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Einstein–Weyl geometry

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An Einstein–Weyl geometry is a smooth conformal manifold, together with a compatible Weyl connection that satisfies an appropriate version of the Einstein vacuum equations, first considered by Cartan (1943) and named after Albert Einstein and Hermann Weyl. Specifically, if is a manifold with a conformal metric , then a Weyl connection is by definition a torsion-free affine connection such that where is a one-form.

The curvature tensor is defined in the usual manner by and the Ricci curvature is The Ricci curvature for a Weyl connection may fail to be symmetric (its skew part is essentially the exterior derivative of .)

An Einstein–Weyl geometry is then one for which the symmetric part of the Ricci curvature is a multiple of the metric, by an arbitrary smooth function:[1]

The global analysis of Einstein–Weyl geometries is generally more subtle than that of conformal geometry. For example, the Einstein cylinder is a global static conformal structure, but only one period of the cylinder (with the conformal structure of the de Sitter metric) is Einstein–Weyl.




  • Cartan, Élie (1943), "Sur une classe d'espaces de Weyl", Ann Sci École Norm Sup, 60 (3).
  • Mason, Lionel; LeBrun, Claude (2009), "The Einstein–Weyl equations, scattering maps, and holomorphic disks", Math Res Lett, 16: 291–301.