back up the claims. Since the material we are dealing with is over 2000 years old it is hard to find sources on the material since the majority of information we know about the time period was passed orally.

2.The material pulled from the archaic period was largely plagiarized from one source and I am currently in the process of citing sources and putting the language into my own original words. I have all the places I got my information in a different document so I am still in the process of adding those sources to the article. I did it that way in order to get all my ideas down first before I began to add sources from where I got the information.

The article we are working on has many headings and in the first heading is where the general definition of greek mathematics was stated. The headings we are working on are about the early mathematical achievements of greek scholars. The archaic and classical period is the origin of greek mathematics and how it started. I agree that it would be interesting to put more information as to why greek mathematics started when it did and I think that will be something I will try to incorporate into the article.

3.I agree that our article is still lacking many of its sources and that is something that I will add in over this weekend. I wanted to get the general ideas down before I began adding in the sources.

There is a separate header in the article we are working on that has many of the achievements greek mathematicians achieved. I am primarily focusing my efforts on improving the archaic period header.