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EU Independent Fiscal Institutions Network

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EU Independent Fiscal Institutions Network
FormationSeptember 2015
Purpose'Independent' analysis of the public finances ahead of the budget
  • Place du Congrès 1, Brussels (Belgium)
Region served
European Union
Richard van Zwol

The EU Independent Fiscal Institutions Network (EU IFIs) is a voluntary and inclusive institution open to all independent fiscal oversight bodies operating in the EU. It provides a platform to exchange views, expertise and pool resources in areas of common concern. It was formally created in September 2015 following the meeting of EU fiscal oversight bodies.[1]

The Network supports the efforts to review and reinforce the EU fiscal framework, seeking to better exploit the synergies between rules and institutions, as well as between different levels of administration whilst respecting the principle of subsidiarity and enhancing local ownership and accountability.

The network is currently headed by Sander van Veldhuizen, Chair of the CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis. The Secretariat is managed by the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS).



Participating bodies

Country Institution Executive Website
Austria Fiskalrat Martin Kocher https://www.fiskalrat.at/en/ Archived 2017-12-01 at the Wayback Machine
Bulgaria Fiscal Council of Bulgaria Boris Grozdanov http://fiscalcouncil.bg
Croatia Fiscal Policy Commission Grozdana Perić https://www.sabor.hr/en/committees/commission-fiscal-policy-10-term
Cyprus Cyprus Fiscal Council Demetris Georgiades http://www.fiscalcouncil.gov.cy/fiscalcouncil/fiscalcouncil.nsf/index_en/index_en?OpenDocument Archived 2017-12-01 at the Wayback Machine
Czech Republic Czech Fiscal Council (Národní rozpočtová rada) Eva Zamrazilová [cs] https://unrr.cz/
Denmark Danish Economic Council John Smidt http://www.dors.dk/english
Estonia Estonian Fiscal Council Raul Eamets http://eelarvenoukogu.ee/en
Finland Economic Policy Council Roope Uusitalo https://www.talouspolitiikanarviointineuvosto.fi/en/home/
Finland National Audit Office of Finland (NAOF) Matti Okko https://www.vtv.fi/en
France High Council of Public Finances Eric Dubois http://www.hcfp.fr/
Germany Independent Advisory Board of the Stability Council (Germany) Thiess Büttner https://www.stabilitaetsrat.de/EN/Home/home_node.html
Greece Fiscal Council Anastasia Miaouli https://www.hfisc.gr/en
Greece Parliamentary Budget Office Franciscos Koutentakis http://www.pbo.gr/Default.aspx?alias=www.pbo.gr/pbo/en&
Hungary Fiscal Council of Hungary Árpád Kovács http://www.parlament.hu/web/koltsegvetesi-tanacs/in-english
Ireland Irish Fiscal Advisory Council Sebastian Barnes http://www.fiscalcouncil.ie/
Italy Parliamentary Budget Office (UPB) Giuseppe Pisauro http://www.upbilancio.it/
Latvia Fiscal Discipline Council Inna Steinbuka http://fiscalcouncil.lv/council
Lithuania National Audit Office Arūnas Dulkys http://www.vkontrole.lt/bp/defaultEN.aspx Archived 2017-12-01 at the Wayback Machine
Luxembourg Conseil National des Finances Publiques Romain Bausch https://cnfp.public.lu/en.html
Malta Malta Fiscal Advisory Council John Cassar White https://mfac.org.mt/
Netherlands CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis Jeroen Hinloopen http://www.cpb.nl/en
Netherlands Dutch Council of State - Raad van State Thom de Graaf https://www.raadvanstate.nl/talen/artikel/
Poland No fiscal council established
Portugal Conselho das Finanças Públicas, Portuguese Public Finance Council Nazaré da Costa Cabral https://www.cfp.pt/
Romania Romanian Fiscal Council Daniel Dăianu http://www.fiscalcouncil.ro/
Slovakia Council for Budget Responsibility Ivan Šramko http://www.rozpoctovarada.sk/eng/home
Spain Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) Cristina Herrero http://www.airef.es/?locale=en
Sweden Swedish Fiscal Policy Council Lars Heikensten http://www.finanspolitiskaradet.se/english/swedishfiscalpolicycouncil/abouttheswedishfpc.4.6f04e222115f0dd09ea8000950.html

See also



  1. ^ "Agreement of EU Independent Fiscal Institutions" (PDF). www.euifis.eu. 11 September 2015. Retrieved 2020-09-06.
  2. ^ "Leadership". European Independent Fiscal Institutions. Retrieved 16 September 2022.
  3. ^ "EUIFIs - European Independent Fiscal Institutions". www.euifis.eu. Retrieved 2024-09-24.