Template:User blogger-google+
This user has merged their Blogger id with their Google+ id. Click <<here>> for their profile on Google+. |
[edit]Write <a title="By User:ZyMOS [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons" href="http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3ABlogger.svg"><img width="128" alt="Blogger" src="http://up.wiki.x.io/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/31/Blogger.svg/128px-Blogger.svg.png"/></a>{{Blogger-google+|<your google+ link>}}
on your user page. When clicked on <<here>>, it takes you directly to your profile on google+. (Please note that https://plus.google.com/ already exists in the code. You only have to include the rest of the link.)