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Draft:Kalaja e Cfirit

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Cfir Castel

View of Cfiri hill where Cfiri Castle is located

Rising on a hill ridge in the J-V direction, it stands at the crossroads of a range of hills forming a ridge between the Gjanica Valley and the streams that flow into the Roskovec plain. On both sides of the hill where the castle stands, there are passes such as those of Sinja and Ngraçan, through which traditional roads pass, leading into the heart of the Mallakastër region. Additionally, a series of hills allow for easy passage to the Illyrian city of Dimali and to Mbjeshovë Castle. The summit of the hill, encompassing the castle, presents itself as a plateau in elliptical shape with an area of 0.5 hectares. The steepness of the hill's slopes is considerable, and only from the southern side is the ridge gentle, albeit narrow and unsuitable for attack.



The castle wall follows its entire length, tracing the hill's perimeter along its elliptical planimetry. The wall's surface is poorly preserved. It is constructed with medium and small-sized stones, but large square blocks taken from ancient structures have also been used. On the façade, the stones are laid in rows, somewhat parallel, a feature not observed in the three previous fortifications. In the thickness of the 1.8-meter wall, two faces and the infill are noticeable. Weak mortar has been used as a binder, with rubble infill despite being thick. The use of mortar in the bonding is less than in other centers. Within the enclosing walls, on the surface, fragments of amphorae with wavy incisions were found.

View of Cfiri hill where Cfiri Castle is located
Castel Map
The walls of the Castel




Category:Drafts in foreign languages