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Rifts World Book 5: Triax and The NGR

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Rifts World Book 5: Triax and The NGR is a 1994 role-playing supplement for Rifts published by Palladium Books.



Rifts World Book 5: Triax and The NGR is a supplement in which both the weapons manufacturer Triax and the New German Republic are detailed.[1]



Charles Peirce reviewed Triax and The NGR in White Wolf #48 (Oct., 1994), rating it a 3 out of 5 and stated that "If you need lots of equipment, this is a good buy. The new classes aren't spectacular, and most of the gargoyle information can be extrapolated from other sources."[1]




  1. ^ a b Peirce, Charles (October 1994). "Capsule Reviews". White Wolf Magazine. No. 48. p. 72.
  2. ^ https://archive.org/details/australian-realms-magazine/Australian%20Realms%20%2318%20JulyAugust%201994/page/n7/mode/2up