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Talk:Giovanni Leonardi

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Dr. Giovanni Leonardi, pastor of the the Seventh-day Adventist Church , was born in Catania, Italy, 24 June 1948. Graduated in Letters at the University of Turin, get a "Licence en Théologie 'in France and Master of Arts in Religion at Andrews University in the United States. As a pastor has served the Adventist community in Turin, Foggia, Hvar, Gaeta (LT), Cellole (CE) and Florence from 1990. It has been for five years Dean Adventist Theological seminary of Florence, enseign dogmatic, introduction to the Old Testament and New Testament. He is currently Professor of st it seminary. From its activities academic born Manual introduction to New or Old Testament (1992) and Spiragli infinity (1993),collection of biblical meditations, written for four hands with Alessio Del Fante. IS She married with Gianna Russo and has a son. IS She lived in Via Luigi Robecchi Bricchetti 54 in Pavia but also (especially in summer) in Trecastagni. Cultivates the hobby of mineralogy and he is an avid seeker mushrooms. https://www.facebook.com/giovanni.leonardi.581