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NRANK, or National Rank, is a ranking of the rarity of a species within a nation.[1] Each nation can assign their own NRANK based on information from conservation data centres, natural heritage programmes, and expert scientists. Other sources of species endangerment levels come from a data bases from the IUCN.[2] This list was first compiled in 1963 to highlight endangered species in each region as a way to allow conservation, called the Red List of Threatened Species.


  1. ^ Flather, Curtis H. (2008). Geographic Patterns of At-risk Species: A Technical Document Supporting the USDA Forest Service Interim Update of the 2000 RPA Assessment. U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.
  2. ^ Kareiva, P.; Floberg, J. (2008). "Endangered Species". Encyclopedia of Ecology. pp. 424–430. doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-63768-0.00487-X. ISBN 978-0-444-64130-4.