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Talk:Öndör Gongor

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For anybody interested, Larson's and Forbath's works are available via www.archive.org. M. Nyamaa's text can currently be found almost verbatim at mn:Өндөр Гонгор. Except that Nyamaa's second sentence only reads "Ард олны дунд өндөр Гонгор хэмээн алдаршсан тэр Далай Чойнхор вангийн хошуу, одоогийн Жаргалант сумын нутагт 1880 оны эхээр төржээ.", and does not include the last two sentences ("Тэрээр Сайн ноён хан аймгийн бөхийн сорилгыг тэргүүлэн явуулдаг, даншгийн начин цолтой сайн бөхчүүдийн нэг байжээ. Гонгор дэлхийн түүхэн дэх хамгийн өндөр хүн болох Америкийн Нэгдсэн УлсАНУ-ийн иргэн Robert Pershing Wadlow - оос өндөр байсан гэсэн мэдээ байдаг.")

The possible copyvio is also the reason that I did not link to the Mongolian page as of yet.

There is actually now a whole book on Öndör Gongor, published, I think, in 2006 or 2007. So the article is not yet as well-referenced as it could be. Yaan (talk) 15:21, 27 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

"now on display in a US museum"


That's certainly a new one to me, and it's extremely odd for an American museum to display a human corpse... with the exception of some mummies. Highly doubt it's an accurate statement. -- (talk) 17:14, 16 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]