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Talk:Geoffrey Bibby

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Book: Four Thousand Years ago


Though interesting to peruse, the book is fraught with major drawbacks:

a) It exhibits a disproportionate number of blunders - both superficial, and substantial. For détails cf. German Wikipedia.

b) BIBBY remains the only archaeologist still clinging to the Old Testament as an historical source. He believes in the story of Israel's Aegyptian exile, the exodus, Josuah's conquest of Canaan. Most striking example: the conclusion of his chapter Exodus, where he posits the 1175 BC destruction of Palestine cities having been caused by "Jews" - cities that exhibit no archaeological trace of destruction by THAT time (Jerusalem, Lakhish). He describes the flight of Ashdodians towards Tyrus, Sidon, Beyrut - unaware that as it was the Sea Peoples that wrought these disasters, such a flight would have been utterly senseless.

Further info: >Conquest of Canaan / Book of Joshua< and German WP >Landnahme Kanaans<

Nuremberg October 1st, 2011 angel.garcia2001@googlemail.com (talk) 17:31, 5 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]