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Talk:Victor Vianu

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I think Abiteboul was his doctoral adviser at USC, while Marcus was probably informal or undergraduate thesis (they have that) adviser at U of Bucharest [1]. There's a snipped there from an interview with Vianu in a Romanian publication: "Victor Vianu (interviu cu, de Irina Atanasiu), in PC REPORT, Calculatoare personale, nr.45, iunie 1996, p.18. Professor, Univ of California at San Diego: Ceea ce am apreciat cel mai mult din pregatirea primita in Romania a fost solidul fundament matematic, incluzand anumite aspecte ale informaticii teoretice, ca de exemplu teoria limbajelor formale. Primul articol l-am scris sub indrumarea lui Solomon Marcus si experienta sa fost foarte stimulanta." The last sentence translates roughly "I've written my first article under the guidance of S. Marcus and his experience was very stimulating." Tijfo098 (talk) 14:05, 22 March 2011 (UTC)[reply]