Module:MLB standings/sandbox
![]() | This is the module sandbox page for Module:MLB standings (diff). |
![]() | This Lua module is used on approximately 3,800 pages and changes may be widely noticed. Test changes in the module's /sandbox or /testcases subpages, or in your own module sandbox. Consider discussing changes on the talk page before implementing them. |
[edit]This module is used to implement Template:MLB standings, a helper template used in the implementation of templates for Major League Baseball division standings, such as Template:2013 AL East standings.
Module:MLB standings/data contains configuration data for this module:
- the number of wild cards per league, for a specified range of seasons
- abbreviations to use for the MLB divisions, when mapping the division to the name of the corresponding standings template
The test cases at Template:MLB standings/testcases are used to test this module.
-- This module copies content from Template:MLB_standings; see the history of that page
-- for attribution.
local me = { }
local mlbData = mw.loadData('Module:MLB standings/data')
local Navbar = require('Module:Navbar')
-- defaultOutputForInput: table mapping from input format to default output format
-- (if the output format is not specified in the template arguments)
local defaultOutputForInput = {
default = 'default',
overallWinLoss = 'winLossOnly',
-- readTeamInfo: table of input parsers
-- Keys are the input formats, values are functions that parse the unnamed parameters
-- that were passed to the template and return a table holding the team name
-- and the win-loss records (either overall, or home and away, depending on the
-- input format).
-- The parsers take the following parameters:
-- args: table holding the parameters (indexed by numeric position)
-- currentIdx: the current index from where the next set of data should be parsed
-- returnData: table that the parser will update to pass additional data back to the caller.
-- returnData.cIndicesRead is updated with the number of parameters that were parsed
local readTeamInfo = {
default = function(args, currentIdx, returnData)
if (args[currentIdx] == nil or
args[currentIdx+1] == nil or
args[currentIdx+2] == nil or
args[currentIdx+3] == nil or
args[currentIdx+4] == nil ) then
return nil
teamInfo = {
name = mw.text.trim(args[currentIdx]),
homeWins = tonumber(mw.text.trim(args[currentIdx+1])),
homeLosses = tonumber(mw.text.trim(args[currentIdx+2])),
roadWins = tonumber(mw.text.trim(args[currentIdx+3])),
roadLosses = tonumber(mw.text.trim(args[currentIdx+4])),
returnData.cIndicesRead = 5
teamInfo.wins = teamInfo.homeWins + teamInfo.roadWins
teamInfo.losses = teamInfo.homeLosses + teamInfo.roadLosses
return teamInfo
end, -- function readTeamInfo.default()
overallWinLoss = function(args, currentIdx, returnData)
if (args[currentIdx] == nil or
args[currentIdx+1] == nil or
args[currentIdx+2] == nil ) then
return nil
teamInfo = {
name = mw.text.trim(args[currentIdx]),
wins = tonumber(mw.text.trim(args[currentIdx+1])),
losses = tonumber(mw.text.trim(args[currentIdx+2])),
returnData.cIndicesRead = 3
return teamInfo
end, -- function readTeamInfo.default()
} -- readTeamInfo object
-- generateTableHeader: table of functions that generate table header
-- Keys are the output formats, values are functions that return a string with the table header
-- The generator functions take the following parameter:
-- tableHeaderInfo: table that contains the information needed for the header
local generateTableHeader = {
default = function(tableHeaderInfo)
'{| class="wikitable MLBStandingsTable" \
|+ |' .. tableHeaderInfo.navbarText .. '[[' .. tableHeaderInfo.divisionLink
.. '|' .. tableHeaderInfo.division .. ']]\
|- \
! width="51%" | Team \
! width="6%" | [[Win (baseball)|W]]\
! width="6%" | [[Loss (baseball)|L]]\
! width="9%" | [[Winning percentage|Pct.]]\
! width="8%" | [[Games behind|GB]]\
! width="10%" | [[Home (sports)|Home]]\
! width="10%" | [[Road (sports)|Road]]\
end, -- function generateTableHeader.default()
winLossOnly = function(tableHeaderInfo)
'{| class="wikitable MLBStandingsTable" \
|+ |' .. tableHeaderInfo.navbarText .. tableHeaderInfo.division .. '\
|- \
! width="66%" | Team\
! width="10%" | [[Win (baseball)|W]]\
! width="10%" | [[Loss (baseball)|L]]\
! width="14%" | [[Winning percentage|Pct.]]\
end, -- function generateTableHeader.winLossOnlyNoNavBar()
wildCard2012 = function(tableHeaderInfo)
'{| class="wikitable MLBStandingsTable" \
|+ |' .. tableHeaderInfo.navbarText .. 'Wild Card teams<br><small>(Top 2 teams qualify for postseason)</small>\
|- \
! width="64%" | Team \
! width="8%" | [[Win (baseball)|W]]\
! width="8%" | [[Loss (baseball)|L]]\
! width="10%" | [[Winning percentage|Pct.]]\
! width="10%" | [[Games behind|GB]]\
end, -- function generateTableHeader.wildCard2012
wildCard = function(tableHeaderInfo)
local teamText = 'team'
local numberOfTeamsText = 'team qualifies'
if tableHeaderInfo.wildCardsPerLeague > 1 then
teamText = 'teams'
numberOfTeamsText = tableHeaderInfo.wildCardsPerLeague .. ' teams qualify'
'{| class="wikitable MLBStandingsTable" \
|+ |' .. tableHeaderInfo.navbarText .. 'Wild Card ' .. teamText .. '<br><small>(Top ' .. numberOfTeamsText ..
' for postseason)</small>\
|- \
! width="64%" | Team \
! width="8%" | [[Win (baseball)|W]]\
! width="8%" | [[Loss (baseball)|L]]\
! width="10%" | [[Winning percentage|Pct.]]\
! width="10%" | [[Games behind|GB]]\
end, -- function generateTableHeader.wildCard
} -- generateTableHeader object
-- generateTeamRow: table of functions that generate a table row
-- Keys are the output formats, values are functions that return a string with the table row
-- The generator functions take the following parameter:
-- tableRowInfo: table that contains additional the information needed for the row
-- teamInfo: table that contains the team name and win-loss info
local generateTeamRow = {
default = function(teamRowInfo, teamInfo)
'|-' .. teamRowInfo.rowStyle .. '\
|| ' .. teamRowInfo.seedText .. '[[' .. teamRowInfo.teamSeasonPage .. '|' .. .. ']]\
|| ' .. teamInfo.wins .. ' || ' .. teamInfo.losses .. '\
|| ' .. teamRowInfo.winningPercentage .. '\
|| ' .. teamRowInfo.gamesBehind .. '\
|| ' .. teamInfo.homeWins .. '‍–‍' .. teamInfo.homeLosses ..'\
|| ' .. teamInfo.roadWins .. '‍–‍' .. teamInfo.roadLosses .. '\n'
end, -- function generateTeamRow.default()
winLossOnly = function(teamRowInfo, teamInfo)
'|-' .. teamRowInfo.rowStyle .. '\
|| ' .. teamRowInfo.seedText .. '[[' .. teamRowInfo.teamSeasonPage .. '|' .. .. ']]\
|| ' .. teamInfo.wins .. ' || ' .. teamInfo.losses .. '\
|| ' .. teamRowInfo.winningPercentage .. '\n'
end, -- function generateTeamRow.winLossOnly
wildCard2012 = function(teamRowInfo, teamInfo)
'|-' .. teamRowInfo.rowStyle .. '\
|| ' .. teamRowInfo.seedText .. '[[' .. teamRowInfo.teamSeasonPage .. '|' .. .. ']]\
|| ' .. teamInfo.wins .. ' || ' .. teamInfo.losses .. '\
|| ' .. teamRowInfo.winningPercentage .. '\
|| ' .. teamRowInfo.gamesBehind .. '\n'
end, -- function generateTeamRow.wildCard2012
wildCard = function(teamRowInfo, teamInfo)
'|-' .. teamRowInfo.rowStyle .. '\
|| ' .. teamRowInfo.seedText .. '[[' .. teamRowInfo.teamSeasonPage .. '|' .. .. ']]\
|| ' .. teamInfo.wins .. ' || ' .. teamInfo.losses .. '\
|| ' .. teamRowInfo.winningPercentage .. '\
|| ' .. teamRowInfo.gamesBehind .. '\n'
end, -- function generateTeamRow.wildCard
} -- generateTeamRow object
-- parseSeeds: function to parse the seeds template argument
local function parseSeeds(seedsArg, seeds)
local seedList = mw.text.split(seedsArg, '%s*,%s*')
if (#seedList == 0) then
for idx, seed in ipairs(seedList) do
local seedData = mw.text.split(seed, '%s*:%s*')
if (#seedData >= 2) then
local seedNumber = tonumber(mw.text.trim(seedData[1]))
local team = mw.text.trim(seedData[2])
seeds[seedNumber] = team
seeds[team] = seedNumber
end -- function parseSeeds()
-- parseHighlightArg: function to parse the highlight template argument
local function parseHighlightArg(highlightArg, teamsToHighlight)
local teamList = mw.text.split(highlightArg, '%s*,%s*')
if (#teamList == 0) then
for idx, team in ipairs(teamList) do
teamsToHighlight[mw.text.trim(team)] = true
end -- function parseHighlightArg
-- parseTeamLInks: function to parse the team_links template argument
local function parseTeamLinks(teamLinksArg, linkForTeam)
local teamList = mw.text.split(teamLinksArg, '%s*,%s*')
if (#teamList == 0) then
for idx, teamLinkInfo in ipairs(teamList) do
local teamData = mw.text.split(teamLinkInfo, '%s*:%s*')
if (#teamData >= 2) then
local team = mw.text.trim(teamData[1])
local teamLink = mw.text.trim(teamData[2])
linkForTeam[team] = teamLink
end -- function parseTeamLinks
local function getWildCardsPerLeagueForYear(year)
if year == '' then
return 0
for idx, wildCardInfo in ipairs(mlbData.wildCardInfo) do
if wildCardInfo.startYear <= year and year <= wildCardInfo.endYear then
return wildCardInfo.wildCardsPerLeague;
-- year not found, thus no wild cards for specified year
return 0;
end -- function getWildCardsPerLeagueForYear
-- function generateStandingsTable
-- Parameters: frame object from template
-- frame.args.input: input format for standings info
-- if not specified, the default is team name followed by home win-loss and road win-loss records
-- - overallWinLoss: team name followed by overall win-loss record
-- frame.args.output: output format for standings table
-- if not specified, the output format is based on the input format (see defaultOutputForInput table):
-- - default => games behind and home and road win-loss records displayed
-- - overallWinLoss => overall win-loss records displayed, no games behind column
-- - winLossOnly: overall win-loss records displayed, no games behind column
-- - wildCard: wildcard standings table displayed
-- - wildCard2012: wildcard standings table displayed (effectively the same as wildcard for years from 2012-2021; kept for backwards compatibility)
-- frame.args.template_name: name of standings template
-- if not specified, the default is <year> <division name> standings
-- frame.args.seeds: list of team seedings
-- frame.args.highlight: list of teams to highlight
-- frame.args.team_links: list of link targets for each team
-- If not specified, the default is just the team name.
-- This is used to generate the season page for each team, in the form
-- <year> <team link target> season
function me.generateStandingsTable(frame)
local inputFormat = 'default'
-- If the input parameter is specified in the template, use it as the input format.
if (frame.args.input ~= nil) then
local inputArg = mw.text.trim(frame.args.input)
if (inputArg == 'overallWinLoss') then
inputFormat = 'overallWinLoss'
local templateName = nil
if (frame.args.template_name ~= nil) then
templateName = frame.args.template_name
local outputFormat = defaultOutputForInput[inputFormat]
local fDisplayNavbar = true
local fDisplayGamesBehind = true
-- If the output parameter is specified in the template, use it as the output format.
-- Note no cross validation is performed to check if it is valid given the input format.
if (frame.args.output ~= nil) then
local outputArg = mw.text.trim(frame.args.output)
if (outputArg == 'winLossOnly') then
outputFormat = 'winLossOnly'
fDisplayGamesBehind = false
if (outputArg == 'wildCard2012') then
outputFormat = 'wildCard2012'
if (outputArg == 'wildCard') then
outputFormat = 'wildCard'
local year = tonumber(mw.text.trim(frame.args.year or '0'))
local division = mw.text.trim(frame.args.division or '')
local divisionLink = mw.text.trim(frame.args.division_link or division)
local wildCardsPerLeague = getWildCardsPerLeagueForYear(year)
local seedInfo = {}
if (frame.args.seeds ~= nil) then
parseSeeds(frame.args.seeds, seedInfo)
local teamsToHighlight = {}
if (frame.args.highlight ~= nil) then
parseHighlightArg(frame.args.highlight, teamsToHighlight)
local linkForTeam = {}
if (frame.args.team_links ~= nil) then
parseTeamLinks(frame.args.team_links, linkForTeam)
local listOfTeams = {};
local currentArgIdx = 1;
-- Parse the unnamed parameters from the template. This consists of the
-- team names and their win-loss records.
while (frame.args[currentArgIdx] ~= nil) do
local returnData = { }
local teamInfo = readTeamInfo[inputFormat](frame.args, currentArgIdx, returnData);
if (teamInfo == nil) then
if (linkForTeam[] ~= nil) then
teamInfo.teamLink = linkForTeam[]
teamInfo.teamLink =
table.insert(listOfTeams, teamInfo)
currentArgIdx = currentArgIdx + returnData.cIndicesRead
if (#listOfTeams == 0) then
return ''
-- table to hold list of strings that will be concatenated at the end
-- to create a string with the standings table
local outputBuffer = { }
local tableHeaderInfo = {
division = division,
divisionLink = divisionLink,
wildCardsPerLeague = wildCardsPerLeague,
if (fDisplayNavbar) then
local divisionForNavbox = division
if (mlbData.abbreviationForDivision[division] ~= nil) then
divisionForNavbox = mlbData.abbreviationForDivision[division]
local standingsPage
if (templateName ~= nil) then
standingsPage = templateName
standingsPage = year .. ' ' .. divisionForNavbox .. ' standings'
tableHeaderInfo.navbarText =
mini = 1,
style = 'float:left;width:0;',
local leadingHalfGames = nil;
if (fDisplayGamesBehind) then
local standingsLeaderIdx = 1
if (outputFormat == 'wildCard2012' and #listOfTeams > 1) then
standingsLeaderIdx = 2
if (outputFormat == 'wildCard' and #listOfTeams >= wildCardsPerLeague) then
standingsLeaderIdx = wildCardsPerLeague
local teamInfo = listOfTeams[standingsLeaderIdx]
leadingHalfGames = (teamInfo.wins - teamInfo.losses)
for idx, teamInfo in ipairs(listOfTeams) do
local winningPercentage = string.format(
'%.3f', teamInfo.wins / ( teamInfo.wins + teamInfo.losses )
winningPercentage = string.gsub(winningPercentage, '^0', '')
local teamRowInfo = {
teamSeasonPage = year .. ' ' .. teamInfo.teamLink .. ' season',
winningPercentage = winningPercentage,
gamesBehind = '',
seedText = '',
rowStyle = '',
if (fDisplayGamesBehind) then
local halfGamesBehind = leadingHalfGames - (teamInfo.wins - teamInfo.losses)
local prefix = nil
-- if games behind is negative, take the absolute value and prefix a +
-- character
if (halfGamesBehind < 0) then
halfGamesBehind = -halfGamesBehind
prefix = '+'
if (halfGamesBehind == 0) then
teamRowInfo.gamesBehind = '—'
else -- if halfGamesBehind is not 0
teamRowInfo.gamesBehind = math.floor(halfGamesBehind / 2)
if (halfGamesBehind % 2 == 1) then
if (halfGamesBehind == 1) then
teamRowInfo.gamesBehind = '½'
teamRowInfo.gamesBehind = teamRowInfo.gamesBehind .. '½'
if ( prefix ~= nil ) then
teamRowInfo.gamesBehind = prefix .. teamRowInfo.gamesBehind
end -- if halfGamesBehind is not 0
end -- if (fDisplayGamesBehind)
if (seedInfo[] ~= nil) then
teamRowInfo.seedText = '<sup>(' .. seedInfo[] .. ')</sup> '
teamRowInfo.rowStyle = ' class="MLBStandingsHighlightedRow"'
if (teamsToHighlight[]) then
teamRowInfo.rowStyle = ' class="MLBStandingsHighlightedRow"'
generateTeamRow[outputFormat](teamRowInfo, teamInfo)
end -- end of looping over listOfTeams
table.insert(outputBuffer, '|}')
return table.concat(outputBuffer)
end -- function me.generateStandingsTable()
function me.generateStandingsTable_fromTemplate(frame)
return me.generateStandingsTable(frame:getParent())
end -- function me.generateStandingsTable_fromTemplate()
return me