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Talk:Cinema Novo

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Give some examples! —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 19:09, 1 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Lots of suggestions for improving this article! What are the predominant or recurring themes of cinema novo? What qualities are typically displayed by its protagonists and antagonists? What, if any, values does it usually champion? Against what backdrop--political, economic, geographic, ethnic--do the stories occur? What are its idiosyncrasies? Does it have any subgenres? Does it appear in other forms of media, such as television, literature, and art? We need some examples of cinema novo movies! (Actual names!) Nice start by indicating its ties to Italian Neo-Realism, French New Wave and the Carnation Revolution, but even this must be developed more and properly cited. Btc35 (talk) 06:50, 9 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Impact of recent student edits


This article has recently been edited by students as part of their course work for a university course. As part of the quality metrics for the education program, we would like to determine what level of burden is placed on Wikipedia's editors by student coursework.

If you are an editor of this article who spent time correcting edits to it made by the students, please tell us how much time you spent on cleaning up the article. Please note that we are asking you to estimate only the negative effects of the students' work. If the students added good material but you spent time formatting it or making it conform to the manual of style, or copyediting it, then the material added was still a net benefit, and the work you did improved it further. If on the other hand the students added material that had to be removed, or removed good material which you had to replace, please let us know how much time you had to spend making those corrections. This includes time you may have spent posting to the students' talk pages, or to Wikipedia noticeboards, or working with them on IRC, or any other time you spent which was required to fix problems created by the students' edits. Any work you did as a Wikipedia Ambassador for that student's class should not be counted.

Please rate the amount of time spent as follows:

  • 0 -No unproductive work to clean up
  • 1 - A few minutes of work needed
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  • 4 - More than an hour of work needed

Please also add any comments you feel may be helpful. We welcome ratings from multiple editors on the same article. Add your input here. Thanks! -- LiAnna Davis (WMF) (talk) 20:09, 27 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]