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Module:GS pay

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-- This module implements {{GS pay}}
-- There are 150 cells in the GS Pay table. This LUA reduces the amount of
--   manual input needed to 46

local p = {}
local stepOnePay = {}
local GSOnePay = {}
local GSTwoPay = {}
local WIGIncrease = {}

-- UPDATE THESE. Last Update: 2024
-- https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/salaries-wages/salary-tables/pdf/2024/GS.pdf
	--For GS [Grade] Step 1 pay
	stepOnePay[3] = 27434
	stepOnePay[4] = 30795
	stepOnePay[5] = 34454
	stepOnePay[6] = 38407
	stepOnePay[7] = 42679
	stepOnePay[8] = 47265
	stepOnePay[9] = 52205
	stepOnePay[10] = 57489
	stepOnePay[11] = 63163
	stepOnePay[12] = 75706
	stepOnePay[13] = 90025
	stepOnePay[14] = 106382
	stepOnePay[15] = 125133
	-- Within Grade increase for GS [Grade]
	WIGIncrease[3] = 914
	WIGIncrease[4] = 1027
	WIGIncrease[5] = 1148
	WIGIncrease[6] = 1280
	WIGIncrease[7] = 1423
	WIGIncrease[8] = 1576
	WIGIncrease[9] = 1740
	WIGIncrease[10] = 1916
	WIGIncrease[11] = 2105
	WIGIncrease[12] = 2524
	WIGIncrease[13] = 3001
	WIGIncrease[14] = 3546
	WIGIncrease[15] = 4171
	-- GS1 Pay Table (because it has inconsistent WIG)
	GSOnePay[1] = 22360
	GSOnePay[2] = 23110
	GSOnePay[3] = 23853
	GSOnePay[4] = 24594
	GSOnePay[5] = 25336
	GSOnePay[6] = 25770
	GSOnePay[7] = 26506
	GSOnePay[8] = 27247
	GSOnePay[9] = 27277
	GSOnePay[10] = 27970
	-- GS2 Pay Table (because it has inconsistent WIG}
	GSTwoPay[1] = 25142
	GSTwoPay[2] = 25740
	GSTwoPay[3] = 26573
	GSTwoPay[4] = 27277
	GSTwoPay[5] = 27583
	GSTwoPay[6] = 28394
	GSTwoPay[7] = 29205
	GSTwoPay[8] = 30016
	GSTwoPay[9] = 30827
	GSTwoPay[10] = 31638

-- Base pay calculation
function p.basePay(grade, step)
	-- For Step 1 pay for all grades
	if step == nil then
		if grade > 2 then
			-- Returns the Step 1 Pay for [grade]
			return stepOnePay[grade]
		elseif grade == 1 then
			-- Returns GS1 Step 1
			return GSOnePay[1]
			-- Returns GS2 Step 1
			return GSTwoPay[1]
	-- For grades where step is specified
		if grade > 2 then
			-- Calculate GS [grade #], Step [step #] pay
			local pay = stepOnePay[grade] + (WIGIncrease[grade] * (step - 1))
			return pay
		elseif grade == 1 then
			return GSOnePay[step]
			return GSTwoPay[step]
-- 'Main' function
function p.get(frame)
	-- Error checking
	if frame.args[1] == nil then
		if frame.args[2] == nil then
		-- Grab the basic pay number based on inputs
		return p.basePay(tonumber(frame.args[1]), tonumber(frame.args[2]))
return p