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Talk:Kotlin Island

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"The island thus divides the seaward approach to St Petersburg into two channels; that on the northern side is obstructed by shoals which extend across it from Kotlin to Lisynos on the Finnish mainland;"

There was this war in 1939-1945 and the Finnish border isn't that close to St. Petersburg anymore. I took away "on the Finnish mainland". --EnSamulili 16:45, 26 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]



The article says 'Finnish Retusaari, or "Rat Island"'... um, is it called Rat Island in some language, or is this trying to say it means "rat island" in Finnish? Okay, it's two o'clock in the morning, so I'm not entirely coherent, but at least in general use, "retu" doesn't mean "rat" in Finnish. (I don't have a really darn big dictionary of obscure words at hand, though.) (and "saari" does mean "island", that's right.) fi.wiki.x.io says the name Retusaari comes from French "redoute", meaning "fortress". --wwwwolf (barks/growls) 00:01, 20 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The version of http://fi.wiki.x.io/wiki/Retusaari when this topic was written indeed stated that the name Retusaari comes from French "redoute".. http://fi.wiki.x.io/w/index.php?title=Retusaari&oldid=479645
Meanwhile, however, the article states..

Sen nimen arvellaan tulevan ranskan pientä linnaketta, reduttia, tarkoittavasta sanasta redoute, mikä vaikuttaa epätodennäköiseltä

Its name is thought to come from the French word redoute, meaning a small bastion, redutt, which seems unlikely

.. and adds..

Yhtä mahdollinen selitys nimelle onkin aunuksen (livvin), lyydin, vepsän ja inkerikkojen (isurin) 'redu', joka tarkoittaa lokaa, kuraa tai mutaa. Vrt. myös suomen 'retunen' -> rähjäinen, epäsiisti, 'retuperällä' -> hunningolla ja 'retale'

An equally possible explanation for the name is the 'redu' of olonets (livvin), lyyd, veps, and Ingrians (isurin), which means loka, kura or mud. Cf. also the Finnish 'retunen' > ragged, untidy, 'retuperälla' > hunningolla and 'retale'

Translations above are from Microsoft Translator. Wallby (talk) 12:00, 30 March 2023 (UTC)[reply]