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Template:Welcome young

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello! Welcome to Wikipedia!

Here have some cookies!

But, Keep these tips in mind! :)

  • Do not share your personal information. Please do not share your address,location,age,full name,phone number,other information. Bad people may use these information.
  • If you posted your personal information. please request for it do be deleted. So that dangerous people cannot use these information.
  • Do not write an article of yourself. If you are an important/famous(or best known here a notable) person an editor can make an article of you.
  • Do not edit articles related to you. Please do not edit your school,city,other locations near you,etc.
  • Do not share photos of you or someone related to you. Please do not share photos of your family,relative,other family members. So that your identity will be hidden. And if you already shared photos of people related to you or you. Do not say that you are in the photo!

That are only the basics, Please go to Wikipedia:Guidance for younger editors for more information.

Welcome to Wikipedia and keep on editing!