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Draft:Racism in Kuwait

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Racism in Kuwait

Racism in Kuwait manifests in various forms, perpetuating systemic inequalities and hindering social progress. One prominent issue is the prevalence of nepotism and favoritism in employment practices. Many job opportunities are inaccessible to qualified individuals unless they have connections to someone within the hiring organization. This exclusionary practice reinforces social divides and limits upward mobility based on merit.

Furthermore, family and tribal affiliations wield significant influence in Kuwaiti society, often dictating one's acceptance or rejection in various spheres, including employment, education, and social status. This nepotistic culture marginalizes individuals who lack influential connections or belong to marginalized groups, or even belong to the same families or tribal affiliations, perpetuating inequality and hindering social cohesion.

Additionally, disparities in benefits and opportunities highlight systemic injustices within Kuwaiti society. Some individuals receive preferential treatment or enjoy greater privileges without merit or justification, exacerbating socioeconomic disparities and widening the gap between the privileged and the marginalized.

Moreover, Kuwait's nationality laws discriminate against individuals born in the country long ago, denying them citizenship and basic rights solely based on arbitrary criteria related to their presence during specific historical periods. This backward approach to citizenship undermines principles of equality and human rights, perpetuating statelessness and disenfranchisement among vulnerable populations.




  1. ^ Abdulhameed, Aseel. "Racism", Qabas, Kuwait, 18 March 2017.