Programs calling a database that accords to the SQL standard receive an indication of the success or failure of the call. This return code - which is called SQLSTATE - consists of 5 bytes. They are divided into two parts: the first and second bytes contain a class and the following three a subclass. Each class belongs to one of four categories: "S" denotes "Success" (class 00), "W" denotes "Warning" (class 01), "N" denotes "No data" (class 02), and "X" denotes "Exception" (all other classes).
- Real DBMSs are free to define additional values for SQLSTATE to handle those features that are beyond the standard. Such values must use one of the characters [I-Z] or [5-9] as the first byte of class (first byte of SQLSTATE) or subclass (third byte of SQLSTATE).
- In addition to SQLSTATE the SQL command
offers more details about the last executed SQL command. - In very early versions of the SQL standard the return code was called SQLCODE and used a different coding schema.
The following table lists the standard-conforming values - based on SQL:2011.[1] The table's last column shows the part of the standard that defines the row. If it is empty, the definition originates from part 2 Foundation.
SQLSTATE | Cat. | Class | Class Text | Subclass | Subclass Text | SQL part |
00000 | S | 00 | successful completion | 000 | (no subclass) | |
01000 | W | 01 | warning | 000 | (no subclass) | |
01001 | W | 01 | warning | 001 | cursor operation conflict | |
01002 | W | 01 | warning | 002 | disconnect error | |
01003 | W | 01 | warning | 003 | null value eliminated in set function | |
01004 | W | 01 | warning | 004 | string data, right truncation | |
01005 | W | 01 | warning | 005 | insufficient item descriptor areas | |
01006 | W | 01 | warning | 006 | privilege not revoked | |
01007 | W | 01 | warning | 007 | privilege not granted | |
01009 | W | 01 | warning | 009 | search condition too long for information schema | |
0100A | W | 01 | warning | 00A | query expression too long for information schema | |
0100B | W | 01 | warning | 00B | default value too long for information schema | |
0100C | W | 01 | warning | 00C | result sets returned | |
0100D | W | 01 | warning | 00D | additional result sets returned | |
0100E | W | 01 | warning | 00E | attempt to return too many result sets | |
0100F | W | 01 | warning | 00F | statement too long for information schema | |
01010 | W | 01 | warning | 010 | column cannot be mapped | SQL/XML |
01011 | W | 01 | warning | 011 | SQL-Java path too long for information schema | SQL/JRT |
01012 | W | 01 | warning | 012 | invalid number of conditions | |
0102F | W | 01 | warning | 02F | array data, right truncation | |
02000 | N | 02 | no data | 000 | (no subclass) | |
02001 | N | 02 | no data | 001 | no additional result sets returned | |
07000 | X | 07 | dynamic SQL error | 000 | (no subclass) | |
07001 | X | 07 | dynamic SQL error | 001 | using clause does not match dynamic parameter specifications | |
07002 | X | 07 | dynamic SQL error | 002 | using clause does not match target specifications | |
07003 | X | 07 | dynamic SQL error | 003 | cursor specification cannot be executed | |
07004 | X | 07 | dynamic SQL error | 004 | using clause required for dynamic parameters | |
07005 | X | 07 | dynamic SQL error | 005 | prepared statement not a cursor specification | |
07006 | X | 07 | dynamic SQL error | 006 | restricted data type attribute violation | |
07007 | X | 07 | dynamic SQL error | 007 | using clause required for result fields | |
07008 | X | 07 | dynamic SQL error | 008 | invalid descriptor count | |
07009 | X | 07 | dynamic SQL error | 009 | invalid descriptor index | |
0700B | X | 07 | dynamic SQL error | 00B | data type transform function violation | |
0700C | X | 07 | dynamic SQL error | 00C | undefined DATA value | |
0700D | X | 07 | dynamic SQL error | 00D | invalid DATA target | |
0700E | X | 07 | dynamic SQL error | 00E | invalid LEVEL value | |
0700F | X | 07 | dynamic SQL error | 00F | invalid DATETIME_INTERVAL_CODE | |
08000 | X | 08 | connection exception | 000 | (no subclass) | |
08001 | X | 08 | connection exception | 001 | SQL-client unable to establish SQL-connection | |
08002 | X | 08 | connection exception | 002 | connection name in use | |
08003 | X | 08 | connection exception | 003 | connection does not exist | |
08004 | X | 08 | connection exception | 004 | SQL-server rejected establishment of SQL-connection | |
08006 | X | 08 | connection exception | 006 | connection failure | |
08007 | X | 08 | connection exception | 007 | transaction resolution unknown | |
09000 | X | 09 | triggered action exception | 000 | (no subclass) | |
0A000 | X | 0A | feature not supported | 000 | (no subclass) | |
0A001 | X | 0A | feature not supported | 001 | multiple server transactions | |
0D000 | X | 0D | invalid target type specification | 000 | (no subclass) | |
0E000 | X | 0E | invalid schema name list specification | 000 | (no subclass) | |
0F000 | X | 0F | locator exception | 000 | (no subclass) | |
0F001 | X | 0F | locator exception | 001 | invalid specification | |
0K000 | X | 0K | resignal when handler not active | 000 | (no subclass) | SQL/PSM |
0L000 | X | 0L | invalid grantor | 000 | (no subclass) | |
0M000 | X | 0M | invalid SQL-invoked procedure reference | 000 | (no subclass) | |
0N000 | X | 0N | SQL/XML mapping error | 000 | (no subclass) | SQL/XML |
0N001 | X | 0N | SQL/XML mapping error | 001 | unmappable XML name | SQL/XML |
0N002 | X | 0N | SQL/XML mapping error | 002 | invalid XML character | SQL/XML |
0P000 | X | 0P | invalid role specification | 000 | (no subclass) | |
0S000 | X | 0S | invalid transform group name specification | 000 | (no subclass) | |
0T000 | X | 0T | target table disagrees with cursor specification | 000 | (no subclass) | |
0U000 | X | 0U | attempt to assign to non-updatable column | 000 | (no subclass) | |
0V000 | X | 0V | attempt to assign to ordering column | 000 | (no subclass) | |
0W000 | X | 0W | prohibited statement encountered during trigger execution | 000 | (no subclass) | |
0W001 | X | 0W | prohibited statement encountered during trigger execution | 001 | modify table modified by data change delta table | |
0X000 | X | 0X | invalid foreign server specification | 000 | (no subclass) | SQL/MED |
0Y000 | X | 0Y | pass-through specific condition | 000 | (no subclass) | SQL/MED |
0Y001 | X | 0Y | pass-through specific condition | 001 | invalid cursor option | SQL/MED |
0Y002 | X | 0Y | pass-through specific condition | 002 | invalid cursor allocation | SQL/MED |
0Z000 | X | 0Z | diagnostics exception | 000 | (no subclass) | |
0Z001 | X | 0Z | diagnostics exception | 001 | maximum number of stacked diagnostics areas exceeded | |
0Z002 | X | 0Z | diagnostics exception | 002 | stacked diagnostics accessed without active handler | SQL/PSM |
10000 | X | 10 | XQuery error | 000 | (no subclass) | SQL/XML |
20000 | X | 20 | case not found for case statement | 000 | (no subclass) | SQL/PSM |
21000 | X | 21 | cardinality violation | 000 | (no subclass) | |
22000 | X | 22 | data exception | 000 | (no subclass) | |
22001 | X | 22 | data exception | 001 | string data, right truncation | |
22002 | X | 22 | data exception | 002 | null value, no indicator parameter | |
22003 | X | 22 | data exception | 003 | numeric value out of range | |
22004 | X | 22 | data exception | 004 | null value not allowed | |
22005 | X | 22 | data exception | 005 | error in assignment | |
22006 | X | 22 | data exception | 006 | invalid interval format | |
22007 | X | 22 | data exception | 007 | invalid datetime format | |
22008 | X | 22 | data exception | 008 | datetime field overflow | |
22009 | X | 22 | data exception | 009 | invalid time zone displacement value | |
2200B | X | 22 | data exception | 00B | escape character conflict | |
2200C | X | 22 | data exception | 00C | invalid use of escape character | |
2200D | X | 22 | data exception | 00D | invalid escape octet | |
2200E | X | 22 | data exception | 00E | null value in array target | |
2200F | X | 22 | data exception | 00F | zero-length character string | |
2200G | X | 22 | data exception | 00G | most specific type mismatch | |
2200H | X | 22 | data exception | 00H | sequence generator limit exceeded | |
2200J | X | 22 | data exception | 00J | nonidentical notations with the same name | SQL/XML |
2200K | X | 22 | data exception | 00K | nonidentical unparsed entities with the same name | SQL/XML |
2200L | X | 22 | data exception | 00L | not an XML document | SQL/XML |
2200M | X | 22 | data exception | 00M | invalid XML document | SQL/XML |
2200N | X | 22 | data exception | 00N | invalid XML content | SQL/XML |
2200P | X | 22 | data exception | 00P | interval value out of range | |
2200Q | X | 22 | data exception | 00Q | multiset value overflow | |
2200R | X | 22 | data exception | 00R | XML value overflow | SQL/XML |
2200S | X | 22 | data exception | 00S | invalid comment | SQL/XML |
2200T | X | 22 | data exception | 00T | invalid processing instruction | SQL/XML |
2200U | X | 22 | data exception | 00U | not an XQuery document node | SQL/XML |
2200V | X | 22 | data exception | 00V | invalid XQuery context item | SQL/XML |
2200W | X | 22 | data exception | 00W | XQuery serialization error | SQL/XML |
22010 | X | 22 | data exception | 010 | invalid indicator parameter value | |
22011 | X | 22 | data exception | 011 | substring error | |
22012 | X | 22 | data exception | 012 | division by zero | |
22013 | X | 22 | data exception | 013 | invalid preceding or following size in window function | |
22014 | X | 22 | data exception | 014 | invalid argument for NTILE function | |
22015 | X | 22 | data exception | 015 | interval field overflow | |
22016 | X | 22 | data exception | 016 | invalid argument for NTH_VALUE function | |
22017 | X | 22 | data exception | 017 | invalid data specified for datalink | SQL/MED |
22018 | X | 22 | data exception | 018 | invalid character value for cast | |
22019 | X | 22 | data exception | 019 | invalid escape character | |
2201A | X | 22 | data exception | 01A | null argument passed to datalink constructor | SQL/MED |
2201B | X | 22 | data exception | 01B | invalid regular expression | |
2201C | X | 22 | data exception | 01C | null row not permitted in table | |
2201D | X | 22 | data exception | 01D | datalink value exceeds maximum length | SQL/MED |
2201E | X | 22 | data exception | 01E | invalid argument for natural logarithm | |
2201F | X | 22 | data exception | 01F | invalid argument for power function | |
2201G | X | 22 | data exception | 01G | invalid argument for width bucket function | |
2201H | X | 22 | data exception | 01H | invalid row version | |
2201J | X | 22 | data exception | 01J | XQuery sequence cannot be validated | SQL/XML |
2201K | X | 22 | data exception | 01K | XQuery document node cannot be validated | SQL/XML |
2201L | X | 22 | data exception | 01L | no XML schema found | SQL/XML |
2201M | X | 22 | data exception | 01M | element namespace not declared | SQL/XML |
2201N | X | 22 | data exception | 01N | global element not declared | SQL/XML |
2201P | X | 22 | data exception | 01P | no XML element with the specified QName | SQL/XML |
2201Q | X | 22 | data exception | 01Q | no XML element with the specified namespace | SQL/XML |
2201R | X | 22 | data exception | 01R | validation failure | SQL/XML |
2201S | X | 22 | data exception | 01S | invalid Query regular expression | |
2201T | X | 22 | data exception | 01T | invalid Query option flag | |
2201U | X | 22 | data exception | 01U | attempt to replace a zero-length string | |
2201V | X | 22 | data exception | 01V | invalid Query replacement string | |
2201W | X | 22 | data exception | 01W | invalid row count in fetch first clause | |
2201X | X | 22 | data exception | 01X | invalid row count in result offset clause | |
22021 | X | 22 | data exception | 021 | character not in repertoire | |
22022 | X | 22 | data exception | 022 | indicator overflow | |
22023 | X | 22 | data exception | 023 | invalid parameter value | |
22024 | X | 22 | data exception | 024 | unterminated C string | |
22025 | X | 22 | data exception | 025 | invalid escape sequence | |
22026 | X | 22 | data exception | 026 | string data, length mismatch | |
22027 | X | 22 | data exception | 027 | trim error | |
22029 | X | 22 | data exception | 029 | noncharacter in UCS string | |
2202A | X | 22 | data exception | 02A | null value in field reference | SQL/PSM |
2202D | X | 22 | data exception | 02D | null value substituted for mutator subject parameter | |
2202E | X | 22 | data exception | 02E | array element error | |
2202F | X | 22 | data exception | 02F | array data, right truncation | |
2202G | X | 22 | data exception | 02G | invalid repeat argument in a sample clause | |
2202H | X | 22 | data exception | 02H | invalid sample size | |
23000 | X | 23 | integrity constraint violation | 000 | (no subclass) | |
23001 | X | 23 | integrity constraint violation | 001 | restrict violation | |
24000 | X | 24 | invalid cursor state | 000 | (no subclass) | |
25000 | X | 25 | invalid transaction state | 000 | (no subclass) | |
25001 | X | 25 | invalid transaction state | 001 | active SQL-transaction | |
25002 | X | 25 | invalid transaction state | 002 | branch transaction already active | |
25003 | X | 25 | invalid transaction state | 003 | inappropriate access mode for branch transaction | |
25004 | X | 25 | invalid transaction state | 004 | inappropriate isolation level for branch transaction | |
25005 | X | 25 | invalid transaction state | 005 | no active SQL-transaction for branch transaction | |
25006 | X | 25 | invalid transaction state | 006 | read-only SQL-transaction | |
25007 | X | 25 | invalid transaction state | 007 | schema and data statement mixing not supported | |
25008 | X | 25 | invalid transaction state | 008 | held cursor requires same isolation level | |
26000 | X | 26 | invalid SQL statement name | 000 | (no subclass) | |
27000 | X | 27 | triggered data change violation | 000 | (no subclass) | |
27001 | X | 27 | triggered data change violation | 001 | modify table modified by data change delta table | |
28000 | X | 28 | invalid authorization specification | 000 | (no subclass) | |
2B000 | X | 2B | dependent privilege descriptors still exist | 000 | (no subclass) | |
2C000 | X | 2C | invalid character set name | 000 | (no subclass) | |
2D000 | X | 2D | invalid transaction termination | 000 | (no subclass) | |
2E000 | X | 2E | invalid connection name | 000 | (no subclass) | |
2F000 | X | 2F | SQL routine exception | 000 | (no subclass) | |
2F002 | X | 2F | SQL routine exception | 002 | modifying SQL-data not permitted | |
2F003 | X | 2F | SQL routine exception | 003 | prohibited SQL-statement attempted | |
2F004 | X | 2F | SQL routine exception | 004 | reading SQL-data not permitted | |
2F005 | X | 2F | SQL routine exception | 005 | function executed no return statement | |
2H000 | X | 2H | invalid collation name | 000 | (no subclass) | |
30000 | X | 30 | invalid SQL statement identifier | 000 | (no subclass) | |
33000 | X | 33 | invalid SQL descriptor name | 000 | (no subclass) | |
34000 | X | 34 | invalid cursor name | 000 | (no subclass) | |
35000 | X | 35 | invalid condition number | 000 | (no subclass) | |
36000 | X | 36 | cursor sensitivity exception | 000 | (no subclass) | |
36001 | X | 36 | cursor sensitivity exception | 001 | request rejected | |
36002 | X | 36 | cursor sensitivity exception | 002 | request failed | |
38000 | X | 38 | external routine exception | 000 | (no subclass) | |
38001 | X | 38 | external routine exception | 001 | containing SQL not permitted | |
38002 | X | 38 | external routine exception | 002 | modifying SQL-data not permitted | |
38003 | X | 38 | external routine exception | 003 | prohibited SQL-statement attempted | |
38004 | X | 38 | external routine exception | 004 | reading SQL-data not permitted | |
39000 | X | 39 | external routine invocation exception | 000 | (no subclass) | |
39004 | X | 39 | external routine invocation exception | 004 | null value not allowed | |
3B000 | X | 3B | savepoint exception | 000 | (no subclass) | |
3B001 | X | 3B | savepoint exception | 001 | invalid specification | |
3B002 | X | 3B | savepoint exception | 002 | too many | |
3C000 | X | 3C | ambiguous cursor name | 000 | (no subclass) | |
3D000 | X | 3D | invalid catalog name | 000 | (no subclass) | |
3F000 | X | 3F | invalid schema name | 000 | (no subclass) | |
40000 | X | 40 | transaction rollback | 000 | (no subclass) | |
40001 | X | 40 | transaction rollback | 001 | serialization failure | |
40002 | X | 40 | transaction rollback | 002 | integrity constraint violation | |
40003 | X | 40 | transaction rollback | 003 | statement completion unknown | |
40004 | X | 40 | transaction rollback | 004 | triggered action exception | |
42000 | X | 42 | syntax error or access rule violation | 000 | (no subclass) | |
44000 | X | 44 | with check option violation | 000 | (no subclass) | |
45000 | X | 45 | unhandled user-defined exception | 000 | (no subclass) | SQL/PSM |
46000 | X | 46 | OLB-specific error | 000 | (no subclass) | SQL/OLB |
46001 | X | 46 | Java DDL | 001 | invalid URL | SQL/JRT |
46002 | X | 46 | Java DDL | 002 | invalid JAR name | SQL/JRT |
46003 | X | 46 | Java DDL | 003 | invalid class deletion | SQL/JRT |
46005 | X | 46 | Java DDL | 005 | invalid replacement | SQL/JRT |
4600A | X | 46 | Java DDL | 00A | attempt to replace uninstalled JAR | SQL/JRT |
4600B | X | 46 | Java DDL | 00B | attempt to remove uninstalled JAR | SQL/JRT |
4600C | X | 46 | Java DDL | 00C | invalid JAR removal | SQL/JRT |
4600D | X | 46 | Java DDL | 00D | invalid path | SQL/JRT |
4600E | X | 46 | Java DDL | 00E | self-referencing path | SQL/JRT |
46102 | X | 46 | Java DDL | 102 | invalid JAR name in path | SQL/JRT |
46103 | X | 46 | Java DDL | 103 | unresolved class name | SQL/JRT |
46110 | X | 46 | OLB-specific error | 110 | unsupported feature | SQL/OLB |
46120 | X | 46 | OLB-specific error | 120 | invalid class declaration | SQL/OLB |
46121 | X | 46 | OLB-specific error | 121 | invalid column name | SQL/OLB |
46122 | X | 46 | OLB-specific error | 122 | invalid number of columns | SQL/OLB |
46130 | X | 46 | OLB-specific error | 130 | invalid profile state | SQL/OLB |
HW000 | X | HW | datalink exception | 000 | (no subclass) | SQL/MED |
HW001 | X | HW | datalink exception | 001 | external file not linked | SQL/MED |
HW002 | X | HW | datalink exception | 002 | external file already linked | SQL/MED |
HW003 | X | HW | datalink exception | 003 | referenced file does not exist | SQL/MED |
HW004 | X | HW | datalink exception | 004 | invalid write token | SQL/MED |
HW005 | X | HW | datalink exception | 005 | invalid datalink construction | SQL/MED |
HW006 | X | HW | datalink exception | 006 | invalid write permission for update | SQL/MED |
HW007 | X | HW | datalink exception | 007 | referenced file not valid | SQL/MED |
HV000 | X | HV | FDW-specific condition | 000 | (no subclass) | SQL/MED |
HV001 | X | HV | FDW-specific condition | 001 | memory allocation error | SQL/MED |
HV002 | X | HV | FDW-specific condition | 002 | dynamic parameter value needed | SQL/MED |
HV004 | X | HV | FDW-specific condition | 004 | invalid data type | SQL/MED |
HV005 | X | HV | FDW-specific condition | 005 | column name not found | SQL/MED |
HV006 | X | HV | FDW-specific condition | 006 | invalid data type descriptors | SQL/MED |
HV007 | X | HV | FDW-specific condition | 007 | invalid column name | SQL/MED |
HV008 | X | HV | FDW-specific condition | 008 | invalid column number | SQL/MED |
HV009 | X | HV | FDW-specific condition | 009 | invalid use of null pointer | SQL/MED |
HV00A | X | HV | FDW-specific condition | 00A | invalid string format | SQL/MED |
HV00B | X | HV | FDW-specific condition | 00B | invalid handle | SQL/MED |
HV00C | X | HV | FDW-specific condition | 00C | invalid option index | SQL/MED |
HV00D | X | HV | FDW-specific condition | 00D | invalid option name | SQL/MED |
HV00J | X | HV | FDW-specific condition | 00J | option name not found | SQL/MED |
HV00K | X | HV | FDW-specific condition | 00K | reply handle | SQL/MED |
HV00L | X | HV | FDW-specific condition | 00L | unable to create execution | SQL/MED |
HV00M | X | HV | FDW-specific condition | 00M | unable to create reply | SQL/MED |
HV00N | X | HV | FDW-specific condition | 00N | unable to establish connection | SQL/MED |
HV00P | X | HV | FDW-specific condition | 00P | no schemas | SQL/MED |
HV00Q | X | HV | FDW-specific condition | 00Q | schema not found | SQL/MED |
HV00R | X | HV | FDW-specific condition | 00R | table not found | SQL/MED |
HV010 | X | HV | FDW-specific condition | 010 | function sequence error | SQL/MED |
HV014 | X | HV | FDW-specific condition | 014 | limit on number of handles exceeded | SQL/MED |
HV021 | X | HV | FDW-specific condition | 021 | inconsistent descriptor information | SQL/MED |
HV024 | X | HV | FDW-specific condition | 024 | invalid attribute value | SQL/MED |
HV090 | X | HV | FDW-specific condition | 090 | invalid string length or buffer length | SQL/MED |
HV091 | X | HV | FDW-specific condition | 091 | invalid descriptor field identifier | SQL/MED |
HY000 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 000 | (no subclass) | SQL/CLI |
HY??? | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | — | dynamic parameter value needed | SQL/CLI |
HY??? | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | — | invalid handle | SQL/CLI |
HY001 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 001 | memory allocation error | SQL/CLI |
HY003 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 003 | invalid data type in application descriptor | SQL/CLI |
HY004 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 004 | invalid data type | SQL/CLI |
HY007 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 007 | associated statement is not prepared | SQL/CLI |
HY008 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 008 | operation canceled | SQL/CLI |
HY009 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 009 | invalid use of null pointer | SQL/CLI |
HY010 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 010 | function sequence error | SQL/CLI |
HY011 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 011 | attribute cannot be set now | SQL/CLI |
HY012 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 012 | invalid transaction operation code | SQL/CLI |
HY013 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 013 | memory management error | SQL/CLI |
HY014 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 014 | limit on number of handles exceeded | SQL/CLI |
HY017 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 017 | invalid use of automatically allocated descriptor handle | SQL/CLI |
HY018 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 018 | server declined the cancellation request | SQL/CLI |
HY019 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 019 | non-string data cannot be sent in pieces | SQL/CLI |
HY020 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 020 | attempt to concatenate a null value | SQL/CLI |
HY021 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 021 | inconsistent descriptor information | SQL/CLI |
HY024 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 024 | invalid attribute value | SQL/CLI |
HY055 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 055 | non-string data cannot be used with string routine | SQL/CLI |
HY090 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 090 | invalid string length or buffer length | SQL/CLI |
HY091 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 091 | invalid descriptor field identifier | SQL/CLI |
HY092 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 092 | invalid attribute identifier | SQL/CLI |
HY093 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 093 | invalid datalink value | SQL/MED |
HY095 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 095 | invalid FunctionId specified | SQL/CLI |
HY096 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 096 | invalid information type | SQL/CLI |
HY097 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 097 | column type out of range | SQL/CLI |
HY098 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 098 | scope out of range | SQL/CLI |
HY099 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 099 | nullable type out of range | SQL/CLI |
HY103 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 103 | invalid retrieval code | SQL/CLI |
HY104 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 104 | invalid LengthPrecision value | SQL/CLI |
HY105 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 105 | invalid parameter mode | SQL/CLI |
HY106 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 106 | invalid fetch orientation | SQL/CLI |
HY107 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 107 | row value out of range | SQL/CLI |
HY108 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | 108 | invalid cursor position | SQL/CLI |
HYC00 | X | HY | CLI-specific condition | C00 | optional feature not implemented | SQL/CLI |
HZ??? | ? | HZ | Reserved for ISO9579 (RDA) | ? |
[edit]- ^ SQL:2011 draft, Whitemarsh Information Systems Corporation, archived from the original (Zip) on 25 May 2023