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Talk:Comparison of JavaScript-based web frameworks

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Table Transposition


The following link contains an up to date transposed comparison table: [1]. Can someone take this and re-enter the links? There's like 100 to manually re-enter, but I need to do homework today.

I hope this helps. --(too lazy to login) (talk) 19:55, 12 January 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Yes! Please transpose! The current table is odd. Hey, you should be able to do a copy-transpose in most spreadsheets so you don't have to reenter anything. I don't know about google docs, though. (talk) 02:57, 27 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]
+1 The table should be transposed. It would look more logical and be very useful for sorting while screening.

NickGarnett (talk) 14:19, 1 May 2013 (UTC) Really like the transposed table .... item 14[reply]

I split the single huge table into three article sections: General information, Features, and Browser support. I also transposed the tables in the General information and Browser support sections. Those two are sortable now as well. Concerning the Features section, I don't want to transpose that table without having a strategy for dividing it into smaller tables of related features. —Shelley V. Adamsblame
13:55, 29 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

"Dom Wrapped" should be NOT be in GREEN & RED


NEW-NEW COMMMENT: Come on guys. Let us state the facts of the frameworks without the subliminal insinuations. Dom wrapped should not be in RED color when it is NO. Being DOM wrapped is not a bonus feature, it is a framework design style, a style being arguably as good the DOM unwrapped, or extending style.

NEW COMMENT: DOM wrapped is just as bad as DOM unextending. Why is DOM WRAPPED in GREEN. This is not a feature, this is a framework architecture decision.

In table of features there is a row labled "DOM Unextending". This is totally inappropriate and biased for a feature name, as it makes the presumption that DOM extending frameworks are innately flawed. This phrase is cited with a blog page by 1 person, followed by numerous user comments argueing both sides of the issue. This is an opinion.

This section must be re-worded to be impartial. I suggest renaming it to simply "DOM", and instead of "yes/no" in the columns, specify the type of implementation, such as "Wrapper" or "Extension". —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 00:18, 14 January 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I added another reference stating that one of the only two frameworks that extend the DOM (Prototype Prototype core developers state that extending the DOM was an error they will fix in the future Prototype 2.0 will not extend the DOM - Ajaxian. Do you need more references? — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 09:06, 3 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Missing frameworks


Aurelia ([2]) is missing from this list. Aurelia is basically Angular Lite written by one of the main developers of Angular.

Also, React React_(JavaScript_library) is missing -- which is strange because it is currently one of the most popular JS libraries.

I'd add these myself and clean up this page a bit. But lately wikipedia moderators (nazi's) have recently reversed nearly every change and contribution I've made. Not worth my time to contribute wikipedia anymore because of this. Perhaps someone with more street cred than myself can fix this page. RyanNerd (talk) 18:05, 7 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Is there a specific reason ASP.NET Ajax is omitted, because it's not pure JavaScript for example? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs) 12:04, April 29, 2008

I second that. Including ASP.NET AJAX would be useful and also Adobe Spry. (talk) 14:38, 24 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]
I think platform-dependent frame works are fine for this comparison, but as a whole, I'd say no. It's not a javascript framework for building apps with javascript. ASP.Net Ajax provides some client side functionality, but where it shines is clearly from server side integration. I think it would be hard pressed to hold up to some of the client side functionality provided by these complete javascript frameworks. I just don't think it's as mature yet, and I don't believe I've seen anything from microsoft to indicate that they intend to make it as complete a client side framework as these. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Bensmoif (talkcontribs) 13:47, 3 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Can someone test the Gecco framework at http://www.spiritech.com/gecco? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 14:09, 18 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

What about Sproutcore? —Preceding unsigned comment added by Mcoquet (talkcontribs) 13:13, 17 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Can someone consider adding JAK (JavaScript API Kernel)David P Smith (talk) 20:59, 22 September 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Can you add the InterModule JavaScript API (http://intermodule.sf.net/jsapi)? Sangheili Fleet (talk) 10:34, 24 September 2008 (UTC)[reply]

I suggest adding Ajax4jsf, though some might disagree because it is now part of the JBoss_RichFaces project. (talk) 12:05, 20 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]

I came to wikipedia looking for alternatives to DOMAssistant ([3]). It is a lightweight and modular js library that I find easy to use. I'll ask the creator about updating the comparison. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Rakerake (talkcontribs) 16:01, 13 November 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Ironic that jQuery is the only script listed as having feature detection. What little feature detection there is apes My Library (not shown here) and the rest is browser sniffing by object inference. Prototype is starting to implement my techniques as well. So I think My Library should definitely be added. Older, obsolete and/or insignificant scripts should be removed. (talk) 20:15, 1 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Anyone want to add Google's Closure Library? http://closure-library.googlecode.com

What about WaveMaker http://www.wavemaker.com/product/ ? — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 07:55, 19 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I'm missing BBC Glow in this Comparison: http://en.wiki.x.io/wiki/Glow_%28JavaScript_library%29 -- (talk) 15:16, 21 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]

aurelia.io --User:Haraldmmueller 19:45, 31 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Clean up


Can we do a clean up on these features headings / categories? They don't seem entirely relevant to frameworks designs. David P Smith (talk) 20:59, 22 September 2008 (UTC)[reply]

We may also want to switch rows and columns, and move out the less notable frameworks (e.g. echo3, midori) into a separate "Second tier" category, as I did with List of photo sharing websites#Comparison of photo sharing websites.
Cells that are intended to hold Yes/No/TBD data need to be validated. Some camps are using the cell to do promotions in these cells, rather than using them to provide facts (e.g. "Y", "N" -- as is being done in adjacent cells).
Cells that are blank either need an entry, or those with a question mark need to be cleared so they contain nothing.
My recommendation for values that have yet to be determined, is "TBD", not "?". This has a historical basis and is the practice I'm most familiar with. Documentation that conforms with a well-known standard, e.g. APA-style writing, AMA writing guidelines, RTCA, FDA, and others, uses "TBD", not a question mark. "N/A", is used to denote that "it is known that this is 'Not Applicable'; "TBD" is used to denote that the correct (or 'long-term') value is not known, and "Unknown" gets used when a value is not known. The "?" usually is not used because it is nebulous and is often, an editor's mark.
Kernel.package (talk) 13:47, 23 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Something needs to be done, and I think you're on the right track. That said, the comparison is *really* useful in its current form. I just discovered Midori, and while it's not a major framework, it's notable for its tiny footprint. I'd be disappointed if any of these lesser known frameworks were *completely* removed for lack of notability. :) Techtoucian (talk) 03:55, 7 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]

OAT Framework


The OAT Framework (oat.openlinksw.com) is quite extensive - it should be reviewed too. Telerik Controls are one of the best selling controls out there.....why they are not included? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 11:32, 25 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Too many non-notable


Checked the WP pages for many of these frameworks, many are non notable. Already removed ZK and Rialto - because they both are from original research completely, plus the information is first-party, rather than third-party. Cleanup is needed noaw. Flaming Grunt 01:34, 4 April 2009 (UTC)[reply]


Given the amount of effort that goes into adding and removing an entry, I suggest taking care before taking drastic action. Even if an article is removed from Wikipedia it doesn't seem to me to make the entry in this table less useful. If there is no Wikipedia article the entry can use a reference to the product web site instead.

I can see how frameworks that are not used by anyone or no longer being used or no longer available would be candidates for removal or be rejected in the first place. However, I see no reason why a framework that is still widely used but has no Wikipedia article or doesn't meet Wikipedia's "notability" status should not be included here. Sreed888 (talk) 19:44, 12 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]

User Controlled Views


The table is too wide to fit on my screen, which makes it very awkward to use. Is it possible to say add a button at the top of each column to hide that column? So people could construct a view of the frameworks they wish to compare at a particular time? Or perhaps make the comparison available as a '.ods' OpenOffice spreadsheet. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 10:51, 28 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Key users


I think we could add a row named "key users" (or whatever else with the same meaning), to show main users of the framework. For instance, I guess, GMail uses GWT, Yahoo!Mail uses YUI, etc... Do you agree ? --Serenity-Fr (talk) 18:04, 21 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Software Engineering Metrics


The table currently lacks software engineering metrics crucial for industrial use, such as support for and enforcement of a well-organized model-view-controller architecture, object-oriented vs. merely object-based, event architecture, and debuggability. In debuggability, for example, JavaScript is lacking in reflective capabilities, so a debuggable framework adds reflective capabilities. For another example pertaining to debuggability, excessive use of 'setTimeout' creates unnecessary polling threads, making debugging more difficult. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Christopherbalz (talkcontribs) 17:10, 20 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Totally agree, partially :D
I'd also add some metrics of the quality of the code, plus quality of documentation. IMO, you wouldn't want to rely on bloated code, even if it works awesome now, knowing that the bloat will eventually render it unmaintainable. Besides, bad code significantly diminishes one of the main values of open source - the possibility of changing the code at will if you need to do so. As for documentation, if the best documentation index for a framework is google, this could badly damage productivity.

Quite a few observations


There's an important browser missing - Konqueror. It's not important because many users use it, but because it is the default browser on some platforms.

Another row that is IMO relevant is the date of the last update. If the last update of a framework/library is two years ago, chances are that it is not maintained at all, so you probably wouldn't want to use it for enterprise apps.

I'd split the table in two not by popularity, but by purpose. Whenever you look for a comparison of Javascript frameworks, you get a mix of two classes of frameworks with different purposes. The first type is best illustrated by jQuery, which is the de facto standard when doing dynamic web sites. But jQuery alone is useless (well, almost) when doing RIAs. When doing RIAs, your best choice is probably one of qooxdoo, extjs or YUI. IMO, splitting the table into these two categories makes sense.

Distinction between Frameworks and Libraries


The title of the article is somewhat misleading. There is a stark difference between a "framework" and a "library". Consider reflecting the differences in the title of the article by renaming it "Comparison of JavaScript frameworks and libraries". A framework is generally a "full-stack" set of modules while a library is generally a "loosely coupled" set of plugins. Technically, collections such as YUI and Dojo would be considered full-stack frameworks, while jQuery is actually a library. This is more than just semantics as the full-stack framework is more heavily groomed for interoperability by a dedicated design team who monitors all modules cohesively as opposed to the plugin library which generally is not. Enterprise-class applications will favor the full-stack framework for its support and more robust interoperability. WebTigers (talk) 08:53, 20 June 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Absolutely. Likewise, it deosn't really make sense to state that jQuery supports feature foo "with plugins", since those plugins are vast pieces of third-party software, using jQuery as a library. -- (talk) 06:21, 24 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Frameworks plugins


I saw many "with plugins" in JQuery column, and part of them are JQuery UI. On another side, Prototype is associated with Scriptaculous, whereas finally it's plugins. To be consistent, we should have the columns "JQUery", "Prototype" and "Dojo", or "JQuery+JQuery UI", "Prototype + Scriptaculous", "Dojo+dijit". —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 14:39, 5 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]

I do not want to create those extra columns. For sure some frameworks are more structured than others and have a base, and widgets separation. I just want to know if using a particular framework would allow me to have the widgets I need. Some extra functionality is not present on "JQuery+JQuery UI" but some other plugins but I do not see the problem with it as long as they get along. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 09:04, 31 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]

I know Prototype provides functionality that improves JavaScript OOP (i.e. Class.create()). I would consider this an important feature to be compared against the other frameworks. I personally know a professional developer who switched from JQuery to Prototype solely for this feature. NiX0n (talk) 21:28, 19 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]

I believe it's also a strong feature of Ext Core/JS to support good OOP.

By the logic expressed above by some comments in this section, qooxdoo should be listed as supporting 2D graphics. qooxdoo does have plugin support, only it doesn't call them plugins but contribs. They can be added to any qooxdoo project right from the svn repo where they're hosted - the same repo that hosts the qooxdoo sources. There's a maintained and working SVG plugin, and there's a native canvas widget. What else does a framework/lib need to qualify as providing support for 2D graphics? (Florin Jurcovici)

Also, if OO is to get added to the table, qooxdoo is IMO the nicest way to do OOP in JavaScript I have encountered so far, especially for programmers comming from .Net/Java/C++. It provides a proper definition and inheritance mechanism for classes and interfaces, it provides mixins a la Scala traits, it also has built in support for unit testing (by building on top other libraries such as http://www.cdiggins.com/tokenizer.html, http://sinonjs.org/ etc.) and for documentation generation. (Florin Jurcovici)

qooxdoo is maybe different from other libs/frameworks in how it does remote IO. You have a family of request protocols (xhr, iframe, script, jsonp) supported out of the box, and separate packages to deal with the various response formats (JSON and XML being supported out of the box). Therefore I think it is unfair to state that qooxdoo does't support other data retrieval methods. It supports any format, but separates the raw data retrieval from the processing of the response. (Florin Jurcovici) — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 11:35, 7 January 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Transposed table



Framework Name Version Size License Demo Features Feature detection[5] DOM wrapped[18] XMLHttpRequest
data retrieval
JSON data retrieval Server push data retrieval Other data retrieval Drag and drop Simple visual effects Animation /
advanced visual effects
Event handling Back button support /
history management
Input form widgets & validation Grid Hierarchical Tree Rich text editor Autocompletion tools HTML generation tools Widgets themeable / skinnable GUI resizable panels and modal dialogs GUI page layout Canvas support Mobile/tablet support (touch events) Accessibility /
graceful degradation [102]
ARIA compliant Developer tools, Visual design Offline storage [119] Cross-browser 2d Vector Graphics[123] Charting & Dashboard [127] Browser Support Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox Safari Opera Chrome
Ample SDK 0.9.3
1 Jul 2010
Core size:
40 kB (minified & gzipped)
MIT & GPL XUL SVG Ample SDK Yes Yes[19] Yes Yes Yes: XML Yes Yes Yes Yes[40] Yes Yes Ample SDK Yes[55] Yes[62] Yes[71] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes[124] Yes[128] Ample SDK 6+ 1+ 3+ 9.6+ 1+
22 Jul 2010
Variable GPL & Commercial Samples Explorer

Demo Apps
DHTMLX No Yes Yes Yes Yes: XML, CSV Yes No No Yes No Yes[51] DHTMLX Yes[56] Yes[63] Yes[72] Yes[78] No Yes[84] Yes[91] Yes[93] Yes[97] No for DHTMLX Touch[109] No Yes[129] DHTMLX 6+ 1+ 2.0+ 9+ 1+
Dojo 1.5.0
15 Jul 2010
Base size:
28 kB (minified & gzipped),
65 kB (minified),
123 kB (uncompressed)[2]
BSD & AFL Feature Explorer Dojo No[6] Yes Yes[20] Yes[23] Yes[26] Yes: XML, HTML, CSV, ATOM[30] Yes[31] Yes[35] Yes[37] Yes[41] Yes[45] Yes[52] Dojo Yes[57] Yes[64] Yes[73] Yes[79] Yes[82] Yes[85] Yes Yes Yes[95] Yes[98] Yes[103] Yes[103] Yes[110] No[120] Yes[125] Yes[130] Dojo 6+ 3+ [135] 4 [135] 10 [135] 3 [135]
Echo3 3.0.beta8
6 Aug 2009
MPL, LGPL or GPL Client-Side JavaScript Demo Echo3 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Echo3 Yes Yes[74] No In development[111] Echo3 6+ 1.5+ 3+ 9+ 1+
Ext JS 3.1.1
17 Dec 2009
84–502 kB Depends Commercial & GPL 3.0 Samples & Demos Ext JS No Yes Yes Yes Yes: XML Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes[46] Yes ExtJS Yes Yes[65] Yes[75] Yes Yes Yes[86] Yes Yes No[104] Yes[112] Via Google Gears or Adobe Air Yes[131] ExtJS 6+ 1.5+ 3+ 9+ 3+ [138]
Google Web Toolkit 1.7.1
Jul 2009
Variable Apache GWT Examples Google Web Toolkit No[7][8] Yes Yes Yes No Yes: RPC With plugin[32] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes, Validation requires plugin[53] Google Web Toolkit Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes [87] Yes Yes Yes [105] Yes Via Google Gears[121] Google Web Toolkit 6+ 1+ 3+ 9+
jQuery 1.4.4
11 Nov 2010
24 KiB (minified & gzipped),
72 KiB (minified),
155 KiB (uncompressed)
MIT & GPL UI demo jQuery Yes[9] Yes Yes Yes Yes[27] Yes: XML, HTML Yes Yes Yes Yes With plugins[47] With plugins[54] jQuery With plugins[58] With plugins[66] With plugins[76] With plugins[80] Yes Yes[88] With plugins With plugin[94] With plugin[99] Yes Yes[108] Yes[113][114] No With plugin[132] jQuery 6+ [134] 2+ [134] 3+ [134] 9+ [134] 1+ [134]
midori 2010.05
10 May 2010
9 kB (minified & gzipped),
50 kB (uncompressed)
MIT midori Documen­tation midori No[10] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes midori No No No Yes No No midori 6+ 1.5+ 2+ 9+
MochiKit 1.4.2
17 Nov 2008
32–200 kB MIT & AFL Effects Demos MochiKit No[11] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes[38] Yes MochiKit MochiKit 6 1.0.7, 1.5b2 2.0.2 8.5
MooTools 1.3.0
11 Oct 2010
7.3–65 KiB (YUI Compressor),[3]
101 KiB (uncompressed)[4]
MIT Demos MooTools Yes[12] No Yes[21] Yes[24] Yes: XML, HTML Yes[33] Yes[36] Yes[39] Yes[42] With plugin[48] Yes MooTools With plugin[59] With plugins[67] Yes[77] With plugin[81] Yes [83] Yes Yes[92] Yes[92] Yes[96] With plugin[100] Yes Yes[115][116] Yes[126] MooTools 6+ 2+ 3+ 9+ 1+
Prototype & script. aculo.us[1] 1.6.1/1.8.3
14 Nov 2009
46–278 kB MIT Effects Demos and Example Game Prototype & script. aculo.us[1] No[13] No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Prototype & script. aculo.us[1] Yes Yes Prototype & script. aculo.us[1] 6+ 1.5+ 2.0.4+ 9.25+ 1+ (starting with 1.6.1RC3)
Pyjamas 0.5
Mar 2009
Variable Apache 2 & GPL pyjs.org examples Pyjamas Yes Yes Yes[25] Depends Yes Yes[43] Yes[49] Yes[49] Pyjamas Yes Yes[68] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Via Pyjamas-Desktop[122] Yes Pyjamas 6+ 1+ 2+ 9+
qooxdoo 1.3
8 Dec 2010
Variable, starting at 6 kB (gzipped) LGPL & EPL qooxdoo demo qooxdoo Partial Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes qooxdoo Yes Yes[69] Yes Yes Yes[89] Yes Yes Yes Yes No[106] No Yes[117] qooxdoo 6+ 2+ 3+ 9+ 2+
Rialto Toolkit 1.0
30 May 2008
520 kB Apache Demos Rialto Toolkit No[14] Yes No No Yes No No Yes No Yes Rialto Toolkit Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Rialto Toolkit 6+ 1.5+ 9+
Rico 2 Apache Demos Rico No No Yes[22] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Rico Yes[60] No Yes Yes Rico 5.5+ 1+ 2.0.3 [137]
SmartClient & SmartGWT SmartClient: 8.0
Jan 2011
SmartGWT: 2.4
Jan 2011
100–500 kb (gzipped). LGPL & Commercial SmartClient Showcase
SmartGWT Showcase
SmartGWT EE Showcase
SmartClient and SmartGWT Partial [15] Yes Yes Yes Yes[28] Yes: XML, WSDL, RSS, and Java-based SQL, Hibernate, POJO adapters Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes SmartClient and SmartGWT Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Degradation: No
Accessibility: Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes SmartClient and SmartGWT 6+ 1+ 3+ 9+ 1+
SweetDEV RIA 3.1
9 Jun 2008
550 kB Apache 2 Getting Started SweetDEV RIA Yes Yes Yes Depends [34] No No Depends[44] No[50] Yes SweetDEV RIA Yes Yes No Yes No No No No No SweetDEV RIA 6+ 3+ 9.21+, possibly earlier as well
YUI 3.0
29 Sep 2009
Variable; library core is 31 kB BSD 300 examples, including adv. app example YUI No[16] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YUI Yes[61] Yes[70] Yes Yes Yes[90] Yes partial[101] Yes[107] Yes Yes[118] Yes[133] YUI 6+ 3+ [136] 4 10.0+
ZK 5.0 RC
29 Sep 2009
Variable LGPL & GPL ZkDemo ZK No[17] Yes Yes[29] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ZK Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ZK 6+ 2.0+ 3+ 9+ 2+

Please include AngularJS


Thanks — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 04:06, 2 April 2013 (UTC)[reply]

jslint compliance


NickGarnett (talk) 14:15, 1 May 2013 (UTC) It would be great to have a column for "jslint complicance". "Yes/No" would probably not be appropriate for this column ... maybe a code or set of Yes/No for jslint options. For instance, these are the options with non-false values I am particularly interested in: indent = True, maxerr = 100, maxlen = 120, predef = <empty>, sloppy = true, todo = true, unparam = true. I use all of the other options with false values: bitwise , browser , closure , continue , couch , debug , devel , eqeq , es5 , evil , forin , newcap , node , nomen , passfail , plusplus , regexp , rhino , stupid , sub , undef , vars , white. Some of them are fairly irrelevant as they can be fixed using jsbeautify (indent, white). I'd be glad to help, but I have not found any frameworks that are jslint compiant as is.[reply]

This list seems widely irrelevant


This list misses some of the most important and widely used frameworks (AngularJS, EmberJS, BackboneJS) for example and includes a lot of _libraries_ which are not frameworks at all (nor do they advertise themselves as such). Moreover, it includes several 'JavaScript frameworks' that are not even in JavaScript, or about it.

The general feeling I get is that it's a collection of libraries that people who created the article 'happen to know' or worse, want to advertise.

I appreciate the effort of the people who worked on this list, but as it currently stands it does a lot more spreading of mis-information.

- Benjamin Gruenbaum

Any objection to removing all libraries (i.e. jquery), with IoC as the principal here? Or should the page be renamed to cover popular frameworks + libraries? (talk) 23:51, 27 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

I agree with the irrelevance of much of the content of this article. As creator of a FrameWork, (previewable on my blog at clould.com.au) I would have liked to see how things compare, but even leaving our 'Web App Framework' off the list and omitting things that we think should be there such as MDI, multi-tasking, direct to printer support, remote printing, security, asset management, scoping to mention just a few... what's left is a mishmash of libraries and frameworks with unrelated capabilities that seemed to have been randomly hand picked by someone. As a bare minimum the suggestion to separate libraries from frameworks is a good one, but then maybe every cool feature found in a framework should be displayed so people don't overlook the many fantastic frameworks available. ZhuLien (talk) 05:00, 7 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]

I don't think that you have the right to complain, ZhuLien. I can't find anything about your framework. Neither does the website you promote exist anymore. So, why should people add your framework to this list to begin with? They shouldn't! You clearly wanted to just add it here to promote it! So, no. It absolutely did not belong here to begin with, if you were the only user who ever used it! - MrUnoDosTres (talk) 05:37, 18 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]



There are a lot of things to argue about in this list. In sum, I think, the whole list is completely irrelevant. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 11:21, 5 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

vertical text


If we had Vertical text and/or vertical layout as features, would that leave most frameworks red in that row ?

G. Robert Shiplett 11:42, 23 August 2013 (UTC)

Add feature: Dependency Injection


A common feature of frameworks - Dependency Injection - is missing from the list of features. Note that Dependency Injection is typically not a feature of a library, which leads me to the following point: library vs framework

Propose splitting into: Comparison of JavaScript LIBRARIES and Comparison of JavaScript FRAMEWORKS


Here is a good resource: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3057526/framework-vs-toolkit-vs-library

The main practical difference between a framework and a library is how you use it. If you're building a JavaScript heavy application from scratch you'll be looking for a framework. If you have an existing website and you want to add some fanciness you'll be looking for a library. Frameworks impose restrictions on where you code lives, how dependencies are handled and how modularity is achieved. Libraries deal with features like: do I have animations, do I have a nice DOM Wrapper, can I do AJAX in a browser independent way, etc. Most frameworks actually include a library part but the border is a bit vague.

Some of the projects listed as frameworks are actually just libraries. I feel like it's very misleading to stamp them as frameworks.

Proposed Column deletetion


Hi, I propose deleting those frameworks that don't have an own article, as they are most likely not-notable. If there is no protest, i will do so in a few days. Arved (talk) 13:21, 11 July 2014 (UTC)[reply]

include Meteor?


I think it's one of the most hyped currently. I'd appreciate if someone could fill out the details.

macscam (talk) 08:47, 27 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

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