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Talk:Pachakuti Indigenous Movement

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They are not "left-wing"

First of all, it is very sad for you not to give any source about what you are defending, but it seems that your problem is not only about this movement but about Politics in general

1 Felipe Quispe was part of MITKA, after that he founded the ORAT, after the EGTK and finally the MIP, the ideology of Felipe Quispe as he recognises is "indianismo", INDIANISMO is not the same than INDIGENISMO, the first one refers to the political movement created by Indian peoples, "indios" in Spanish, the political subject is the "indio", they say they must use the word "indio" to refer themselves because it is the only way to achieve what they call "indian liberation", they defend the "Race struggle" and want to restore the pre-columbian societies On the contrary, INDIGENISMO, is a movement created by non-indian people, indianists hate indigenists, INDIGENISMO wants to assimilate the indigineous peoples of America to the modern societies and defend the modern nation-states emerged from the American Revolutions, but INDIANISMO wants to restore the old pre-columbian societies

2 INDIANISMO is a reactionary far-right ideology, and it is really cute you say "Quispe was socialist", I see, then according to you Hitler was "left-wing" because his movement was called national-socialism, SOCIALISM is a very ambiguous concept Quispe and others followed the teachings of Fausto Reinaga (or Reynaga), Fausto had travelled to the Soviet Union and he rejected the scientific socialism, he said they had to fight against the church of Jesus and the church of Marx, he was agaisnt the left-wing socialism Quispe and others INDIANISTAS defend the "socialismo de ayllus", and it is very similar in some aspects to the national-socialism of the nazis, they propose to substitute the class struggle by the "race-struggle" as they say


It seems there are two problems

1 They do not want to admit to be wrong

2 POST-MODERNISM, in anglo-saxon conutries and other so-called "western" countries the influence of this philosophy is very strong in the so-called "leftist", they are so euro-centric that are unable to understand that in other cultures exists fascism and far-right ideologies, they consider themselves "leftist" and "radical leftist" but they think they are superior to the others deep down themselves, and think that only "whites" can be "far-right" or racists, that is the reason why in the United States reactionary far-right islamic fascist movements that even have admitted thay want to impose the sharia law are called "leftist", the paradox of this is that thinking like that, they are precisely the racists and the euro-centric

Así que por favor reconsideren que están equivocándose en todo esto, y aquí tienen la fuente en español por si no la han leído, puede ser traducido

https://www.periodicopukara.com/archivos/el-indianismo-katarista.pdf — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 15:35, 4 June 2019 (UTC)[reply]