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Translation of parts of Netzwerke der Macht (networks of power)


Under (prime minister and president) Kuchma business and politics interpenetrated even more than in Russia. Clans, mostly regional cross-industry holding companies closely intertwined with the regional political elite, were formed that continue to exist to this day. Through a combination of lobbying, close cooperation with political parties and illegal appropriation via corruption networks, the owners of big corporations try to influence politics or become politically active themselves. Most notably, three main clans- consisting of various subgroups-have emerged.

Dnipropetrowsk clan

The "Dnipropetrowsk clan" -the historical home of CPSU secretary-general Leonid Brezhnev and Kuchma's political base - is made up of five groups: the Pintschuk group, the Derkatsch group, the Prywatbank group, the Kutmer group, and the Tymoshenko group …

The Pyntschuk group …

The Derkatsch group is led by Leonid Derkatsch, a longtime friend of Kuchma's, and his son, Member of Parliament Andrei Derkatsch. Leonid Derkatsch was formerly chairman of the Ukrainian Security Service and was fired by Kuchma in February 2001 in connection with the assassination of journalist Georgy Gongadze. Andrei Derkach heads the "Ukrainian Press Group" holding, which owns three daily newspapers, a TV guide, a business newspaper, and the "Wersii" website. He is also a member of the top executive body of the "Working Ukraine" party which was founded by Pinchuk (head of the Pinchuk group and second husband of one of Kuchma's daughters) and Derkatsch and is part of the Kuchma-friendly group "For a united Ukraine!". In addition, Andrej Derkatsch is a lobbyist for Russian companies in Ukraine belonging to the Russian aluminum group Sibirskij aljumij. He also maintains a good relationship with Anatolij Tschubajs, chairman of the Russian electricity monopolist JeES Rossii.

The most prominent member of the Kuchma group is former president Leonid Kuchma. Other members of the group include a number of former deputy prime ministers and ministers. The main task of the Kuchma group is to represent the interests of arms companies in eastern and southern Ukraine. The group also is in control of the space flight industry. The Ukrainian defense industry, on the one hand, has close ties to the Russian military-industrial complex, and on the other hand also competes with them on the world market. Space4Time3Continuum2x (talk) 17:47, 6 December 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Fork fight against corruption?


On Derkach's website he is listed under blogs with the caption Фуршетная борьба с коррупцией. In French, fourchette means "fork." Anyone know what this odd phrase (foorshetnaya fight against corruption) means? Space4Time3Continuum2x (talk) 18:00, 6 December 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Really - Gossip Girl?


Blogger Дима Фомин (Dima Fomin) using a picture of actor Desmond Harrington in season 2 of Gossip Girl (same blog page and at the top of the blogger's article, an attack piece on Vitali Klitschko). Space4Time3Continuum2x (talk) 18:28, 6 December 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Unsourced material


in "Career," "Parliamentary activity," "Public work," and "Honors and recognition" sections seem to have been taken from Derkach's personal website. Without secondary sources a lot of the content looks like self-promotional fluff that may need to be removed. Space4Time3Continuum2x (talk) 12:21, 7 December 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Tag asking editors to expand article with text translated from corresponding article in Ukrainian


@X1\: Both articles originally seem to have been copies of the biography section on Derkach's personal website, containing content that is written like an advertisement, to quote one of the tags, and without any sources. I just Google-translated the Ukrainian article and noticed that it still looks very much like the biography on Derkach's website, and it still does not have any sources. Please, tell me which part of the text should be used to expand this article and whether there are any sources for it? Space4Time3Continuum2x (talk) 10:07, 17 December 2019 (UTC)[reply]

@Space4Time3Continuum2x: well that is not good. Thank you for your review. My "expansion" was hopeful request in that I hoped there would be better RS there, but maybe 5P Ukrainian Wikipedians haven't been able to get to it, with the Russian military intervention in Ukraine (2014–present), Trump's attacks, intense internal issues, etc. I don't understand Ukrainian, and Google and Bing's translators all too often fall far too short for non-simple language translation. X1\ (talk) 22:33, 17 December 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Update RAO UES


At time of writing, this article talks about RAO UES in the present tense. The company was broken up and ceased to exist in 2010 as per RAO UES' Wikipedia page. Maybe an update is in order using a better source? The current FT article is behind a paywall and no longer resolves. | Archive linkTMLutas (talk) 18:04, 15 December 2020 (UTC)[reply]

To be added


According to the Israeli National Police, in December 1999, Andrii Derkach, Vadim Rabinovich, who became business partner of Yevhen Murayev at NewsOne, Semyon Mogilevich, Alexander Angert, and Leonid Minin are very close and from December 12-13, 1999, Andrii Derkach, his assistant O. Kovalchuk, V. Kovalchuk, Alexander Angert, and I. Sharov met Vadim Rabinovich at Vadim Rabinovich's villa near Netanya, Israel, after which the visiting group returned to Kyiv in Rabinovich's private plane.[1][2][3] Also, in December 1999 in Herods Hotel at Eilat, Israel, Israeli National Police monitored a meeting among Mikhail Chernoy, Semyon Mogilevich, Vadim Rabinovich, Oleg Deripaska, Oleg Taranov, who was the head of the National Agency of Ukraine for State Property Management, and Andrii Derkach.[4]


  1. ^ Ельцов, Олег (Yeltsov, Oleg). "Из жизни Деркачей. Часть 1. Украинские корни Семена Могилевича. Что предшествовало снятию главы СБУ Леонида Деркача. Украинские разведчики в поисках связей Семена Могилевича на территории Украины. Здесь - ни слова о фирме "Деркач и сын"" [From the life of Derkachs. Part 1. Ukrainian roots of Semyon Mogilevich. What preceded the removal of the head of the SBU Leonid Derkach. Ukrainian intelligence officers in search of Semyon Mogilevich's connections on the territory of Ukraine. Here - not a word about the firm "Derkach and Son".]. Украина Криминальная: О чем не горвят вслух (www.cripo.com.ua) (in Russian). Archived from the original on 14 August 2001. Retrieved 17 February 2022.{{cite news}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) Alternate archive
  2. ^ Ельцов, Олег (Yeltsov, Oleg). "Из жизни Деркачей. Часть 2. Глава спецслужбы в адвокатах у главы мафии. Как глава СБУ Леонид Деркач в интервью "Зеркалу недели" предвосхитил появление бестселлера Роберта Фридмана "Красная мафия". Мог ли Леонид Деркач не знать о махинациях компании Могилевича "YBM", которая признала выдвинутые против нее обвинения? Кого заподозрил в блокировании расследования деятельности Могилевича в нашей стране представитель ФБР США в Украине. Об этом - в части второй трилогии "Из жизни Деркачей"" [From the life of Derkachs. Part 2. How the head of the SBU, Leonid Derkach, in an interview with Zerkalo Nedeli, anticipated the appearance of Robert Friedman's bestseller The Red Mafia. Could Leonid Derkach not know about the machinations of Mogilevich's YBM company, which admitted the charges against it? Who was suspected of blocking the investigation of Mogilevich's activities in our country by the representative of the US FBI in Ukraine. About this - in the second part of the trilogy "From the life of Derkachs".]. Украина Криминальная: О чем не горвят вслух (www.cripo.com.ua) (in Russian). Archived from the original on 2 August 2001. Retrieved 17 February 2022.{{cite news}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) Alternate archive
  3. ^ Ельцов, Олег (Yeltsov, Oleg). "Из жизни Деркачей. Часть 3. Зарвавшиеся. Война спецслужб "в полный рост": какая она? Что поссорило главу СБУ с шефом военной разведки? Кто же в действительности распускал слух о "тяжелой болезни" нашего вечно живого Президента? Чьими усилиями сорвался контракт на поставку "Мотор сичью" авиадвигателей для самолетов-шпионов для израильского Минобороны, сопоставимый с пакистанским танковым контрактом? Самая полная схема связей компании "Деркач и сын"" [From the life of Derkachs. Part 3. Presumptuous. War of special services "in full growth": what is it like? What quarreled between the head of the SBU and the chief of military intelligence? Who really spread the rumor about the "serious illness" of our ever-living President? Whose efforts broke the contract for the supply of Motor Sich aircraft engines for spy planes for the Israeli Ministry of Defense, comparable to the Pakistani tank contract? The most complete scheme of connections of the company "Derkach and Son".]. Украина Криминальная: О чем не горвят вслух (www.cripo.com.ua) (in Russian). Archived from the original on 3 July 2001. Retrieved 17 February 2022.{{cite news}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) Alternate archive
  4. ^ Степовой, Сергей (Stepovoy, Sergey) (6 April 2001). ""Люди, которые знают Дерипаску лично, говорят о его маниакальной подозрительности. Среди работников "Сибирского алюминия" царит стукачество и наушничество". Сибирский цирюльник. Олег Дерипаска стрижет купоны со всего российского аллюминия" ["People who know Deripaska personally speak of his manic suspicion. Among the employees of Siberian Aluminum, snitching and swindling reigns". Siberian barber. Oleg Deripaska cuts coupons from all Russian aluminum]. Стрингер (Stringer) (in Russian). Retrieved 17 February 2022.{{cite news}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)

Last sentence, first section


The last sentence in the first section makes absolutely no sense. I don't even know where to go with it Jtb323 (talk) 20:07, 9 October 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Charged in U.S. federal court on December 7, 2022


Wasn't Derkach charged (with conspiracy to violate the International Emergency Economic Powers Acts, bank fraud conspiracy, money laundering conspiracy and four counts of money laundering) in U.S. federal court on December 7, 2022? Source: https://www.justice.gov/usao-edny/pr/russian-intelligence-agent-charged-fraud-and-money-laundering-connection-purchase-and (talk) 03:02, 8 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]