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List of Superfund sites in Indiana

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This is a list of Superfund sites in Indiana designated under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) environmental law. The CERCLA federal law of 1980 authorized the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to create a list of polluted locations requiring a long-term response to clean up hazardous material contaminations.[1] These locations are known as Superfund sites, and are placed on the National Priorities List (NPL). The NPL guides the EPA in "determining which sites warrant further investigation" for environmental remediation.[2] As of June 29, 2022, there have been 53 total Superfund sites on the National Priorities List in Indiana.[2] No additional sites are currently proposed for entry on the list.[3] Thirteen sites have been cleaned up and removed from the list.[4]

Superfund sites

  Deleted from National Priorities List
CERCLIS ID Name County Reason Site Score Proposed Listed Construction
Remediation Completed
IND016360265 American Chemical Service, Inc. Lake Aquifers beneath the site are contaminated with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as benzene, toluene, xylene, and vinyl chloride, and with semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) such as creosote.[5] 34.98 Sep 8, 1983 Sep 27, 1984 Sep 27, 2004
IND980904379 Beck's Lake St. Joseph Lead in soil exceeding 400 parts per million.[6] 50.00 May 24, 2013 Dec 12, 2013
IND006418651 Bennett Stone Quarry Monroe This location had been used for dumping of electrical parts, including a large number of PCB-contaminated capacitors by Westinghouse Electric.[7] 32.55 Sep 8, 1983 Sep 21, 1984 Sep 25, 2000
Sep 14, 2021
INN000510915 Broadway Street Corridor Groundwater Contamination Madison Concentrations of chlorinated volatile organic compounds at or above the Safe Water Drinking Act’s Maximum Contaminant Levels found in three municipal wells used for drinking water in Anderson.[8] 50.00 Jan 18, 2018 Sep 13, 2018
IND005480462 Cam-Or Inc. LaPorte Westville site stored and re-refined automotive and industrial oil blends, which contaminated soil and groundwater with hazardous chemicals.[9] 58.91 Sep 25, 1997 Mar 6, 1998
IND016395899 Carter Lee Lumber Co. Marion Soil contaminated with heavy metals including arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, cyanide and various volatile organic compounds.[10] 35.40 Jun 24, 1988 Mar 31, 1989 Sep 29, 1995
Jul 9, 1996
INN000510272 Cliff Drive Groundwater Contamination Cass TCE detected in Logansport wellfield with no source identified, but meets Safe Drinking Water Act standards.[11] 50.00 Sep 13, 2018 May 19, 2019
IND980607626 Columbus Old Municipal Landfill #1 Bartholomew Unpermitted landfill contained solvents, acids, bases, paints and heavy metals leading to soil and groundwater contamination.[12] 45.34 Sep 18, 1985 Jun 10, 1986 Sep 15, 1994
Jan 24, 2014
IND000715490 Conrail Rail Yard (Elkhart) Elkhart A variety of chlorinated compounds, including TCE and carbon tetrachloride escaped into the local aquifer as a result of accidents and other releases at this site. Groundwater contamination formed two distinct plumes migrating to the St. Joseph River.[13] 42.24 Jun 24, 1988 Aug 30, 1990 Jul 12, 2004
IND001213503 Continental Steel Corp. (Kokomo) Howard Chromium, cadmium, arsenic, lead, and iron constituents known to be in the impoundment, in on-site ground water. PCB, Vinyl Chloride, Benzofluoranthene.[14] 31.85 Jun 24, 1988 Mar 31, 1989 Aug 10, 2011
IND980607881 Douglass Road/Uniroyal, Inc. Landfill St. Joseph Unlined landfill in Mishawaka at Douglas and Grape Roads included solvents, fly ash, paper, wood stock, rubber and plastic wrap leading to soil and groundwater contamination.[15] 36.61 Jun 10, 1986 Mar 31, 1989 Sep 19, 2000
INN000509938 Elm Street Ground Water Contamination Vigo Volatile organic compounds, or VOCS, contaminated several wells in Terre Haute.[16] 50.00 Sep 27, 2006 Mar 7, 2007
IND084259951 Envirochem Corp. Boone North of Zionsville, site contains resins, paint sludges, waste oils and flammable solvents stored in drums and storage tanks. Soil and groundwater were contaminated.[17] 46.44 Dec 30, 1982 Sep 8, 1983 Sep 3, 2009
IND074315896 Fisher-Calo LaPorte Former military ordnance plant in Kingsbury contaminated soil and groundwater with PCBs and volatile organic compounds.[18] 52.05 Dec 30, 1982 Sep 8, 1983 Aug 9, 1998
IND980679542 Fort Wayne Reduction Dump Allen Landfill site in the floodplain of the Maumee River contaminated soil with volatile organic compounds, heavy metals, PCBs, and polycyclic aromatic compounds.[19] 42.47 Oct 15, 1984 Jun 10, 1986 Sep 27, 1995
INN000510959 Franklin Street Groundwater Contamination Owen PCE detected in finished water samples collected from a local water treatment plant in Spencer.[20] 50.00 Jan 18, 2018 May 17, 2018
IND980999635 Galen Myers Dump/Drum Salvage St. Joseph Osceola site's drum reclamation led to soil and groundwater contamination, with many leaky and deteriorating drums noted in 1984.[21] 42.24 Jun 24, 1988 Mar 31, 1989 Sep 30, 1998
INN000508642 Garden City Ground Water Plume Bartholomew 3.4 acres of contaminated water in Garden City contains TCE, many homes and businesses require filtered water for drinking.[22] 50.00 May 24, 2013 Dec 12, 2013 Sep 23, 2021
INN077005916 Gary Development Landfill Lake Hazardous waste disposal site missing multiple environmental safety requirements, accepted unauthorized hazardous waste.[23] 30.00 Mar 10, 2011 Sep 16, 2011
IND980500292 Himco Dump Elkhart This location was used as a dump for a variety of materials between 1960 and 1976. It was operated by Himco Waste Away.[24] 42.31 Jun 24, 1988 Feb 21, 1990 Jul 19, 2012
INT190010876 International Minerals & Chemicals Corp. (Terre Haute East Plant) Vigo Site made, packaged and stored BCH-tech, contaminated soil and groundwater.[25] 57.80 Oct 15, 1984 Jun 10, 1986 Jun 22, 1988
Feb 11, 1991
INN000508142 Jacobsville Neighborhood Soil Contamination Vanderburgh Jacobsville neighborhood and 12 additional neighborhoods contain lead and arsenic contaminated soil.[26] 35.52 Mar 8, 2004 Jul 22, 2004
INN000510399 Keystone Corridor Ground Water Contamination Marion Groundwater at the Fall Creek well field contains chlorinated solvents.[27] 50.00 May 24, 2013 Dec 12, 2013
INN000510479 Kokomo Contaminated Ground Water Plume Howard Vinyl Chloride and arsenic have been detected in several of the City of Kokomo’s municipal water wells.[28] 50.00 Sep 22, 2014 Mar 26, 2015
IND980500524 Lake Sandy Jo (M&M Landfill) Lake Landfill on site contained various wastes including construction and demolition debris, garbage and industrial wastes, and alleged buried drums.[29] 38.21 Dec 30, 1982 Sep 8, 1983 Sep 20, 1994 Jul 26, 2021
IND064703200 Lakeland Disposal Service, Inc. Kosciusko Site near Claypool includes general refuse and hazardous wastes including cyanide and heavy metals.[30] 34.10 Jun 24, 1988 Mar 31, 1989 Sep 26, 2002
INN000510229 Lane Street Ground Water Contamination Elkhart Site includes a plume of contaminated groundwater, including TCE and other chlorinated solvents.[31] 40.53 Apr 9, 2009 Sep 23, 2009
IND980794341 Lemon Lane Landfill Monroe Allegedly, wastes were incinerated on-site. No records were kept of the types or quantities of wastes received. Of primary concern are large quantities of exposed capacitors containing PCBs.[32] 29.31 Dec 30, 1982 Sep 8, 1983 Sep 26, 2012
Sep 14, 2021
IND982073785 Lusher Street Ground Water Contamination Elkhart 870 acre site contains contaminated groundwater, including volatile organic compounds.[33] 50.00 Sep 19, 2007 Mar 19, 2008
IND980794358 Main Street Well Field Elkhart The largest well field owned by Elkhart, containing 70% of the city's drinking water, groundwater is contaminated with volatile organic compounds such as TCE.[34] 42.49 Dec 30, 1982 Sep 8, 1983 Sep 28, 1995
IND980794366 Marion (Bragg) Dump Grant RCA, Bragg Construction Company, and Waste Reduction Systems combined to release 1.1 million cubic yards of wastes, including hazardous solvents, plasticizers, lead, and cadmium.[35] 35.25 Dec 30, 1982 Sep 8, 1983 Sep 30, 19977
IND980615421 MIDCO I Lake After 14,000 drums of hazardous wastes burned in a 1976 fire, thousands of drums of hazardous waste were left at the facility following its abandonment in 1979. Soil, sediment, surface water and groundwater were contaminated.[36] 46.44 Dec 30, 1982 Sep 8, 1983 Mar 16, 2017
IND980679559 MIDCO II Lake An estimated 50,000-60,000 drums of hazardous wastes were destroyed in the 1976 fire, which stored waste solvents, neutralized acids and caustics, and dumped waste. Soil and groundwater were contaminated.[37] 30.16 Oct 15, 1984 Jun 10, 1986 Sep 4, 2020
IND980794549 Neal's Dump (Spencer) Owen Former disposal site for industrial wastes produced by Westinghouse Electric, including electrical capacitors containing PCBs, capacitor parts, PCB-contaminated rags and sawdust, contaminating groundwater.[38] 36.55 Oct 15, 1984 Jun 10, 1986 Mar 17, 1999
Oct 4, 1999
IND980614556 Neal's Landfill (Bloomington) Monroe Capacitors and arrestors containing PCBs, as well as PCB-contaminated capacitor insulation material, rags, and filter clay, were disposed of at the landfill by Westinghouse Electric.[39] 42.93 Dec 30, 1982 Sep 8, 1983 Jul 19, 2012
Sep 14, 2021
IND980794432 Ninth Avenue Dump Lake 17-acre site contains soil and groundwater contaminated with hazardous chemicals.[40] 40.32 Dec 30, 1982 Sep 8, 1983 Sep 25, 1995
INN000510667 North 5th Street Groundwater Contamination Elkhart Groundwater plume of chlorinated solvents contaminated four Goshen municipal wells for drinking water.[41] 50.00 Sep 9, 2021 Mar 16, 2022
INSFN0507828 North Shore Drive Elkhart 70-acre site along St. Joseph River contains volatile organic compounds. Five of 47 residences on site exceeded Safe Drinking Water Act Maximum Contaminant Levels.[42] 50.00 May 12, 2014 Sep 22, 2014
IND050530872 Northside Sanitary Landfill, Inc. Boone Site near Zionsville contains soil and groundwater contaminated with hazardous wastes.[43] 46.04 Sep 8, 1983 Sep 21, 1984 Sep 3, 1996
INN000508678 Pike and Mulberry Streets PCE Plume Morgan 38-acre groundwater plume is contaminated with PCE and other chlorinated solvents, affecting one of Martinsville's municipal drinking water wells, serving 15,000 people.[44] 50.00 Sep 18, 2012 May 24, 2013
IND980684583 Poer Farm Hancock About 275 drums of waste solvents and paint resins were stored on site and began leaking after an abandoned bridge and barn painting project.[45] 37.38 Sep 8, 1983 Sep 21, 1984 Aug 18, 1989
Feb 11, 1991
IND006377048 Prestolite Battery Division Knox Prestolite Battery facility manufactured lead-acid batteries for the automotive industry, contaminated soil with lead and PCBs. Additionally contaminated groundwater, sediment and surface water with volatile organic compounds.[46] 40.63 Jun 24, 1988 Oct 4, 1989 May 22, 1997
IND000807107 Reilly Tar & Chemical Corp. (Indianapolis Plant) Marion Site contaminated with hazardous chemicals from wood preserving operations.[47] 34.03 Sep 8, 1983 Sep 21, 1984 Dec 16, 1999
IND040313017 Seymour Recycling Corp. Jackson About 98 storage tanks and 50,000 drums from a processing center for waste chemicals contaminated soil and groundwater.[48]
Dec 30, 1982 Sep 8, 1983 Sep 8, 1993
IND980607360 Southside Sanitary Landfill Marion A still active solid waste disposal facility, an estimated four million cubic yards of hazardous waste, including coal tar, asbestos, iron oxide and clarifier sludges, and paint waste, were buried, leading to soil and groundwater contamination.[49] 41.94 Jun 10, 1986 Mar 31, 1989 Sep 25, 1995
Jul 3, 1997
IND980997639 Tippecanoe Sanitary Landfill, Inc. Tippecanoe Lafayette landfill, which includes a wetland, contains 3.4 million cubic yards of solid waste, including industrial sludge with elevated levels of PCBs.[50] 42.24 Jun 24, 1988 Aug 30, 1990 Sep 27, 2001
IND006038764 Tri-State Plating Bartholomew Electroplating operations at the site in Columbus contaminated soil and groundwater with cyanide and heavy metals, including chromium.[51] 29.28 Sep 18, 1985 Jun 10, 1986 Jun 10, 1992
Jul 14, 1997
IND047030226 U.S. Smelter and Lead Refinery, Inc. Lake Listed in 2009 on the NPL as one of the most contaminated sites in the country, the site includes parts of the former USS Lead facility and commercial, municipal and residential areas in East Chicago. The site's primary concerns are lead and arsenic.[52] 58.31
Apr 9, 2009
IND980504005 Waste, Inc., Landfill LaPorte Landfill operations contaminated soil, leachate or groundwater with hazardous chemicals.[53] 50.63 Apr 10, 1985 Jul 22, 1987 Dec 18, 1997
Oct 20, 2008
IND048989479 Wayne Waste Oil Whitley Wayne Waste Oil, a division of Wayne Reclamation and Recycling, Inc., deposited about one million gallons of oil-related wastes on site. Waste disposal operations contaminated soil and groundwater with hazardous chemicals.[54] 42.33 Dec 30, 1982 Sep 8, 1983 Jun 30, 1995
IND980794374 Wedzeb Enterprises, Inc. Boone Used electrical equipment, including capacitors and transformers containing polychlorinated biphenyls, were stored at the Lebanon Wedzeb site. Water from a 1981 fire leaked into a sanitary sewer line.[55] 31.27 Dec 30, 1982 Sep 8, 1983 Sep 26, 1990
Sep 10, 1991
IND980999791 Whiteford Sales & Service Inc./Nationalese St. Joseph A truck washing and leasing company operated on site in South Bend. Detergents and solvents used by the operation were discharged to three dry wells on site, contaminating soil and groundwater with hazardous chemicals.[56] 51.87 Jun 24, 1988 Aug 30, 1990 Sep 29, 1995
Sep 6, 1996

See also



  1. ^ P.L. 96-510, 42 U.S.C. §§ 96019675), December 11, 1980.
  2. ^ a b "National Priorities List". United States Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved June 29, 2022.
  3. ^ "Proposed National Priorities List (NPL) Sites - by State". United States Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved June 29, 2022.
  4. ^ "Deleted National Priorities List (NPL) Sites - by State". United States Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved June 29, 2022.
  5. ^ "American Chemical Service, Inc. Superfund site progress profile". EPA. Archived from the original on June 16, 2011. Retrieved April 25, 2010.
  6. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "BECK'S LAKE Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  7. ^ "Bennett Stone Quarry Superfund site progress profile". Archived from the original on October 14, 2013. Retrieved January 22, 2010.
  8. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "BROADWAY STREET CORRIDOR GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  9. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "CAM-OR INC. Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  10. ^ "Carter Lee Lumber Co. Superfund site progress profile". Archived from the original on June 15, 2011. Retrieved January 22, 2010.
  11. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "CLIFF DRIVE GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  12. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "COLUMBUS OLD MUNICIPAL LANDFILL #1 Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  13. ^ "Conrail Rail Yard Superfund site progress profile". Archived from the original on May 17, 2011. Retrieved January 22, 2010.
  14. ^ "NPL Site Narrative for Continental Steel Corp". Retrieved August 31, 2015.
  15. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "DOUGLASS ROAD/UNIROYAL, INC., LANDFILL Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  16. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "ELM STREET GROUND WATER CONTAMINATION Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  17. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "ENVIROCHEM CORP. Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  18. ^ "FISHER-CALO Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  19. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "FORT WAYNE REDUCTION DUMP Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  20. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "FRANKLIN STREET GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  21. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "GALEN MYERS DUMP/DRUM SALVAGE Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  22. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "GARDEN CITY GROUND WATER PLUME Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  23. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "GARY DEVELOPMENT LANDFILL Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  24. ^ "Himco Dump Superfund site progress profile". Archived from the original on May 17, 2011. Retrieved January 22, 2010.
  25. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "INTERNATIONAL MINERALS (E. PLANT) Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  26. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "JACOBSVILLE NEIGHBORHOOD SOIL CONTAMINATION Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  27. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "KEYSTONE CORRIDOR GROUND WATER CONTAMINATION Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  28. ^ "NPL Site Narrative for Kokomo Ground Water". Archived from the original on September 11, 2015. Retrieved August 31, 2015.
  29. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "LAKE SANDY JO (M&M LANDFILL) Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  30. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "LAKELAND DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  31. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "LANE STREET GROUND WATER CONTAMINATION Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  32. ^ "Lemon Lane Landfill Superfund site progress profile". Archived from the original on May 17, 2011. Retrieved January 22, 2010.
  33. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "LUSHER STREET GROUND WATER CONTAMINATION Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  34. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "MAIN STREET WELL FIELD Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  35. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "MARION (BRAGG) DUMP Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  36. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "MIDCO I Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  37. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "MIDCO II Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  38. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "NEAL'S DUMP (SPENCER) Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  39. ^ "Neal's Landfill Superfund site progress profile". Archived from the original on May 17, 2011. Retrieved January 22, 2010.
  40. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "NINTH AVENUE DUMP Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  41. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "NORTH 5TH STREET GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  42. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "NORTH SHORE DRIVE Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  43. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "NORTHSIDE SANITARY LANDFILL, INC Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  44. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "PIKE AND MULBERRY STREETS PCE PLUME Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  45. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "POER FARM Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  46. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "PRESTOLITE BATTERY DIVISION Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  47. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "REILLY TAR & CHEMICAL CORP. (INDIANAPOLIS PLANT) Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  48. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "SEYMOUR RECYCLING CORP. Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  49. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "SOUTHSIDE SANITARY LANDFILL Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  50. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "TIPPECANOE SANITARY LANDFILL, INC. Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  51. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "TRI-STATE PLATING Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  52. ^ US EPA, REG 05 (2016-09-07). "USS Lead Superfund Site". www.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  53. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "WASTE, INC., LANDFILL Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  54. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "WAYNE WASTE OIL Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  55. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "WEDZEB ENTERPRISES, INC. Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.
  56. ^ US EPA, OSRTI. "WHITEFORD SALES & SERVICE INC./NATIONALEASE Site Profile". cumulis.epa.gov. Retrieved 2022-06-29.